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SKF Sealing Solutions, S.A. de C.V. - Zapopan. , . , Carretera Guadalajara-Nogales, Km. 13.5 San Juan de Ocotan Technology Park, , Zapopan ...

Then you have to block of your inlet and do a leak down style test, if you know your valve only leaks 1%, but your getting a reading of say 5% then the other 4% must be going through the only other leak path, your valve stems.

Lincoln pumpscatalog

First you have to make sure your valves are sealing properly (all valves leak to some degree straight out of the factory)

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I read a post where Trent was saying that when they change them, they have to pressure test them (which you can't do when you leave the head on and do them with the special tool) so I'd like to know, how you do test them?

Then you have to block of your inlet and do a leak down style test, if you know your valve only leaks 1%, but your getting a reading of say 5% then the other 4% must be going through the only other leak path, your valve stems.


I had similar symptoms on my RB25, I went down the route of reconditioning the head, and then found that 3 of the pistons were cracked. Standard RB25DET pistons, are pretty weak in my opinion.

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Tab Washer · BSA Bantam Crankshaft Lock Washer (90-0121) · Replica Burman Clutch Lock Washer - AJS 12-7-5, Ariel 3070- · Triumph Alternator Tab Washer 70-3975.

SKF cam followers (stud-type track rollers) are designed to run on all types of tracks and to be used in cam drives, conveyor systems, etc.

MBS you said "I'm seeing a SHITLOAD of smoke once I boost up for 2 - 3 seconds, and a shitload if I pump it back to 3rd gear at around 130 - 140KM/H with closed throttle."

Is this constantly or only at start up? if its a dodgy valve stem seal after start up all the smoke is burnt away because it can only burn off the oil that could seep through while the car was off, unless you have a massive leak path here but thats rare.

reopening closed thread. i did a cold compression test my results were within 120 -128 or so across the board. Seems like the rings are fine. I also have smoke on deceleration or when i give it gas it puffs for a bit. MBS did you find the cause to the problem. Willling to try and change them without removing the head aswell for the added costs of machining it and getting new gasket.


While the engine s running, especially under boost, there is usually enough exhaust back pressure to blow oil up OUT of the valve stems.

And no, nothing at all at startup or idling around. Only when I'm giving the motor a bit of a work out after a few seconds.

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- machine all surfaces (head + exhaust side at least as well as the exhaust manifold - get the inlet manifold done if you wish, not as important though).

Is this constantly or only at start up? if its a dodgy valve stem seal after start up all the smoke is burnt away because it can only burn off the oil that could seep through while the car was off, unless you have a massive leak path here but thats rare.

6002-ZZ Metric Ball Bearings are used in a range of applications and are ideal for limited space applications including Robotics, Vacuum Cleaners, Small ...

cold start the engine, hold rev at 2000RPM. If steam seals are gone you will notice some blue smoke. once the car warms up the smoke goes away.

I'm probably going to be pulling my head off again within the next few months, and would like to know, how do you test the valve stem seals properly when the head is off.


I'm seeing a SHITLOAD of smoke once I boost up for 2 - 3 seconds, and a shitload if I pump it back to 3rd gear at around 130 - 140KM/H with closed throttle.

The head is coming off, I've heard there is a proper way to pressure test them. I want to know how so I can. Heads being pulled no matter what soon, not because of the Valve Stem Seals.

Lincolnlubrication pump

I had the turbo apart the other day, but I have no idea what I'm looking for with spotting a dodgy seal (When I saw apart, I mean I have the VBand un done and the rear housing off)

I want to pull the head to put an oil restrictor in, and also to change the valve springs (I know I can do it with head on, but I want to put the restrictor in too)

While the engine s running, especially under boost, there is usually enough exhaust back pressure to blow oil up OUT of the valve stems.

Lincoln pumpsparts

My problem is, I'm at the point for a new bottom end to go in now... So I have to decide how I want to attack it to set the car up for track work... High Comp N/A that revs its guts out, or buy a whole nwe turbo/mani setup and stick with the bottom ends how I have been...

MBS you said "I'm seeing a SHITLOAD of smoke once I boost up for 2 - 3 seconds, and a shitload if I pump it back to 3rd gear at around 130 - 140KM/H with closed throttle."

Lung ventilators and related equipment — Vocabulary and semantics — Part 3: Respiratory care.

This is BMW parts item 31222229501, described as OEM Front Wheel Bearing & Hub for BMW E46, Z4M, which you can buy online at BimmerWorld at the best price.

Coolant doesn't move. I've been told by numerous people it's oil. When it does any one standing around smells burning oil.

Items with a symbol • are Scotseals or Scotseal components. Where a grease seal can be used as an option, listing is as follows. Examples: • 35066. • 39420.

Showing Products For 2014 Ford Focus Axle Bearing and Hub Assembly · Wheel Bearing And Hub Assembly · with Automated Parking System · SKF Wheel Bearing and Hub ...

Pou3f2 POU domain, class 3, transcription factor 2 [ (house mouse)]. Gene ID: 18992, updated on 9-Dec-2024. Summary. Enables DNA-binding transcription ...