Wheel hub torque specspdf

Lock Castellated Nut in place with a new cotter pin through one of the two holes drilled in the axle. If at 75 ft-lbs you are not on a hole, back the nut off to the closest hole and lock in place with the cotter pin.


Proper wheel bearing adjustment is critical to the performance of wheel seals and other related wheel end products. For that reason, we are proud to be a part of TMC’s Wheel End Task Force. We are happy to bring these standards to you in the form of this technical guide. Working together, in this way, STEMCO helps keep your rigs rolling.

Axle nuttorque specschart

The following seven step bearing adjustment recommendation was developed by TMC’s Wheel End Task Force. It represents the combined input of manufacturers of wheel end components. We will be referencing the following STEMCO PDF:

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