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Turbine generator
Used 5200 KW Solar Taurus 60 T7301 housed generating set, 3/60/4160V set up to operate on landfill gas or natural gas, manufactured in 2001, used until 2007 and stored under Solar care since. Generator rebuilt. Borescope inspection reports available upon request. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, Donaldson air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids. (Qty 2 Available)
Used 4 MW Solar Centaur Type H Gas Turbine Generator Set model GSI-CH-ID, designed for to operate on kerosene, built 1986. Fully enclosed. 3/60/4160V. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids, air tank (approx 8,000 gal, 562 psi). Package Serial # HG86O16, Engine Serial # 0021H53. approx 1400 package starts / 3,300 package hours / 1400 engine starts / 3300 hours.
2012123 — Timing belts are also less complicated (chains require an oil bath). Chains are generally stronger, so vehicles with timing chains often drive ...
Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
Used 66 Megawatt ABB (Alstom) type GT8BC gas turbine generator set consists of the following: ABB (Alstom) model gas turbine, one single shaft for both compressor and turbine. Real power 66,555 Kw, Rotor speed 6349 rpm, trip speed 6984 rpm. ABB combustor; liner temperature <1565F and finned segment temperature <1565F. MAAG reduction gear: model #G-72S, 80484 HP at 3600 RPM. Pitch line velocity 34098 FPM; ABB generator, model WY 16 L-068 LLT. 60 Hz,82.5 MVA. F class insulation material. 13.8 kV rated terminal voltage. 3452 A rated current, 3600 rpm nominal speed. Serial # HM 300 433.
Home » Equipment » Power Generation / Generators » Gas Turbine Generators
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-1D. Engine Serial #3966C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #OHE13-C3914. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328637. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84N55. Gear Box Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #GBG15-92542. Rated output 1800 RPM. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-C. National Board #581. Built 1989.
.260 Remington, 140 grain HPBT, New Brass, 100 rounds Precision Ammunition 100% Made in the USA!!! $129.99 ; Hornady 8553 ELD Match Extremely Low Drag-Match 130 ...
Used General Electric Frame 6B gas turbine generator set consist of following: GE model 6541B gas turbine, Duel fuel base rated 41,590 KW, water injected combustion; With inlet air cooled, heat rate at Iso 10,860 btu/kwh, Serial number 295591, 5100 rpm; Diesel Black start engine; Accessory gear box with atomizing air compressor, Serial number 140643; Philadelphia Load gear HP rating 68391 , Serial number 139816, Model S664A model 224H0L-A, Input 5094 rpm output 3600 rpm; Resorcon turbine inlet air cooling system; Side exhaust to HRSG; Water injection pump and system for Nox control; Natural gas compressor and gas train; Liquid fuel pump and supply system; Ge TEWAC generator rated 46,500 kva, 13800 v, 3 phase, 60 hz, pf: 0.9, Serial number 33X415, 1945 amps, 125 v exciter volts , field amps 778. 3600 rpm; Mark IV control system; GAC with GE VB1 3000 amps circuit breaker; Enclosure indoor housed History: Unit installed 1990 and it was in hot standby many years, shutdown 2020. Total hours 86,704.60 / Total starts 2,466. Last overhaul 2014 - approx. 2000 hours since last overhaul. Still installed in place.
Bearing Grease Description 1000g Can High grade grease suitable for lubrication of ball bearings and plain bearings of all types (i.e. wheel bearings), ...
Used 66 Megawatt ABB (Alstom) type GT8BC gas turbine generator set consists of the following: ABB (Alstom) model gas turbine, one single shaft for both compressor and turbine. Real power 66,555 Kw, Rotor speed 6349 rpm, trip speed 6984 rpm. ABB combustor; liner temperature <1565F and finned segment temperature <1565F. MAAG reduction gear: model #G-72S, 80484 HP at 3600 RPM. Pitch line velocity 34098 FPM; ABB generator, model WY 16 L-068 LLT. 60 Hz,82.5 MVA. F class insulation material. 13.8 kV rated terminal voltage. 3452 A rated current, 3600 rpm nominal speed. Serial # HM 300 433.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-1D. Engine Serial #3966C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #OHE13-C3914. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328637. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84N55. Gear Box Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #GBG15-92542. Rated output 1800 RPM. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-C. National Board #581. Built 1989.
60012RS Budget Rubber Sealed Deep Groove Ball Bearing 12x28x8mm. Brand logo. free shipping for any order in the United Kingdom.
A Gas Turbine works by forcing hot air and fuel (natural gas, gasoline) through an igniter. The hot air spins a fan which in turn spins a shaft that rotates through a magnetic field and generates electricity.
The plant has GE Frame 6B (type PG6541B) gas turbine with 25,108 operating hours since its last overhaul in 2012. The heat rate of gas turbine is 11,460 KJ/kWh. The gear box has speed ratio of 5,100 : 3,000 rpm. The generator was manufactured by GEC Alsthom, with voltage 11 KV, rate output 52.975 MVA, power factor 0.8. This plant also includes critical spare parts, special tooling, and other equipment such as air intake / filtration system, inlet ducting, lateral exhaust ducting, stack, outdoor enclosures, natural gas skid, fire protection container (CO2), and electrical / electronic control cabinet with speedtronic turbine control system (Mark V), motor control center, generator breaker and protection and control System, operator control module.
Some vehicles with sealed front wheel bearings can be serviced at home. If the wheel hub and bearing are simply bolted to the knuckle and can be replaced as a ...
This 39 MW Power Plant Includes a GEC Alsthom Frame 6B Natural Gas Fired Turbine Generator Type PG6541B. Power plant had major overhaul in 2007. Operates as one unit: 11KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-ID. Engine Serial #3967C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #OHE13-C3914. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328638. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84055. Epicyclic Gear Box Rated Power 4200HP. INput Speed 14951 RPM. Output 1800 RPM. Ratio 8.3059. Overload Factor 1.1. Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #OAAOG-23742. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-B. National Board #581. Built 1989.
Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
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Three (3) units of used 6 MW gas turbine (model: MGT6000 - CAI Spirit 6) coupled with a gearbox and generator manufactured by MAN Energy Solutions SE of Oberhausen Germany. Synchronous generator: approx. 8.14 MVA @ 15°C, 10.5 kV, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 4 pole-, 1500 min-1, power factor 0.80, generator efficiency approx. 97.2 % direct air cooled. Fuel type: natural gas. Built in 2019, last preservation in 2021.
Used 45MW Gas Turbine Generator Set. Manufactured by Siemens, natural gas feed, 50 Hz, 9,147 kJ/kWh (8,670 Btu/kWh) heat rate. Consist of the following: Siemens type SGT-800 gas turbine, 50 MW drive capacity, 135 MJ/s full load turbine combustion power. Flender Graffenstaden gear box, model #TX112/4C. 50 MVA Siemens Power Generator, model #SGEN5-100A-4P, three-phase synchronous generator, 11.5 kV output voltage, 1500 rpm, air cooled. 112000 total operating hours. Built 2008, shutdown 2022. (2) identical units available.
GTG gasturbine generator
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Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
Diverse types of needle bearings are available in a wide variety of sizes and tolerances, for a multitude of applications.
Front Wheel Hub and Bearings (Pair). #513121x2-WB |. 10 Year Warranty. Sub model. LS. LT. LTZ. Police. SS. Brake ABS. 4-Wheel ABS. $88.10.
A Gas Turbine works by forcing hot air and fuel (natural gas, gasoline) through an igniter. The hot air spins a fan which in turn spins a shaft that rotates through a magnetic field and generates electricity. Industry leaders include General Electric, Rolls Royce, GEC Alsthom, Stewart & Stevenson, GEC Gas Turbines of England, GE Aviation, Allison Engine Company, Avio, MTU Aero Engines, Price Induction, Ruston and Siemens. Main Models include Solar Turbines Centaur 40, Solar Centaur 50 Gas Turbines, Solar Saturn 20 Gas Turbine, Solar Mercury 50 Gas Turbines, Solar Taurus 60 and 65 Gas Turbines, Solar Taurus 70 Gas Turbines, Solar Mars 100 Gas Turbines, Solar Titan 130 Gas Turbines, Solar Titan 250 Gas Turbines, GE Frame 6B Gas Turbines Generators, GE Frame 3 Model 3001A Gas Turbines, General Electric Frame 5 Model A Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model D, GE Frame 5 Model E, GE Frame 5 Model G, GE Frame 5 Model H, GE Frame 5 Model J Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model K, GE Frame 5 Model L Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model LA Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model M, GE Frame 5 Model N Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model P Gas Turbine Generators, GE Frame 6 model A and GE Frame 6 model B (GE Frame 6B). Fill out our quick and easy quote form for more information about our Gas Turbine Generators inventory.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-ID. Engine Serial #3967C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #OHE13-C3914. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328638. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84055. Epicyclic Gear Box Rated Power 4200HP. INput Speed 14951 RPM. Output 1800 RPM. Ratio 8.3059. Overload Factor 1.1. Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #OAAOG-23742. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-B. National Board #581. Built 1989.
Used 4 MW Solar Centaur Type H Gas Turbine Generator Set model GSI-CH-ID, designed for to operate on kerosene, built 1986. Fully enclosed. 3/60/4160V. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids, air tank (approx 8,000 gal, 562 psi. Unit 2: Package Serial # HG86O17, Engine Serial # 0022H53. approx 1400 package starts / 3,000 package hours / 1400 engine starts / 3000 hours
gas turbine中文
Phoenix Equipment is a global buyer and seller of unused, used and reconditioned Gas Turbines. Call today to receive a quote for one of our used gas turbines and other power generation equipment.
Used 4 MW Solar Centaur Type H Gas Turbine Generator Set model GSI-CH-ID, designed for to operate on kerosene, built 1986. Fully enclosed. 3/60/4160V. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids, air tank (approx 8,000 gal, 562 psi). Package Serial # HG86O16, Engine Serial # 0021H53. approx 1400 package starts / 3,300 package hours / 1400 engine starts / 3300 hours.
Main Models include Solar Turbines Centaur 40, Solar Centaur 50 Gas Turbines, Solar Saturn 20 Gas Turbine, Solar Mercury 50 Gas Turbines, Solar Taurus 60 and 65 Gas Turbines, Solar Taurus 70 Gas Turbines, Solar Mars 100 Gas Turbines, Solar Titan 130 Gas Turbines, Solar Titan 250 Gas Turbines, GE Frame 6B Gas Turbines Generators, GE Frame 3 Model 3001A Gas Turbines, General Electric Frame 5 Model A Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model D, GE Frame 5 Model E, GE Frame 5 Model G, GE Frame 5 Model H, GE Frame 5 Model J Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model K, GE Frame 5 Model L Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model LA Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model M, GE Frame 5 Model N Gas Turbines, GE Frame 5 Model P Gas Turbine Generators, GE Frame 6 model A and GE Frame 6 model B (GE Frame 6B).
920158971. #214 1"ID x 1-1/4"OD .139" Cross Section Square Profile Viton® O-Ring 5Ct. USA INDUSTRIALS. User Icon Sign In to view pricing.
Industry leaders include General Electric, Rolls Royce, GEC Alsthom, Stewart & Stevenson, GEC Gas Turbines of England, GE Aviation, Allison Engine Company, Avio, MTU Aero Engines, Price Induction, Ruston and Siemens.
Used 4 MW Solar Centaur Type H Gas Turbine Generator Set model GSI-CH-ID, designed for to operate on kerosene, built 1986. Fully enclosed. 3/60/4160V. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids, air tank (approx 8,000 gal, 562 psi. Unit 2: Package Serial # HG86O17, Engine Serial # 0022H53. approx 1400 package starts / 3,000 package hours / 1400 engine starts / 3000 hours
Used 4.6MW Solar Mercury 50 Recuperated Gas Turbine Generator. Manufactured by Solar Turbines. 4600 kW. 10-Stage axial compressor. Inlet airflow 39.2 lb/sec. 2-stage Reaction Turbine with Clockwise rotation. Synchronous generator with permanent magnetic exciter. Enclosure. Package #PG13458. Built 2012.
Micro gasturbine
Used 4.6MW Solar Mercury 50 Recuperated Gas Turbine Generator. Manufactured by Solar Turbines. 4600 kW. 10-Stage axial compressor. Inlet airflow 39.2 lb/sec. 2-stage Reaction Turbine with Clockwise rotation. Synchronous generator with permanent magnetic exciter. Enclosure. Package #PG13458. Built 2012.
Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-ID. Engine Serial #3963C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Engine Serial #OHD12-C4766. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328632. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84054. Gear Box Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #GBG16-70162. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-A. National Board #580. Built 1989.
Used General Electric Frame 6B gas turbine generator set consist of following: GE model 6541B gas turbine, Duel fuel base rated 41,590 KW, water injected combustion; With inlet air cooled, heat rate at Iso 10,860 btu/kwh, Serial number 295591, 5100 rpm; Diesel Black start engine; Accessory gear box with atomizing air compressor, Serial number 140643; Philadelphia Load gear HP rating 68391 , Serial number 139816, Model S664A model 224H0L-A, Input 5094 rpm output 3600 rpm; Resorcon turbine inlet air cooling system; Side exhaust to HRSG; Water injection pump and system for Nox control; Natural gas compressor and gas train; Liquid fuel pump and supply system; Ge TEWAC generator rated 46,500 kva, 13800 v, 3 phase, 60 hz, pf: 0.9, Serial number 33X415, 1945 amps, 125 v exciter volts , field amps 778. 3600 rpm; Mark IV control system; GAC with GE VB1 3000 amps circuit breaker; Enclosure indoor housed History: Unit installed 1990 and it was in hot standby many years, shutdown 2020. Total hours 86,704.60 / Total starts 2,466. Last overhaul 2014 - approx. 2000 hours since last overhaul. Still installed in place.
Three (3) units of used 6 MW gas turbine (model: MGT6000 - CAI Spirit 6) coupled with a gearbox and generator manufactured by MAN Energy Solutions SE of Oberhausen Germany. Synchronous generator: approx. 8.14 MVA @ 15°C, 10.5 kV, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 4 pole-, 1500 min-1, power factor 0.80, generator efficiency approx. 97.2 % direct air cooled. Fuel type: natural gas. Built in 2019, last preservation in 2021.
Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-ID. Engine Serial #3963C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Engine Serial #OHD12-C4766. Brushless AC Continuous duty generator. Type SAB. Rated 2760KW. Frame 21120-29. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #328632. Brushless Exciter: type FRBA Frame BE12-6. Field Volts 62.5. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 1984. Package #CG84054. Gear Box Assembly #E116590-408-930. Serial #GBG16-70162. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 51500 Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 740PSIG. 14888 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #8910-515-A. National Board #580. Built 1989.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-1D. Engine Serial #3966C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #CG06N36. Keto Engineering Synchronous AC generator. Model AA27932000. Rated 3200KW. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #18771-01. Exciter Field Volts 100. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 2006. Gear Box assembly 196800-206-960. Serial #OAF05-15406. Rated 7700 HP. Service Factor 1.1. Input 14851 RPM. Output 1800 RPM. Ration 8.305921. Overhauled 2017. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 64000Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 700PSIG. 16002 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #S06113-1219-0100. National Board #1949. Built 2007.
Used 3200 KW Solar Centaur T4701 Wet NoX Gas Turbine Generator Set. Model GC1-CB-1D. Engine Serial #3966C51. Turbine 1500 RPM. Serial #CG06N36. Keto Engineering Synchronous AC generator. Model AA27932000. Rated 3200KW. 1800 RPM. 4160/3/60. Power Factor .8. Temp Rise 70C. Serial #18771-01. Exciter Field Volts 100. Peak Duty 3169KW, Built 2006. Gear Box assembly 196800-206-960. Serial #OAF05-15406. Rated 7700 HP. Service Factor 1.1. Input 14851 RPM. Output 1800 RPM. Ration 8.305921. Overhauled 2017. Unit available with Deltak HRSG 64000Lb/Hr Steam Boiler. Rated 700PSIG. 16002 Sq Ft Heat Surface. Serial #S06113-1219-0100. National Board #1949. Built 2007.
This 39 MW Power Plant Includes a GEC Alsthom Frame 6B Natural Gas Fired Turbine Generator Type PG6541B. Power plant had major overhaul in 2007. Operates as one unit: 11KV, 3 Phase, 50 Hz.
The plant has GE Frame 6B (type PG6541B) gas turbine with 25,108 operating hours since its last overhaul in 2012. The heat rate of gas turbine is 11,460 KJ/kWh. The gear box has speed ratio of 5,100 : 3,000 rpm. The generator was manufactured by GEC Alsthom, with voltage 11 KV, rate output 52.975 MVA, power factor 0.8. This plant also includes critical spare parts, special tooling, and other equipment such as air intake / filtration system, inlet ducting, lateral exhaust ducting, stack, outdoor enclosures, natural gas skid, fire protection container (CO2), and electrical / electronic control cabinet with speedtronic turbine control system (Mark V), motor control center, generator breaker and protection and control System, operator control module.
Used 5200 KW Solar Taurus 60 T7301 housed generating set, 3/60/4160V set up to operate on landfill gas or natural gas, manufactured in 2001, used until 2007 and stored under Solar care since. Generator rebuilt. Borescope inspection reports available upon request. Auxiliaries included: Lube oil coolers, fire cylinder cabinet, neutral ground resistor, switchgear, Air intake housings, oil filter skids, exhaust spool pieces, turbine exhaust stacks, Donaldson air filters, rain hood skids, air intake ducts, oil heater skids. (Qty 2 Available)
Unused 1 MW Micro Turbine Generator. Manufactured Capstone (Green Energy). Model #C1000S, designed for landfill gas feedstock. 400/480V-3Phase-4 wire wye. Electrical Service, 50/60 Hz Frequency, 33% Electrical Efficiency LHV. Fuel/Engine Characteristics: 13.0-22.4 MJ/m3 (350-600 BTU/scf) Landfill Gas HHV, <5,000 ppmv H2S Content, 517-551 kPa gauge (75-80 psig). Inlet Pressure, 12,000 MJ/hr (11,400,000 BTU/hr) Fuel Flow HHV, 10.9 MJ/kWh (10,300 BTU/kWh) Net Heat Rate LHV. Exhaust Characteristics: <9 ppmvd (18 mg/m3) NOx Emissions @ 15% O2, 6.7 kg/s (14.7 lbm/s) Exhaust Mass Flow, 280 deg. C (535 deg. F) Exhaust Gas Temperature. 117” W x 360” D x 119” H. 17,100 kg (37,700 lbs) Weight . Built 2023.
Used 45MW Gas Turbine Generator Set. Manufactured by Siemens, natural gas feed, 50 Hz, 9,147 kJ/kWh (8,670 Btu/kWh) heat rate. Consist of the following: Siemens type SGT-800 gas turbine, 50 MW drive capacity, 135 MJ/s full load turbine combustion power. Flender Graffenstaden gear box, model #TX112/4C. 50 MVA Siemens Power Generator, model #SGEN5-100A-4P, three-phase synchronous generator, 11.5 kV output voltage, 1500 rpm, air cooled. 112000 total operating hours. Built 2008, shutdown 2022. (2) identical units available.
There is no shaft dismantling or machining involved - hence the "Speedi" - and costly downtime is saved. As the same size of seal as the original can be used, ...