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1965—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 89–212, §§ 2(a)(1), 4, inserted sentence permitting an employer who is furnished by an employee a written statement of tips pursuant to section 6053(a) to which par. (3) of section 3231(e) is applicable to deduct an amount equivalent to such tax with respect to such tips from any compensation of the employee under his control, even though at the time such statement is furnished the total amount of the tips included in statements furnished to the employer as having been received by the employee in such calendar month in the course of his employment by such employer is less than $20, and inserted “and before the calendar month next following the calendar month in which this provision was amended in 1965, or (i) $450, or (ii) an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable ‘wages’ as defined in section 3121, whichever is greater, for any month after the month in which this provision was so amended” in two places.
Spherical Roller Thrust Bearings. Spherical roller thrust bearings are unique in their raceway and asymmetric roller design. The barrel-like rollers provide a ...
Hydrodynamic bearing is a bearing operating with hydrodynamic lubrication, in which the bearing surface is separated from the journal surface by the lubricant ...
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SHIELD meaning: 1 : a large piece of metal, wood, etc., carried by someone (such as a soldier or police officer) for protection; 2 : something that defends ...
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Fans, propulsion shafting, bow thrusters, gearboxes, winches, rudder stocks, deck machinery, inert gas fans, conveyors systems. (For high speed & double ender ferries, tug and and tow boats, fishing vessels, ore carriers, pilot boats, fire boats.)
Amendment by Pub. L. 86–28 effective, except as otherwise provided, first day of calendar month next following May 1959, see section 202 of Pub. L. 86–28, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
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1976—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 94–455, § 1903(a)(7)(A), struck out provisions relating to the September 30, 1973, qualification on the applicability of provisions of this subsection and “of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954” before “for any month” wherever appearing.
Coal crushers, drag conveyors, roll out tables, cooling beds, transfer beds, mill drives, cranes, bag house fans, primary air fans, charging car conveyors, bucket elevators, coilers, fans, loaders, plating.
Subsec. (c)(2). Pub. L. 98–76, § 225(c)(1)(B), (3), (5), substituted “taxes imposed by section 3201” for “tax imposed by section 3201”, “the taxes under paragraph (1)” for “the tax under paragraph (1)”, and “exceed” for “exceeds”.
There are two categories of bearing seals— labyrinth seals and contact seals. Each of these types of seal has their own pros and cons to consider when selecting ...
Amendment by Pub. L. 93–69 effective Oct. 1, 1973, and applicable only with respect to compensation paid for services rendered on or after Oct. 1, 1973; and applicable to railway labor organization covered by a private supplemental pension plan as of Oct. 1, 1973, and subject to a moratorium agreed to on or before Mar. 8, 1973, for changes in pay rates, on the earlier of (1) date of expiration of such moratorium, or (2) date as of which the railway labor organization through collective bargaining agreement makes amendment applicable, see section 109(b) of Pub. L. 93–69, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
Latest forecast for London ... The afternoon will be wet and windy with heavy and persistent rain. A windy day with gusty south-westerly winds. Tonight. The rain ...
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Oct 4, 2009 — For your 95, you will want to torque the axle nut down to 133ftlbs (180Nm). The 97+ trucks are 103ftlbs (140Nm).
Amendment by section 1903(a)(7) of Pub. L. 94–455 applicable with respect to compensation paid for services rendered after Dec. 31, 1976, see section 1903(d) of Pub. L. 94–455, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
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Ball mills, fans, belt conveyors, crushers, pulverizers, breakers, generator sets, pumps, horizontal and vertical hydro generators, screens, dampers.
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The taxes imposed by section 3201 shall be collected by the employer of the taxpayer by deducting the amount of the taxes from the compensation of the employee as and when paid. An employer who is furnished by an employee a written statement of tips (received in a calendar month) pursuant to section 6053(a) to which paragraph (3) of section 3231(e) is applicable may deduct an amount equivalent to such taxes with respect to such tips from any compensation of the employee (exclusive of tips) under his control, even though at the time such statement is furnished the total amount of the tips included in statements furnished to the employer as having been received by the employee in such calendar month in the course of his employment by such employer is less than $20.
1959—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 86–28 substituted “after the month in which this provision was amended in 1959” for “after 1954” and for “after December 31, 1954” in five places, and “$400” for “$350” in two places.
Mixers, conveyors, agitators, fans, log decks, chip conveyors, calendar and press rolls, paper drying cylinders, re-winders, line shafting, hydra-pulpers, de-barkers.
1983—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 98–76, § 225(a)(2), (c)(1)(A), (2), substituted “taxes imposed by section 3201” for “tax imposed by section 3201”, substituted “the amount of the taxes” for “the amount of the tax”, and “such taxes” for “such tax”, and struck out provisions that if an employee was paid compensation by more than one employer for services rendered during any calendar month and the aggregate of such compensation was in excess of an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 for any month, the tax to be deducted by each employer other than a subordinate unit of a national railway-labor-organization employer from the compensation paid by him to the employee with respect to such month would be that proportion of the tax with respect to such compensation paid by all such employers which the compensation paid by him to the employee for services rendered during such month bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month; and that in the event that the compensation so paid by such employers to the employee for services rendered during such month was less than an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable “wages” as defined in section 3121 for any month, each subordinate unit of a national railway-labor-organization employer would deduct such proportion of any additional tax as the compensation paid by such employer to such employee for services rendered during such month bears to the total compensation paid by all such employers to such employee for services rendered during such month.
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1966—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 89–700 substituted “after September 30, 1965” for “after the month in which this provision was amended in 1959” in six places, and “(i) $450, or (ii) an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable ‘wages’ as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, whichever is greater, for any month after September 30, 1965” for “$400 for any calendar month before the calendar month next following the month in which this provision was amended in 1963, or $450 for any calendar month after the month in which this provision was so amended and before the calendar month next following the calendar month in which this provision was amended in 1965, or (i) $450, or (ii) an amount equal to one-twelfth of the current maximum annual taxable ‘wages’ as defined in section 3121 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, whichever is greater, for any month after the month in which this provision was so amended” in two places.
Coal, copper, zinc, silver, gold, mining, cleaning, processing, general mineral extraction, fans, conveyors, bucket elevators, haulage gearing, crushers, pulverizers, flotation cells, ball and rod mills, reciprocating screens, pinion gears, pug mills, pulleys, winch drums, cranes.
Amendment by Pub. L. 98–76 applicable to remuneration paid after Dec. 31, 1984, see section 227(a) of Pub. L. 98–76, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
The Craft Split Bearing is quickly becoming the global industry standard. And not just in one industry, but wherever an extremely reliable and easily replaceable bearing is a must. From mining operations to paper mills, from the marine industry to steel, for heavy industry of all types, the innovative Craft Split Roller Bearing is transforming would-be catastrophic failures into run-of-the-mill maintenance. Made in the U.S.A. at our Newport News, Virginia facility.
Paddle wheel and rocker arm mechanical flocculators, rotary and disc aerators, RBC's, CBC's, tank scrapers, rotary screen, sludge presses, conveyors, fans.
Feb 2, 2022 — Radial bearings are designed to support a radial load, whereas thrust bearings are designed to support a thrust load. Radial is the most common type.
Jan 23, 2024 — The main reasons for abnormal vibration and abnormal sound produced by asynchronous motors are mechanical and electromagnetic.
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Amendment by Pub. L. 101–508 applicable to coverage provided after Dec. 31, 1990, see section 5124(c) of Pub. L. 101–508, set out as a note under section 3102 of this title.
Amendment by section 2(a) of Pub. L. 89–212 effective only with respect to tips received after 1965, and amendment by section 4 of Pub. L. 89–212 effective only with respect to calendar months after the month in which Pub. L. 89–212 is enacted, see section 6 of Pub. L. 89–212, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
Amendment by act Aug. 31, 1954, effective as if enacted as a part of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 [formerly I.R.C. 1954], see section 407 of act Aug. 31, 1954, as amended, set out as a note under section 3201 of this title.
Subsec. (c)(4). Pub. L. 98–76, § 225(c)(1)(B), (4), (5), substituted “taxes imposed by section 3201” for “tax imposed by section 3201”, “such taxes” for “such tax”, and “exceed” for “exceeds”.
1963—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 88–133 limited existing taxable compensation base of $400 to any calendar month before Nov. 1963 and increased such base to $450 for any calendar month after Oct. 1963.
With thousands of applications around the world, there is a bearing for what you need. Find out if Craft's split bearing is for you.
Every employer required under subsection (a) to deduct the tax shall be liable for the payment of such tax and shall not be liable to any person for the amount of any such payment.
1973—Subsec. (a). Pub. L. 93–69, in second sentence reading “If an employee . . .”, substituted “1973” for “1965” wherever appearing, struck out “(i) $450, or (ii)” before “an amount equal to” in two places, and struck out “, whichever is greater,” after “Internal Revenue Code of 1954” in two places.