If water, grit, salt or sand get to the bearings, the grease in the hub assembly gets contaminated. This will wear down the bearings, and they will eventually give out.


For more on any of these complaints – not to mention more than you ever knew you wanted to know about wheel bearings, read the full article


For a national average across all vehicles, the average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 (including parts and labor). But KBB.com goes deeper than that. Based on analyzing 100s of actual repair orders, we put together the Kelley Blue Book Fair Repair Range to show you what you should expect to pay for this repair for your Nissan. Simply tell us the year, model and style of your Nissan and we’ll show you a fair price for the repair.

2014 Nissan Altima wheel bearingreplacement cost

The short answer is: Not for too long. Having bad wheel bearings can range from inconvenient and unpleasant to downright dangerous.

美国的邮编系统,也被称为邮政区编号(Zone Improvement Plan,简称ZIP),官方机构为USPS(美国邮政署),类似我们的中国邮政。美国邮编可以分为4大类STANDARD(普通邮编),MILITARY(军队邮编),PO BOX(Post Office BOX 邮局邮编),UNIQUE(大客户邮编,学校,机构等)。美国邮编主要由5位数字组成,代表不同的地理区域。这些数字的前3位代表邮政区,而后2位则代表具体的邮政扇区。例如95050和95051,两个邮编都是在California州的Santa Clara县,但是两个邮编对应的区域是不同的。此外,有些邮编后面还可以加上4位数字的邮编扩展码(ZIP+4),以更加精确地表示邮件的目的地。此外还有一些特殊的邮编:APO和FPO。APO是Army Post Office的缩写,即“军队邮局”。FPO是Fleet Post Office的缩写,即“舰队邮局”。这些邮编还带有AA、AE、STA等后缀,它们各自有不同的含义:AA通常表示Armed Forces (the) Americas,即美洲军事区域。AE则表示Armed Forces Europe,即欧洲军事区域。STA可能是一个具体的军事地点或基地的标识,但其具体含义可能需要根据具体的上下文或军事邮局的相关信息来确定。这些邮编的使用和寄送方式也有其特定的规定和限制,通常需要通过特定的渠道或方式进行寄送。军事邮编和地址可能会因军事行动、基地调整或其他因素而发生变化。因此,在需要寄送邮件或包裹给军事人员时,最好直接咨询相关军事机构或邮局以获取最新和最准确的信息。

If you have bad wheel bearings, you might experience the vehicle pulling to one side, sloppy or loose steering, grinding and rattling noises, and uneven tire wear.

2014 Nissan Altima wheel bearingreplacement

In theory, wheel bearings could last as long as your Nissan. Unlike oil changes or tire rotations, there’s no standard maintenance schedule for replacing them. However, wheel bearings can be damaged if you hit a pothole, smack into a curb or bounce over a speed bump too fast.

If you hear noises at the wheels, one explanation might be a need for a wheel bearing replacement at one or more wheels. The noises might be described as rattling, clicking, humming, growling, or squealing. It can be a real symphony of sound if you’re not careful.


More than just noisy or bothersome, bad wheel bearings could also lead to real performance issues like inconsistent braking, spongy steering and handling, uneven tire wear and, in extreme cases, the wheels could fall off. No matter how much (or how little) you know about cars, you don’t want the wheels falling off, right?