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mvdbroek08-02-2005, 01:25 PMwhen reaching 85mph I begin to hear a hum in the left rear wheel area. Is this a wheel bearing getting ready to die? If so What is estimated cost of replacement? Should I do both sides or just the one? Thanks tjm08-03-2005, 10:38 AMif it's the WB then just do the one. is the noise like a harmonic type?... like woo-woo-woo LOL - I feel silly now sbronzell08-03-2005, 10:51 AMI've having the same problem but much worse, whenever I get over 15 mph I get it, it's a humming noise that you can just barely hear over the radio and has been stressing me out because I don't know what it is, and I couldn't look at it because it only does it while driving. I get the humming noise in what seems like the lower left part of the engine(the front left tire if it's true the WB are bad). I'm not a car guy but how would you go about fixing a wheel bearing problem if that's the case? tjm08-03-2005, 11:09 AM sbronzell08-04-2005, 12:11 AMLooking around about wheel bearings, the sound they describe is a 'clunking' noise, and mine is a hum, not a clunk. Also, the sound sounds like it is coming from between the engine and the wheel, and towards the bottom. The sound usually starts at 15 mph and gets a little louder as I go faster. There's no change in noise if I happen to be turning, or anything like that. I hydroplaned into a curb about 3 months ago and had to get a new rim, spindle, and control arm put on for my front left wheel.(The spindle and control arm were good use parts however, maybe one of those has gone bad?) Because of the accident my camber is 1.5%(supposed to be .5% but didn't want to spend $200 just because my car pulls left) These problems didn't show up until about a month ago, I don't think it's the wheel hub, I think maybe it's the spindle after reading up a little. For you smarter guys, with that info do you still think it's the wheel hub or the spindle? What could possibly happen if I just let it be as I'm in college and tight on money? Thanks for the help tjm08-04-2005, 01:41 PMyou can try the grab test although it doesnt always ring true... grab the top of the suspect wheel and see if you can feel it make a noise when you push and pull on it hard. it should be silent and give no sign of movement. wheel bearings can make alotsa different noises when they are on the way out. it sounds to me like this is whatcha gots. the worst thing is that they can go like this for 2 years or 2 days; ya never know... mvdbroek08-04-2005, 02:00 PMIf it goes, does it take out the spindle as well? Will I know when it goes? Whatdo ya think the cost is. The dealer said about $650.00 but I remeber doing these a "few" years back and it was not that much labor tjm08-04-2005, 02:42 PMa catastophic failure of a WB can actually "weld" the racer to the axle (fronts). then you would have to replace the axle too. ouch. the rears do not have an axle or spindle; the wheel mounts directly to the wheel bearing. $650 sounds a little high for the job even at a dealer. If everything goes well it can be done in under 2 hours; 3 hours with complications. the part from the dealer is probably $250 or better i guess but Autozone has 'em for $120. the rears are a little easier because you dont have the axle to contend with although the brakes are slightly more compicated. Will you know when it goes??? - if you hear it or feel it then its gone. its just a matter of time before the wheel falls off LOL -- sorry just kidding but by the time the wheel is ready to fall off it will have already been so noisy and creating brake issues that you would have replaced it by then. mvdbroek08-04-2005, 02:51 PMOh Fabulous. Its a loaded 2002 with 89K Im wondering if its time to move on or suck it up. I am also experiencing a front end issue. The stering shaft seems to be sticking when I turn. Dealer knows about it and says theres a service bull. on it and they the shafts are backorder till hell freezes over. But I also hear a clunk when I turn sometimes. Any ideas? Love the car other that its suspension issues and the fact that the Navi system no longer reads the disk so Im without the navi also. how much is too much$$$ tjm08-04-2005, 03:07 PMyou are WELL within the threashold of salvagability. I have a 97 with 192,000 miles and its great. Your stiff, clunky steering sounds like a strut bearing. I have the same thing that comes and goes. I'll do it when i replace the struts. It may also be the TSB the dealer talked about - check here for more info If you are mechanically inclined then you can do the WB yourself - click on the link in my previous post for instructions. sbronzell08-06-2005, 12:42 PMWell after testing it out on the road, and reading some more about them you guys are right. It's a hum coming from the left front tire and whenever I turn left it gets louder, whenever I turn right it goes away-never noticed that until I paid attention to it. Also gets louder as I go up but not too much. Anyways, I was reading online that if the sound is coming from the left, then that means that it's your wheel bearing on the RIGHT going bad, and vice versa. Is that true? More than one website mentioned that, I just don't understand how that could be. Anyways, I guess the real question I need answered is how serious is this? I'm a college kid and am about to move into my own apartment so money is scarce, will the tire really fall off? I'm leaning toward going to get it fixed but damn if I don't need the money right now for other stuff. tjm08-08-2005, 10:56 AMas i said B4, it can last 2 years or 2 days - you just don' know. It would have to get REALLY noisy for the wheel to come off and you will know when you have pushed the edge of the envelope. the heat created by a soon-to-fail WB may also cause the traction control system to malfunction due to a heat-failed wheel sensor. I've never heard of the "oposite sound effect". the Aurora's chassis is very isolated but for me when it was the left side it was the left side. zephram2208-18-2005, 09:25 PMI have the exact same problem in the exact same places as you. Can't figure it out though. It kills me because I just got this car 2 months ago and it only have 40K miles on it.:banghead: zephram2208-20-2005, 11:17 PMa catastophic failure of a WB can actually "weld" the racer to the axle (fronts). then you would have to replace the axle too. ouch. the rears do not have an axle or spindle; the wheel mounts directly to the wheel bearing. $650 sounds a little high for the job even at a dealer. If everything goes well it can be done in under 2 hours; 3 hours with complications. the part from the dealer is probably $250 or better i guess but Autozone has 'em for $120. the rears are a little easier because you dont have the axle to contend with although the brakes are slightly more compicated. Will you know when it goes??? - if you hear it or feel it then its gone. its just a matter of time before the wheel falls off LOL -- sorry just kidding but by the time the wheel is ready to fall off it will have already been so noisy and creating brake issues that you would have replaced it by then. God, don't I know that. I had a wheel bearing seize while doing 50MPH down a highway. First the car starts vibrating like crazy. Then I hear the tire explode and see smoke because that tire is now on fire because of the heat being generated by the bearing. And, now the "funnest" part. The wheel seized and a go into a nasty spin. Ok, the pavement is dry and i'm now skidding down the highway sideways still doing fifty. The car couldn't take it. The damn thing flipped 8 or nine times and then got T-Boned and push about 30 feet down a short hill where it came to a rest. Not fun, ended up in the hospital for a few weeks. So, in conclusion: CHECK THE BEARINGS. You don't want what happened to me also happen to you. It's not fun. blong138510-20-2007, 06:53 PMcheck your left front tire, it could be something as simple as a bad tire. If you do not rotate your tires they sometimes start to wear, they will get choppy and start to hum as you said. i would check that, you can rotate and see if the sound moves with the tire. if it does then you can be sure that it is your tire and not a bearing or something worse. i worked at a tire shop for a few years and saw this regularly. i would try that before you start replacing hundred dollar parts. maxwedge10-20-2007, 08:45 PMThis thread is 2 years old please check the dates before replying, thanks. Add your comment to this topic! Automotive Network, Inc., Copyright ©2025