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There are a few Bell Bearings to be had in the higher reaches of The Lands Between. You'll need to have unlocked the Mountaintops of the Giants through a lengthy process, and be mindful that this entire section can be tricky in terms of enemies encountered. It's a region that can quickly overwhelm you if you're unprepared or under-levelled, and its verticality can be tough to navigate.

Updated February 15, 2023, by David W. Duffy: Elden Ring continues to prove popular among fans of FromSoftware's often-brutal gameplay loop, and part of the appeal is growing strong enough to take on those challenges. We've corrected this guide to add the four Bell Bearing locations in the Mountaintops of the Giants region, which were missing from the guide. This is important, as there are valuable Smithing Stones, Grave Glovewort, and other useful items to be had!


The most populous area when it comes to Bell Bearings, you'll spend a fair bit of time collecting them in Liurnia. There are long questlines to be completed and dungeons to be run, and you'll need to have your wits about you to deal with the many strong enemies in your way.

It's possible to break Rya's questline if you speak to anyone at Volcano Manor before speaking to Rya in Liurnia, therefore losing access to Boggart's entire questline.

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In order to access Altus Plateau you're going to need to find both halves of the Dectus Medallion, and then ascend using the Grand Lift of Dectus. Leyndell in particular is a maze of streets, buildings and verticality, and the enemies here will be the most powerful you've faced so far.

There are six Bell Bearings to collect in the rot-infested region of Caelid. Bring plenty of healing items, and make sure you're levelled a bit so that you can survive the trials and tribulations.

Must complete Blaidd's questline first, which is heavily tied to Ranni's questline. Once dead, speak to Iji. Select the "Blaidd's Death" option, then reload at the Site of Grace to find the Bell Bearing on Iji's anvil.

Found at the Castle Morne Rampart Site of Grace. Keep following the road after crossing the Bridge of Sacrifice into the region.

Then, climb the cliff to the left — you'll see a pair of bats to defeat. Keep heading up the path and use the Spiritspring Jump while facing the cliff, and point forward to land on the plateau. Navigate around to the right and you'll see the Hermit Merchant, overlooking the Site of Grace below.

Corhyn is part of a lengthy quest, tied to the Goldmask. We'd recommend completing this first, as an alternate ending is locked behind it.

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Many of these Bell Bearings are available right from the start of your adventure. It's advisable to make sure you're levelled a little first, however, as there are some powerful foes in the way.

Found as you ascend Mt. Gelmir, at the top of the left ladder after you cross the stone bridge just north of the Minor Erdtree. Directly east of the Ninth Mt. Gelmir Campsite Site of Grace.

Gowry has a questline that's tied to Millicent's questline, so it's advised to complete that first. You can side with Gowry, then kill him, or side with Millicent, and loot it from Gowry's corpse.

Navigate the Zamor Ruins, which are found just to the north of the Grand Lift of Rolt as you enter the Mountaintops. You're looking for a treasure chest in a basement in the southeast.

In order to obtain Pidia's Bell Bearing you'll have to complete Ranni's lengthy questline, as he cannot be killed. This requires you to have defeated Royal Knight Loretta in Caria Manor, and opened up the way to the Three Sisters area.


For this one you'll need to progress Fia's questline to the point where you return the Weathered Dagger to D, Hunter of the Dead in Roundtable Hold. Upon reloading, he will be dead, and you can claim the Bell Bearing.

This section deals with the four remaining Bell Bearings that didn't necessarily fit into a regional category. They're highly useful, so make sure to pick them up.

For him to appear here, you must give him the used Academy Glintstone Key. You can find one behind Glintstone Dragon Smarag, just to the east of the Academy in the lake.

Once the questline is complete, head to the site of the Loretta battle and enter the Three Sisters through the exit. Keep left, hugging the wall of the Manor, until you see a location to drop down onto the ramparts. Drop to the right, very carefully, and then descend the ladder into the Manor. You'll find Pidia's corpse here, surrounded by his puppets, and the Bell Bearing.




However, to acquire all of these Bell Bearings you're going to need to pass through dangerous locales, delve deep into caverns and dungeons, and worse — kill NPCs. This will take a significant amount of time, and even make some sidequests unobtainable or unable to be completed. Either way, here's how to find them all, separated by area.

In order to access the Sealed Tunnel, start at the Outer Wall Phantom Tree Site of Grace. Head directly east, down the rocks into the pool below. You'll find the entrance in the southern corner.

From the Site of Grace inside, strike the western wall to reveal a pathway through to the tunnel. In this first room, defeat the miner and hug the right wall, breaking through the crates. Watch out for the enemy beyond, then open the chest to find the Bell Bearing.

From the Dynasty Mausoleum Entrance Site of Grace in Mohgwyn Palace, run south up the hill, past all the exploding corpses. Enter the building with the dark entrance, and keep left. Around the corner you'll find the Imprisoned Merchant, but watch out for the blood enemies that spawn.

Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit, found just to the north of the Zamor Ruins and before you cross the long, thin, winding path.

It's highly recommended not to kill Miriel, as the holy tortoise is perhaps the best NPC to give Scrolls and Prayerbooks to.


There are another couple of Bell Bearings to be had in Siofra River, and again one is important in advancing your Spirit Ashes. Taking down the Merchant, meanwhile, will mean you'll never get to hear his sweet music playing any longer.

You'll first meet Rogier in Stormveil Castle. When Godrick the Grafted is defeated, he'll move to Roundtable Hold. He is then linked to progressing both Fia's questline and Ranni's questline. He'll eventually die, and you can loot the Bell Bearing from his corpse.

This endgame area is very, very tough, which is precisely why the rarer Bell Bearings can be found. They're well worth seeking out, however, as you'll need them in order to purchase the materials to level up your Ashes and gear to the penultimate level.

He will also die if you defeat the Fire Giant in Mountaintops of the Giants, and access the Forge of the Giants. Again, return to Roundtable Hold to loot his corpse.

For this one, start at the Ancient Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace, directly under the bridge to the Stargazer Ruins. The aim here is to head counter-clockwise around the plateau's base, sticking to the left wall to avoid the giant roaming around. Follow the frozen river beneath an archway, and be ready for the group of enemies.

There's two Bell Bearings to be had in the depths of the Ansel River, one of which is key for advancing your elite Spirit Ashes past their middle levels. The other offers a couple of Cookbooks to unlock even more crafting options.

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Found in a chest in the southwest of the area, by the lake. To access this level, descend the elevator outside the large church to the northwest of the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Site of Grace.

Easy to reach, but with enemies abound, the First Church of Marika is found by following the ridge directly to the east of the Whiteridge Road Site of Grace.

There are just three Bell Bearings in Weeping Peninsula, all rather easy to obtain. However, you may just want to leave one of them for later in the game, as you could easily miss some very good rewards.

There's a pair of Bell Bearings to be found as you ascend Mt. Gelmir, one of which is very, very useful when it comes to upgrading your Spirit Ashes. It requires a little detour into a dungeon, so come prepared.

Bell Bearings are a curious type of item in Elden Ring, as they make shopping and acquiring important items so much easier than traipsing all over the Lands Between. There's no doubt you're going to require the services of the many merchants, especially when upgrading weapons, so it's a worthwhile task.


Head to the Haligtree Roots Site of Grace in Elphael, Brace of the Haligtree, and take the elevator up. Head left after leaving the church, down the slope to a graveyard. You'll find the Bell Bearing here.

From the Main Academy Gate Site of Grace, looking towards the entrance to the Raya Lucaria Academy, take the left path past the ward and continue down the long, overgrown bridge.