Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any member of a retirement association established in any county pursuant to this chapter, who upon retirement receives a retirement allowance calculated in accordance with Sections 31676.1, 31676.11, 31676.12, 31676.13, 31676.14, and 31676.15, shall have his or her retirement allowance calculated under each such section only for the period of time that the section was effective in the county.

(b) The payments made pursuant to this section and Section 31739.5 shall be made only during the lifetimes of the members or their survivors receiving allowances and to no other person.

31676.9.  In every county in which a retirement system was established prior to January 1, 1952, the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the county or district, equal to one-sixtieth of the average annual compensation earnable by him during any three years of service elected by the member at or before the time he files an application for retirement, or, if he fails to elect, during the three years immediately preceding his retirement, multiplied by the number of years of prior service credited to him.(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 929.)

(B) The retirement allowance otherwise payable under this section to a member whose allowance prior to reinstatement was paid pursuant to an election under Section 31810 shall be reduced as provided in that section. However, for a member reinstated pursuant to Section 31680.4 prior to attaining age 62, the reduction required by Section 31810 shall be the amount that is the actuarial value of the increase in the allowance from the date of retirement to the date of reinstatement.

(1) A service-connected disability allowance shall be equal to one-half of his or her final compensation or an allowance computed as prescribed by subdivision (b), whichever is greater.

(2) Any cost-of-living increases that would have been added to the monthly retirement allowance if the member’s allowance had not been discontinued by reason of reemployment.

(a) The board of supervisors in any county under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 may provide, effective on a date determined by the board, for cost-of-living payments, in addition to those payable under Articles 16.5 and 16.6, to members of this system or a superseded system who retired and to their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system, provided the following conditions are met:

(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.

(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

(b) If a retired person serves without reinstatement from retirement in an elective office and part or all of his or her retirement allowance is based on service in that elective office, the portion of the allowance based on service in that elective office shall be suspended during incumbency in that elective office. The entire retirement allowance shall be paid for time on and after the person vacates the elective office in the monthly amount payable had the allowance not been suspended.

31681.54.  (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) of this section, a retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system, or of a superseded system, who retired for service on or before December 31, 1971, is hereby increased as follows: Number of Years ofPercentage of Increase in County or DistrictMonthly Retirement ServiceAllowance25 or more years  ........................ 10%20–25 years  ........................  8%15–20 years  ........................  6%10–15 years  ........................  4%(b) No allowance shall be increased to more than five hundred dollars ($500) per month pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 442.)

(2) The service retirement allowance the member would have been entitled to receive if the member had not become disabled and had voluntarily terminated his or her period of reemployment.

(a) The board of supervisors in a county of the ninth class, as defined in Sections 28020 and 28030, may elect to provide an additional benefit to members who retired and to their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system, if the following conditions are satisfied:

(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired person who is otherwise eligible for employment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.

(b) A resolution adopted pursuant to this section may, if approved in a memorandum of understanding executed by the board of supervisors and the employee representatives, require members to pay all or part of the contributions by a member or employer, or both, that would have been required if the section or sections specified in subdivision (a), as adopted by the board or governing body, had been in effect during the period of time designated in the resolution. The payment by a member shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member.

The percentage shall be applied to the allowance payable on the effective date, and the allowance as so increased shall be paid for time on and after that date and shall be subject to annual cost-of-living adjustments.

(a) Upon reinstatement, pursuant to Section 31680.4, the member’s rate of contributions and retirement allowance upon subsequent retirement shall be determined as if the member were first entering the system.

Any county under the provisions of Section 31676.1, on the effective date of this section, whose retired employees were not included in the benefits of Section 31676.1 on the date the county or district adopted the provisions of Section 31676.1, may now include under Section 31676.1 all retirees who retired during the period of time from the establishment of such retirement system and the date such county or district passed a resolution bringing the county or district under the provisions of Section 31676.1, subject to the following conditions:

(2) Withdrawal of contributions by the member upon the member’s withdrawal from, and termination of membership in, the retirement system.

(b) The compensation limitations specified in Section 7522.10 shall also apply to a member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of his or her membership in the county retirement system.

(f) The board of supervisors or the governing body of a district may not unilaterally implement a retirement formula for any of its bargaining units.

The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each board with respect to its retirement system.

(2) The retirement system shall have discretion regarding the timing of repayment of employer contributions for the period described in paragraph (1).

(1) The disability retirement allowance the member would have been entitled to receive if all of the member’s service during his or her original period of employment and subsequent period of reemployment had been continuous.

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

Whenever in this chapter reference is made to the survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

31680.8.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a safety member who was required to retire for service because of age during the operative dates of, and as described in, Section 31662.4, 31662.6, 31662.8, or 31663, may be reemployed by the county in the same position that he or she retired from and be reinstated to active membership upon all of the following:(1) His or her application to the board for reinstatement to active membership.(2) The determination of the board, based on medical advice, that the member is not incapacitated for the duties of the position assigned to him or her.(b) The member shall be reinstated to active membership in the plan or tier that he or she retired from, effective the first day of the month following the date of reemployment, and his or her membership shall be the same as if unbroken by retirement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the credited service of the member rendered both before and after reinstatement shall be included for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the member for benefits under this chapter.(c) Upon reemployment pursuant to this section, the retirement allowance of the member shall be cancelled. Upon the subsequent termination of the member from employment, the retirement allowance of the member shall be recalculated on the basis of the credited service rendered both before and after reinstatement pursuant to the formula applicable to the member prior to reinstatement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the reinstatement rights conferred by this section shall not entitle a person to a retirement right or benefit that exceeds the limitations in the Internal Revenue Code that apply to public retirement systems.(d) Upon reinstatement pursuant to this section, the rate of contribution of the member shall be based on the same age at entry that was used in calculating the contribution rate of the member during his or her original period of employment.(e) This section shall apply only to a county of the first class as described in Section 28020 and shall not become operative in that county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by majority vote, makes this section operative in that county.(Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 120, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2007.)

(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b) of this section, a retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system, or of a superseded system, who retired for service on or before December 31, 1971, is hereby increased as follows:

(a) Notwithstanding Section 31680.2, any county subject to Section 31680.2 may, upon adoption of a resolution by a majority vote by the board of supervisors, extend the period of time provided for in Section 31680.2 for which a person who has retired may be employed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing him or her, not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year or any other 12-month period designated by the board of supervisors and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend his or her retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from his or her salary as contributions to this system.

Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member retired for service and reemployed in a county or district under this chapter shall become again an active member of the retirement association upon (a) his or her application to the board for reinstatement, (b) the determination of the board, based upon medical examination, that he or she is not incapacitated for the duties assigned to him or her; and (c) meeting the conditions for membership in Article 4 (commencing with Section 31550) are met.

(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired member who is otherwise eligible for reemployment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.

This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

For the purposes of this section, the effective date of the member’s reinstatement to active membership shall be the first day of the month following the date of reemployment.

(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired person who is otherwise eligible for employment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.

The governing body of a district as defined in subdivision (l) of Section 31468 shall not elect to make a formula for the calculation of retirement benefits applicable to the personnel of the district appointed pursuant to Section 31522.5 who are employees of the retirement system unless the board of supervisors has made that formula applicable to personnel of that retirement system who are employees of the county.

31680.3.  (a) Notwithstanding Section 31680.2, any member who has been covered under the provisions of Section 31751 and has retired may be reemployed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing the member, for a period of time not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend the person’s retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from the person’s salary as contributions to this system.(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired member who is otherwise eligible for reemployment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 186, Sec. 15. (SB 634) Effective January 1, 2022.)

31673.  Upon retirement for service a member is entitled to receive a retirement allowance which shall consist of:(a) His service retirement annuity.(b) His current service pension.(c) His prior service pension.(Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)

(d) This section shall only apply to persons reinstated to employment by final action as described in subdivision (a), on or after the effective date of this section, pursuant to an administrative or judicial proceeding.

(i) A resolution adopted pursuant to this section may require any member that elects or is deemed to have elected the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 to pay additional member contributions beyond those member contributions required under Section 31621. These additional contributions shall not result in an additional benefit to the member. However, the additional contributions paid by a member pursuant to the authority granted by this subdivision shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member for the following purposes only:

(3) Contribute toward reimbursement of the retirement system for reasonable administrative expenses incurred in responding to this situation, to the extent the member is determined by the retirement system administrator to be at fault.

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Every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who was retired prior to January 1, 1948, is hereby increased by twenty-five dollars ($25) per month if the retired member is entitled to be credited with 20 years or more of service, or, if the retired member is entitled to be credited with less than 20 years of service, by an amount which bears the same ratio to twenty-five dollars ($25) as the member’s completed years of service with which the member is entitled to be credited bears to 20 years.

(d) In the event the employee elects the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01, the employee shall be eligible to receive a contribution from the county or district based on the employee’s contribution to a defined contribution program.

In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

31676.16.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ 0.71350¼  ........................ 0.72550½  ........................ 0.73750¾  ........................ 0.74951  ........................ 0.76151¼  ........................ 0.77551½  ........................ 0.78851¾  ........................ 0.80152  ........................ 0.81452¼  ........................ 0.82852½  ........................ 0.84352¾  ........................ 0.85753  ........................ 0.87153¼  ........................ 0.88653½  ........................ 0.90253¾  ........................ 0.91754  ........................ 0.93354¼  ........................ 0.95054½  ........................ 0.96654¾  ........................ 0.98355  ........................ 1.00055¼  ........................ 1.00755½  ........................ 1.01355¾  ........................ 1.02056  ........................ 1.02656¼  ........................ 1.03356½  ........................ 1.03956¾  ........................ 1.04657  ........................ 1.05257¼  ........................ 1.05957½  ........................ 1.06557¾  ........................ 1.07258  ........................ 1.07858¼  ........................ 1.08558 ½  ........................ 1.09158 ¾  ........................ 1.09859  ........................ 1.10559¼  ........................ 1.11159½  ........................ 1.11859¾  ........................ 1.12460  ........................ 1.13160¼  ........................ 1.13760½  ........................ 1.14460¾  ........................ 1.15061  ........................ 1.15761¼  ........................ 1.16361½  ........................ 1.17061¾  ........................ 1.17662  ........................ 1.18362¼  ........................ 1.18962½  ........................ 1.19662¾  ........................ 1.20263 and over   ........................ 1.209The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each board with respect to its retirement system.In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.(Added by Stats. 2000, Ch. 882, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2001.)

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

31682.  The board of retirement of a county of the 13th class, as defined by Sections 28020 and 28034, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, may elect to provide, by resolution, a vested supplemental retirement benefit of one hundred eight dollars and forty-four cents ($108.44) per month to all current and future retired members and their survivors eligible for an optional settlement or a survivors allowance under this chapter.Prior to the adoption of a resolution by the board of retirement to provide the supplemental retirement benefit provided for in this section, the cost of funding this supplemental retirement benefit into perpetuity shall be determined by a qualified actuary.This section shall not be operative until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by majority vote, adopt a resolution making the provisions of this section applicable.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 914, Sec. 1. Section operative as prescribed by its own provisions.)

In any county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1953, any member having in excess of 30 years of service may within 90 days from the effective date of this amendment elect in writing not to come under the provisions of Section 31676.1.

(1) The monthly retirement allowance the member had been receiving immediately prior to the time the member was reemployed by the county or district.

(b) This section shall not apply to a member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of their membership in the county retirement system.

In any county operating under this section any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

(2) The determination of the board, based on medical advice, that the member is not incapacitated for the duties of the position assigned to him or her.

If the board of retirement of a county of the 13th class adopts, or has adopted, a resolution pursuant to Section 31682, then for those persons who are first employed by an employer of the system on or after January 1, 2006, the vested supplemental benefit shall be paid only to a retiree who has accrued a minimum of five years’ service credit in the system as a result of employment with the employer, except that a member who receives a disability retirement that is service connected is not subject to the five-year service requirement.

The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.

(1) Apply Section 31621.8, 31676.17, 31676.18, or 31676.19 for the calculation of retirement benefits for general members to the employees in a bargaining unit comprised of general members.

In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the retirement allowance payable to any member subject to this section for any credited service for which a retirement allowance was paid prior to reinstatement shall not be less than the retirement allowance which would have been payable on the date of the subsequent retirement had the member not been reinstated, adjusted, however, by any reduction under this section because of an election under Section 31810.

31671.05.  A member who, on December 31, 1978, was a member of a retirement system under this chapter which imposed a mandatory retirement age less than age 70 applicable to that member may, notwithstanding the repeal of Section 31671 by the same act amending this section during the 1983 portion of the 1983–84 Regular Session of the Legislature and the repeal of Sections 31671.01 and 31671.02 by Chapter 385 of the Statutes of 1978, retire from that system upon reaching the mandatory retirement age in effect for that system on December 31, 1978.This section shall not become operative in any county until the board of supervisors adopts a resolution making it operative in the county.(Amended by Stats. 1983, Ch. 666, Sec. 20.)

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The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.

31676.19.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation: Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ 1.000050¼  ........................ 1.017550½  ........................ 1.035050¾  ........................ 1.052551  ........................ 1.070051¼  ........................ 1.087551½  ........................ 1.105051¾  ........................ 1.122552  ........................ 1.140052¼  ........................ 1.157552½  ........................ 1.175052¾  ........................ 1.192553  ........................ 1.210053¼  ........................ 1.227553½  ........................ 1.245053¾  ........................ 1.262554  ........................ 1.280054¼  ........................ 1.297554½  ........................ 1.315054¾  ........................ 1.332555 and over  ........................ 1.3500In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 664, Sec. 117. Effective January 1, 2003.)

As used in Section 31680 service rendered as a member of a governing board of a joint agency created by two or more counties, under the authority of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7, Title 1 of this code, shall not be deemed service rendered a county or district, provided that the county from whose service the employee was retired is a party to the agreement creating the joint agency.

(b) No increases, cost of living adjustments or grants to such retired members shall be considered in the calculations of the retirement allowance, and only such pensions received by the retired members, computed at the date of the original retirement of the members shall be used in the computation of any such benefits. All living retired members shall have their benefits computed as general members. Calculations shall be made on the basis of current interest rates and mortality tables.

In every county in which a retirement system was established prior to January 1, 1953, if a member enters or has heretofore entered the retirement system with credit for prior service, and has heretofore retired or shall hereafter be retired after attaining the compulsory retirement age, or at age 65 with 20 years service, and his retirement allowance is less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions, an additional amount purchased by contributions of the county or district shall be added to his combined annuity and pensions which will cause his total retirement allowance to amount to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions.

(2) The board of retirement fully funds the costs of the payments by this section through a transfer of funds from the reserves as provided in Section 31592.2.

31676.98.  Any county under the provisions of Section 31676.1, on the effective date of this section, whose retired employees were not included in the benefits of Section 31676.1 on the date the county or district adopted the provisions of Section 31676.1, may now include under Section 31676.1 all retirees who retired during the period of time from the establishment of such retirement system and the date such county or district passed a resolution bringing the county or district under the provisions of Section 31676.1, subject to the following conditions:(a) The benefits of this section shall not apply to any beneficiary or successor in interest of any deceased member and shall apply only to the living retired members on the date such section is adopted by resolution of the county or district.(b) No increases, cost of living adjustments or grants to such retired members shall be considered in the calculations of the retirement allowance, and only such pensions received by the retired members, computed at the date of the original retirement of the members shall be used in the computation of any such benefits. All living retired members shall have their benefits computed as general members. Calculations shall be made on the basis of current interest rates and mortality tables.(c) This section shall not decrease any such pension or retirement allowance, nor shall this section give any such retired members or their beneficiary or successor in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increases in pension or retirement allowance paid or payable for the time prior to the effective date of this section.(d) This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district, adopts by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county or district. Upon adoption the effective date shall be the first of the month following such date of adoption.A county or district upon the adoption of the benefits prescribed by this section shall determine and shall prescribe increases in employer or member rates of contribution or make such other adjustments as it deems appropriate to fully fund such benefits on a sound actuarial basis.(Added by Stats. 1977, Ch. 583.)

(3) Apply Section 31664 for the calculation of retirement benefits for safety members to the employees of the Probation Services Unit and the Probation Supervisory Management Unit.

31672.5.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, when any member of a retirement system of any other public agency becomes a member of a county retirement association, established pursuant to this chapter, as a result of the transfer to and assumption by the county of any function of the other public agency, and the member retains rights in the retirement system of the other public agency in respect to service theretofore rendered to that agency, such member shall be eligible for retirement under the county retirement system at any time at which he would have been eligible for such retirement if the service rendered to the other public agency had been rendered instead to the county. A certificate of any officer of the other public agency authorized to determine service rendered to that agency that certain service was rendered to such agency shall be accepted by the retirement board of the county retirement association as prima facie evidence of service so rendered.This section shall be applied only to enable such members of county retirement systems to qualify for retirement. Nothing in this section entitles any member of a county retirement system to any pension or other benefit based upon service rendered to any other public agency, but such a member upon his retirement shall be entitled to a retirement allowance under the county retirement system, calculated according to the formula applicable under such system, and on the basis of his county service even though such service be less than the minimum county service required for retirement under such system. The provisions in this chapter for minimum retirement allowances, shall not apply to any retired person who would not have qualified for retirement without including under this section service rendered to such public agency, nor shall such provisions apply unless the sum of the retirement allowances to which such person is entitled under the county retirement system and the retirement system of the other public agency, is less than the otherwise applicable minimum allowance under such provisions.This section shall become operative in any county on the first day of the calendar month after the board of supervisors adopts by four-fifths vote a resolution making it operative in the county.(Added by Stats. 1957, Ch. 3.)

31681.7.  Every retirement allowance payable during the time this section is operative in any county to, or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who has been retired for service shall be increased by an amount equal to the product one dollar ($1) times years of service, not to exceed 20 years, times the number in the following table:Period during which retirement became effectiveMultiply byOn or prior to June 30, 1957  ........................ 2  Twelve months ended June 30, 1958  ........................ 1.5Twelve months ended June 30, 1959  ........................ 1  Twelve months ended June 30, 1960  ........................ 0.5This section shall not be operative in any county except as follows: The board of supervisors of a county at any time and from time to time may find that economic conditions are such as to require either that this entire section, or this section as applied to one or more categories of members in the above table be applicable in such county. The board of supervisors of such county from time to time may either rescind or modify such finding and either find that economic conditions do not require that this section be applicable at all in such county or be applicable to a greater, lesser, or different extent than previously found. This section or this section as applied to one or more categories of members in the above table, as the case may be, shall be applicable in such county when and only during the time when such finding is in effect. The giving of additional retirement benefits pursuant to this section shall create no additional contractual rights and shall not preclude the withdrawal of such benefits either by action of the board of supervisors or of the Legislature.(Added by Stats. 1963, Ch. 634.)

The retirement allowance otherwise payable under this section to a member whose allowance prior to reinstatement was paid pursuant to his or her election under Section 31810 shall be reduced as provided in Section 31810. However, for a member reinstated pursuant to Section 31680.4 prior to attaining age 62, the reduction required by Section 31810 shall be the amount which is the actuarial value of the increase in the allowance from date of retirement to date of reinstatement.

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

31680.01.  As used in Section 31680 service rendered as a member of a governing board of a joint agency created by two or more counties, under the authority of Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 6500) of Division 7, Title 1 of this code, shall not be deemed service rendered a county or district, provided that the county from whose service the employee was retired is a party to the agreement creating the joint agency.(Added by Stats. 1963, Ch. 1023.)

(d) Upon reinstatement pursuant to this section, the rate of contribution of the member shall be based on the same age at entry that was used in calculating the contribution rate of the member during his or her original period of employment.

(b) The member shall be reinstated to active membership in the plan or tier that he or she retired from, effective the first day of the month following the date of reemployment, and his or her membership shall be the same as if unbroken by retirement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the credited service of the member rendered both before and after reinstatement shall be included for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the member for benefits under this chapter.

(2) Contribute toward reimbursement of the retirement system for reasonable administrative expenses incurred in responding to this situation, to the extent the employer is determined by the administrator of the retirement system to be at fault.

(2) For purposes of this section, “period of reemployment” means the service subsequently rendered by the member after he or she has been reemployed by the county or district.

(c) This section does not authorize any decrease in any such retirement allowance, nor does this section give any such previously retired member of such superseded retirement system, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of retirement allowances under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.

In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1953, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to any member who was retired prior to said effective date by reason of having attained the age of compulsory retirement, is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Sections 31676.1 and 31760.1, as they existed on the date that Section 31676.1 became applicable to the members’ retirement system, had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member; but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.

31672.1.  (a) An employee who has reached 55 years of age has held a position in the county service for 10 years, and on the date of retirement is employed in a temporary, seasonal, intermittent, or part-time position in which the employee has received credit for five full years of service, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the employee desires the employee’s retirement to become effective. Fifty-five years of age in the preceding sentence may be reduced to 50 years of age in any county by resolution of the board of supervisors if such reduction has also been made under Section 31672. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:(1) Earlier than the date the application is filed with the board.(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.(b) This section shall not apply to a member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of their membership in the county retirement system.(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 45. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)

(b) This section shall become operative only in any county of the 16th class, as defined by Section 28020 and 28037, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, and on the first day of the calendar month after the board of supervisors adopts a resolution making it operative in the county.

(c) (1) An election for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 by any employee hired before approval of the resolution shall include the signature of the designated beneficiary of the employee’s pension acknowledging the election, or shall include a written declaration of one or more of the following as may be applicable:

Upon adoption by any county providing benefits pursuant to this section, of Article 5.5 (commencing with Section 31510) of this chapter, the board of retirement shall, instead, pay those benefits from the Supplemental Retiree Benefits Reserve established pursuant to Section 31510.8.

(a) A member who has reached 70 years of age or a member who has completed 10 years of service and who has reached 55 years of age, or a member who has completed 30 years of service regardless of age, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. Fifty-five years of age in the preceding sentence may be reduced to 50 years of age in a county by resolution of the board of supervisors. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:

In any county which made Section 31676.1 of the Government Code applicable effective July 1, 1962, the board of supervisors may by resolution make the benefits provided by Section 31676.1 applicable to employees who retired prior to July 1, 1962, and after the board of supervisors first adopted a resolution providing that Section 31676.1 would become applicable provided that such employees’ retirement was by reason of having reached the age of compulsory retirement prior to July 1, 1962. In such instance the employees shall be entitled to the benefits provided by Section 31676.1 as of July 1, 1962.

(2) In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

31676.14.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ .885050¼  ........................ .898750½  ........................ .912550¾  ........................ .926251  ........................ .939951¼  ........................ .954951½  ........................ .969951¾  ........................ .984952  ........................ 1.000052¼  ........................ 1.011152½  ........................ 1.022352¾  ........................ 1.033553  ........................ 1.044753¼  ........................ 1.059753½  ........................ 1.074753¾  ........................ 1.089854  ........................ 1.104854¼  ........................ 1.120754½  ........................ 1.136754¾  ........................ 1.152655  ........................ 1.168655¼  ........................ 1.185555½  ........................ 1.202555¾  ........................ 1.219556  ........................ 1.236556¼  ........................ 1.254756½  ........................ 1.272956¾  ........................ 1.291157  ........................ 1.309357¼  ........................ 1.322157½  ........................ 1.335057¾  ........................ 1.347958  ........................ 1.360858¼  ........................ 1.373658½  ........................ 1.386558¾  ........................ 1.399459  ........................ 1.412359¼  ........................ 1.425159½  ........................ 1.438059¾  ........................ 1.450960  ........................ 1.463860¼  ........................ 1.476660½  ........................ 1.489560¾  ........................ 1.502461  ........................ 1.515361¼  ........................ 1.528161½  ........................ 1.541061¾  ........................ 1.553962 and over  ........................ 1.5668In any county operating under this section any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.This section shall not be operative in any county until adopted by a resolution of the board of supervisors.(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)

31682.2.  If the board of retirement of a county of the 13th class adopts, or has adopted, a resolution pursuant to Section 31682, then for those persons who are first employed by an employer of the system on or after January 1, 2006, the vested supplemental benefit shall be paid only to a retiree who has accrued a minimum of five years’ service credit in the system as a result of employment with the employer, except that a member who receives a disability retirement that is service connected is not subject to the five-year service requirement.(Added by Stats. 2005, Ch. 85, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2006.)

31680.16.  (a) Notwithstanding Section 31680, this section shall apply to a retired person who is receiving a retirement benefit from a county retirement system and is appointed or elected to either of the following:(1) A county board or commission of the county that is a covered employer of the retirement system. (2) A board or commission operating under a participating agency of the county that is a covered employer of the retirement system.(b) A person who is retired under this chapter may serve as a nonsalaried member of a board or commission without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter or the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1), provided the appointment or election is to a part-time board or commission. A retired person whose service without reinstatement is authorized by this subdivision shall not acquire benefits, service credit, or retirement rights with respect to the appointment or election, but may receive any per diem that is authorized to all members of the board or commission.(Added by Stats. 2022, Ch. 524, Sec. 3. (AB 1971) Effective January 1, 2023.)

31680.1.  (a) Any person who has retired under this chapter may, without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter, serve as a juror, election officer, field deputy for registration of voters, member of the board of the association or temporarily as a judge when assigned by the Chairman of the Judicial Council and receive any fees payable for that service.(b) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 38. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

This section shall apply only to counties coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 prior to January 1, 1953. If a member files an election pursuant to Section 31676.3 and does not file an election pursuant to Section 31676.4, and either he has no accumulated additional contributions to his credit or the accumulated contributions to his credit are less than payments due for credit for prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, the amount due or balance thereof shall be paid by additional salary deductions in the amounts specified by the member but in no case less than six dollars ($6) per month. The total amount due shall be paid prior to the effective date of his retirement.

31676.15.  (a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), this section may be made applicable in any county which has implemented the provisions of Article 15.6 (commencing with Section 31855). This section shall be applicable if a majority of all the members of the board of supervisors vote to adopt a resolution so to do and a majority of the members of the affected class or classes voting at an election held during 1974, with more than 50 percent of the members participating, favor the termination of retirement benefits under social security. The resolution may specify a date subsequent to the date of adoption of the resolution as the operative date for this section.(b) (1) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.Age atRetirementFraction50  ........................ .745450¼  ........................ .756150½  ........................ .766850¾  ........................ .777551  ........................ .788251¼  ........................ .799851½  ........................ .811451¾  ........................ .823052  ........................ .834652¼  ........................ .847252½  ........................ .859852¾ ........................  .872453  ........................ .885053¼  ........................ .898753½  ........................ .912553¾  ........................ .926254  ........................ .939954¼  ........................ .954954½  ........................ .969954¾ ........................  .984955  ........................ 1.000055¼  ........................ 1.011155½  ........................ 1.022355¾  ........................ 1.033556  ........................ 1.044756¼  ........................ 1.059756½  ........................ 1.074756¾  ........................ 1.089857  ........................ 1.104857¼  ........................ 1.120757½  ........................ 1.136757¾  ........................ 1.152658 ........................  1.168658¼  ........................ 1.185558½  ........................ 1.202558¾  ........................ 1.219559  ........................ 1.236559¼  ........................ 1.254759½  ........................ 1.272959¾  ........................ 1.291160  ........................ 1.309360¼  ........................ 1.322160½  ........................ 1.335060¾  ........................ 1.347961  ........................ 1.360861¼  ........................ 1.373661½  ........................ 1.386561¾  ........................ 1.399462  ........................ 1.412362¼  ........................ 1.425162½  ........................ 1.438062¾  ........................ 1.450963  ........................ 1.463863¼  ........................ 1.476663½  ........................ 1.489563¾  ........................ 1.502464  ........................ 1.515364¼  ........................ 1.528164½  ........................ 1.541064¾  ........................ 1.553965  ........................ 1.5668(2) In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded. (c) Whenever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.(d) Notwithstanding the requirements of subdivision (a), the provisions of this section shall be applicable in a county of the 12th Class, as described in Sections 28020 and 28033, after the board of supervisors of the county adopts a resolution to do so. The provisions adopted pursuant to this subdivision may be made applicable without regard to the requirement of implementing Article 15.6 (commencing with Section 31855) or the requirement of terminating benefits under social security. The provisions adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall apply only to either of the following:(1) Members first hired by the county on and after the date this section becomes operative in the county.(2) Members represented by Service Employees International Union Local 521 whose retirement benefits were established pursuant to Section 31676.16 prior to the date this section becomes operative in the county.(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 86, Sec. 2. Effective July 17, 2007.)

(b) A person who is retired under this chapter may serve as a nonsalaried member of a board or commission without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter or the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1), provided the appointment or election is to a part-time board or commission. A retired person whose service without reinstatement is authorized by this subdivision shall not acquire benefits, service credit, or retirement rights with respect to the appointment or election, but may receive any per diem that is authorized to all members of the board or commission.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

31678.  Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any member of a retirement association established in any county pursuant to this chapter, who upon retirement receives a retirement allowance calculated in accordance with Sections 31676.1, 31676.11, 31676.12, 31676.13, 31676.14, and 31676.15, shall have his or her retirement allowance calculated under each such section only for the period of time that the section was effective in the county.The Legislature recognizes that counties subject to this chapter may adopt two or more of the enumerated retirement allowance calculation sections when changing from a section providing a lesser allowance to a section providing a larger allowance and thereby creates a windfall for a person who retires immediately after the adoption of a section providing the larger allowance because the retirement allowance is calculated as if the section had been in effect during the entire career of the member. The purpose of this section is to prevent this practice. This section shall apply only to persons who become members of the retirement system after January 1, 1981.(Added by Stats. 1980, Ch. 720.)

31681.5.  Every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to, or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who has been retired for service, is hereby increased as follows: Percentage ofPeriod during whichincrease inretirement became effectivemonthly retirementallowanceOn or prior to June 30, 1956  ........................ 10%Twelve months ended June 30, 1957  ........................  8%Twelve months ended June 30, 1958  ........................  6%Twelve months ended June 30, 1959  ........................  4%Twelve months ended June 30, 1960  ........................  2%In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than fifty dollars ($50) a month nor less than ten dollars ($10) a month.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Added by Stats. 1961, Ch. 1120.)

Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

The board of retirement of a county of the 13th class, as defined by Sections 28020 and 28034, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, may elect to provide, by resolution, a vested supplemental retirement benefit of one hundred eight dollars and forty-four cents ($108.44) per month to all current and future retired members and their survivors eligible for an optional settlement or a survivors allowance under this chapter.

(b) (1) For purposes of this section, “original period of employment” means the period of service with the county or district upon which the member’s original retirement allowance was based.

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Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, when any member of a retirement system of any other public agency becomes a member of a county retirement association, established pursuant to this chapter, as a result of the transfer to and assumption by the county of any function of the other public agency, and the member retains rights in the retirement system of the other public agency in respect to service theretofore rendered to that agency, such member shall be eligible for retirement under the county retirement system at any time at which he would have been eligible for such retirement if the service rendered to the other public agency had been rendered instead to the county. A certificate of any officer of the other public agency authorized to determine service rendered to that agency that certain service was rendered to such agency shall be accepted by the retirement board of the county retirement association as prima facie evidence of service so rendered.

This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section and Section 31680.5 operative in that county.

Every retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service is hereby increased as follows:

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

(m) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

31678.4.  The governing body of a district as defined in subdivision (l) of Section 31468 shall not elect to make a formula for the calculation of retirement benefits applicable to the personnel of the district appointed pursuant to Section 31522.5 who are employees of the retirement system unless the board of supervisors has made that formula applicable to personnel of that retirement system who are employees of the county.(Added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 369, Sec. 6. Effective January 1, 2007.)

(c) During the period of reemployment, the member shall accrue retirement service credit at the same tier or benefit level which was applicable to the member during his or her original period of employment. The member’s contribution rate shall be based on the same age at entry, and the same statutory formula, which was used in calculating the member’s contribution rate during his or her original period of employment.

(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, pursuant to a memorandum of understanding made under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 3500) of Division 4 of Title 2), do any or all of the following:

Every retirement allowance for time commencing on the effective date of this section to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who was retired or died on or after January 1, 1948 but prior to February 1, 1955, or such other date prior to February 1, 1955, as the board of supervisors in any county shall specify by resolution, is hereby increased by twenty-five dollars ($25) per month if the retired member is entitled to be credited with 20 years or more of service, or, if the retired member is entitled to be credited with less than 20 years of service, by an amount which bears the same ratio to twenty-five dollars ($25) as the member’s completed years of service with which the member is entitled to be credited bears to 20 years.

31680.  (a) A member retired for service or disability shall not be paid for any service rendered by him or her to the county or district after the date of his or her retirement, except:(1) As specifically provided in this chapter.(2) Pursuant to Section 31733.(3) The county or district may pay and the retired member may receive:(A) Rewards for ideas or suggestions made by the retired member for the improvement of county or district activities.(B) Compensation for his or her services on the board.(4) If the member is subsequently elected to county office after retirement.(b) As herein used the term “services rendered” shall refer to service rendered as an officer or employee of the county or district and shall not refer to services performed by a retired officer or employee as an independent contractor engaged by a county or district under a bona fide contract for services within the purview of Section 31000 of this code.(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 37. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

Every retirement allowance payable during the time this section is operative in any county to, or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who has been retired for service shall be increased by an amount equal to the product one dollar ($1) times years of service, not to exceed 20 years, times the number in the following table:

Every retirement allowance or optional death allowance (including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member) payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service is hereby increased as follows:

(f) This section shall not be operative in any county in any year, unless it is adopted or readopted in any year by the board of supervisors. Any such adoption or readoption in any particular year shall not be construed to require any adoption or readoption in any subsequent year.

31679.  In every county in which a retirement system was established prior to January 1, 1953, if a member enters or has heretofore entered the retirement system with credit for prior service, and has heretofore retired or shall hereafter be retired after attaining the compulsory retirement age, or at age 65 with 20 years service, and his retirement allowance is less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions, an additional amount purchased by contributions of the county or district shall be added to his combined annuity and pensions which will cause his total retirement allowance to amount to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions.(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 929.)

31683.  (a) The board of supervisors in a county of the ninth class, as defined in Sections 28020 and 28030, may elect to provide an additional benefit to members who retired and to their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system, if the following conditions are satisfied:(1) A qualified actuary determines the cost of the payments authorized by this section.(2) The board of retirement fully funds the costs of the payments by this section through a transfer of funds from the reserves as provided in Section 31592.2.(b) The payments shall be made monthly only to those members and their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system on a date established by the board of retirement.(c) The first payment shall be effective on the first day of the first full month that occurs after adoption of this section by the board of supervisors.(d) The amount of each additional monthly benefit to a retired member shall be two hundred dollars ($200).(e) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), the monthly payments to beneficiaries of members pursuant to Section 31760.1, 31765.1, 31781.1, or 31785, or to beneficiaries who elect a combined benefit pursuant to Section 31781.3 shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120).(f) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), the monthly payments to beneficiaries of members who elected optional settlement three pursuant to Section 31763 shall be one hundred dollars ($100).(g) The payments made pursuant to this section shall be considered a part of the monthly allowance and shall be increased by any subsequent cost-of-living allowance under Article 16.5 (commencing with Section 31870).(Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 67, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2002.)

(2) Require a current employee of the county or district covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, hired before approval of the resolution, within 180 calendar days of approval of the resolution to make, at the employee’s option, a one-time written election to terminate the application of the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 for future service and elect instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 for future service. This election shall be signed by the employee. Prior to signing an election, a current employee who chooses to terminate the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 and elects instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01, shall be provided by the county or district governing body with a written explanation of the effect and impact of the termination. A current employee who chooses to terminate the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 shall be required to sign an affidavit stating that the employee has been fully informed regarding the effect of the termination and understands that the termination is irrevocable. The affidavit shall also state that the employee has chosen termination of his or her own free will and was not coerced into termination by the employer or any other person. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district.

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.


31671.  (a) The amount of compensation that is taken into account in computing benefits payable to any person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 1996, or January 1, 1996, for systems operating on a calendar basis, shall not exceed the limitations in Section 401(a)(17) of Title 26 of the United States Code upon public retirement systems, as that section may be amended from time to time and as that limit may be adjusted by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for increases in cost of living. The determination of compensation for each 12-month period shall be subject to the annual compensation limit in effect for the calendar year in which the 12-month period begins. In a determination of average annual compensation over more than one 12-month period, the amount of compensation taken into account for each 12-month period shall be subject to the applicable annual compensation limit.(b) The compensation limitations specified in Section 7522.10 shall also apply to a member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of his or her membership in the county retirement system.(Amended by Stats. 2014, Ch. 740, Sec. 10. (AB 2473) Effective January 1, 2015.)

(c) Notwithstanding Article 10 (commencing with Section 31720), upon retirement for disability subsequent to reinstatement, a member shall receive a disability retirement allowance as follows:

(2) Only if reinstated, pay to the retirement system an amount of money equal to the employee contributions that would otherwise have been paid during the period or periods of unlawful employment, plus interest thereon.

31676.18.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ 1.000050¼  ........................ 1.012550½  ........................ 1.025050¾  ........................ 1.037551  ........................ 1.050051¼  ........................ 1.062551½  ........................ 1.075051¾  ........................ 1.087552  ........................ 1.100052¼  ........................ 1.112552½  ........................ 1.125052¾  ........................ 1.137553  ........................ 1.150053¼  ........................ 1.162553½  ........................ 1.175053¾  ........................ 1.187554  ........................ 1.200054¼  ........................ 1.212554½  ........................ 1.225054¾  ........................ 1.237555 and over  ........................ 1.2500In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.(Added by Stats. 2001, Ch. 782, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 2002.)


The Legislature recognizes that counties subject to this chapter may adopt two or more of the enumerated retirement allowance calculation sections when changing from a section providing a lesser allowance to a section providing a larger allowance and thereby creates a windfall for a person who retires immediately after the adoption of a section providing the larger allowance because the retirement allowance is calculated as if the section had been in effect during the entire career of the member. The purpose of this section is to prevent this practice. This section shall apply only to persons who become members of the retirement system after January 1, 1981.

In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1964, and prior to October 1, 1964, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for time commencing October 1, 1965, is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Sections 31676.1 and 31760.1, as they existed on the date that Section 31676.1 became applicable to the members’ retirement system, had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member; but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to October 1, 1965. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.

(d) Upon termination of the member’s period of reemployment for other than death or disability, the member shall begin receiving a monthly service retirement allowance which is the sum of all of the following:

(b) The member’s allowance upon his or her service or disability retirement or other termination subsequent to the reinstatement shall be the sum of (1) his or her retirement allowance calculated on the basis of credited service rendered after reinstatement in accordance with the formula applicable to him or her plus (2) his or her retirement allowance as it was prior to reinstatement, adjusted by any change after reinstatement in the provisions governing the calculation of his or her allowance which would have applied to him or her had he or she continued in retirement.

(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

31680.9.  (a) A person who has been retired under the retirement system, for service or for disability, may not be employed in any capacity thereafter by the county or a district of the retirement system unless the person has first been reinstated from retirement pursuant to this chapter, or unless the employment, without reinstatement, is authorized by this article or the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013. A retired person whose employment without reinstatement is authorized by this article or the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act shall acquire no service credit or retirement rights under this part with respect to the employment.(b) Any retired member employed in violation of Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56 shall do all of the following:(1) Reimburse the retirement system for any retirement allowance received during the period or periods of employment that are in violation of law. The retirement allowance that was paid in violation of law shall be considered an overpayment subject to collection by the retirement system.(2) Only if reinstated, pay to the retirement system an amount of money equal to the employee contributions that would otherwise have been paid during the period or periods of unlawful employment, plus interest thereon.(3) Contribute toward reimbursement of the retirement system for reasonable administrative expenses incurred in responding to this situation, to the extent the member is determined by the retirement system administrator to be at fault.(c) Any public employer that employs a retired member in violation of Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56 shall do both of the following:(1) Only if the retired member is reinstated, pay to the retirement system an amount of money equal to employer contributions that would otherwise have been paid for the period or periods of time that the member is employed in violation of this article, plus interest thereon.(2) Contribute toward reimbursement of the retirement system for reasonable administrative expenses incurred in responding to this situation, to the extent the employer is determined by the administrator of the retirement system to be at fault.(d) If an employer fails to enroll, solely for the administrative recordkeeping purposes of the system, a retired member employed in any capacity, without reinstatement, within 30 days of the effective date of hire, the board may assess the employer a fee of two hundred dollars ($200) per retired member per month until the retired member is enrolled in those administrative aspects of the system.(e) If an employer fails to report the pay rate and number of hours worked of a retired member employed in any capacity, without reinstatement, within 30 days following the last day of the pay period in which the retired member worked, the board may assess the employer a fee of two hundred dollars ($200) per retired member per month until the information is reported.(f) An employer shall not pass on to an employee any fees assessed pursuant to subdivisions (d) and (e).(g) The employer shall provide written notice to the employee, by an appropriate mechanism, including by first-class mail or email, before the employee is within 10 business days or 80 hours of the period of time included in Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56. (Added by Stats. 2024, Ch. 108, Sec. 4. (AB 2474) Effective January 1, 2025.)

31672.3.  A member of a county retirement system who is subject to the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1) for all or a portion of the member’s membership in the county retirement system who has completed five years of service and has reached the minimum retirement age applicable to that member under the act, or has reached 70 years of age, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:(1) Earlier than the date the application is filed with the board.(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 47. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)

Whenever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation:

In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for the time commencing on the first day of the month after the effective date of this section to any member who was retired prior to such effective date is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Section 31676.1, as they exist on the effective date of this section had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member, but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.

(c) The first payment shall be effective on the first day of the first full month that occurs after adoption of this section by the board of supervisors.

31681.51.  Every retirement allowance or optional death allowance (including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member) payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service is hereby increased as follows:Period during whichPercentage of increase inretirement becamemonthly retirementeffectiveallowanceOn or prior to June 30, 1962  ........................ 10%12 months ended June 30, 1963  ........................  8%12 months ended June 30, 1964  ........................  6%12 months ended June 30, 1965  ........................  4%12 months ended June 30, 1966  ........................  2%In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than fifty dollars ($50) a month nor less than ten dollars ($10) a month.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Amended by Stats. 1968, Ch. 449.)

The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.

Every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to, or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who has been retired for service, is hereby increased as follows:

(a) In a county of the 14th class, as defined by Section 28020, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, and Section 28035, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, Section 31678 shall only be applicable to persons who first became members of the retirement system on and after January 1, 1994.

31676.  The prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district, equal to one-sixtieth of the average annual compensation earnable by him during the last three years prior to the establishment of the system and the last three years of service, multiplied by the number of years of prior service credited to him.(Amended by Stats. 1947, Ch. 348.)

(a) A member retired for service or disability shall not be paid for any service rendered by him or her to the county or district after the date of his or her retirement, except:

(b) The retirement allowance for service rendered prior to the effective date of the election under paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (a) for an employee covered by any other pension calculation shall be calculated under the employee’s prior pension calculation. Any employee who has made an election shall not be eligible for retirement unless the employee meets the minimum requirements of the provision or provisions pursuant to the election applicable at the date of retirement.

In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

(1) Only if the retired member is reinstated, pay to the retirement system an amount of money equal to employer contributions that would otherwise have been paid for the period or periods of time that the member is employed in violation of this article, plus interest thereon.

(b) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

Effective the first day of the first month after adoption of this section by the board of supervisors, the allowance paid with respect to any member of this system who retired or died prior to January 1, 2001, shall be increased by the percentage set forth opposite the year of retirement or death in the following schedule:

(d) A resolution adopted pursuant to subdivision (b) may require members to pay a portion of the contributions attributable to past service liability, that would have been required if the benefits specified in the resolution, as adopted by the board of supervisors or the governing body of the district, had been in effect during the period of time designated in the resolution. Any payments required of represented employees shall first be approved in a memorandum of understanding made under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act and executed by the board of supervisors or the governing body of the district and the employee representatives. The contributions paid by a member pursuant to this subdivision shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member.

(a) Any person who has retired may be employed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing them, for a period of time not to exceed 90 working days or 720 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year or any other 12-month period designated by the board of supervisors and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend their retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from their salary as contributions to this system.

(e) In addition to employees represented by bargaining units, any other employees not represented by a bargaining unit, as well as supervisors, managers, and executives, may be subject to subdivision (a) pursuant to the resolution described in subdivision (a).

31672.  (a) A member who has reached 70 years of age or a member who has completed 10 years of service and who has reached 55 years of age, or a member who has completed 30 years of service regardless of age, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. Fifty-five years of age in the preceding sentence may be reduced to 50 years of age in a county by resolution of the board of supervisors. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:(1) Earlier than the date the application is filed with the board.(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.(b) This section shall not apply to any member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1) for all or any portion of that member’s membership in the county retirement system.(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 44. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)

(a) An employee who has reached 55 years of age has held a position in the county service for 10 years, and on the date of retirement is employed in a temporary, seasonal, intermittent, or part-time position in which the employee has received credit for five full years of service, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the employee desires the employee’s retirement to become effective. Fifty-five years of age in the preceding sentence may be reduced to 50 years of age in any county by resolution of the board of supervisors if such reduction has also been made under Section 31672. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:

(j) Any person employed subsequent to the effective date of a resolution adopted under subdivision (a) who would otherwise qualify as a member shall not become a member until he or she certifies his or her election, or otherwise as described above has been deemed to have elected, to be covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19. Once the election is made or is deemed to have been made, the employee will become a member retroactive to the date of hire. Any employee who subsequently otherwise becomes eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 subsequent to the effective date of a resolution adopted under subdivision (a) shall continue to be covered by any immediately preceding retirement plan to which he or she was entitled from the county or district until he or she certifies his or her election to be covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19.

(b) Any retired member employed in violation of Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56 shall do all of the following:

(a) The amount of compensation that is taken into account in computing benefits payable to any person who first becomes a member of the retirement system on or after July 1, 1996, or January 1, 1996, for systems operating on a calendar basis, shall not exceed the limitations in Section 401(a)(17) of Title 26 of the United States Code upon public retirement systems, as that section may be amended from time to time and as that limit may be adjusted by the Commissioner of Internal Revenue for increases in cost of living. The determination of compensation for each 12-month period shall be subject to the annual compensation limit in effect for the calendar year in which the 12-month period begins. In a determination of average annual compensation over more than one 12-month period, the amount of compensation taken into account for each 12-month period shall be subject to the applicable annual compensation limit.

(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the payments to beneficiaries of members pursuant to Section 31760.1, 31765.1, 31781.1, or 31785 or to beneficiaries who elected a combined benefit pursuant to Section 31781.3 shall be 60 percent of the payments which otherwise would have been payable under subdivision (a) to the members.

(2) Upon or after service retirement, the continuance shall be paid upon the member’s death to the respective elected beneficiaries from each of the separate retirement period elections.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

In any county operating under this section any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

31680.4.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a member retired for service and reemployed in a county or district under this chapter shall become again an active member of the retirement association upon (a) his or her application to the board for reinstatement, (b) the determination of the board, based upon medical examination, that he or she is not incapacitated for the duties assigned to him or her; and (c) meeting the conditions for membership in Article 4 (commencing with Section 31550) are met.For the purposes of this section, the effective date of the member’s reinstatement to active membership shall be the first day of the month following the date of reemployment.Except as permitted in Section 31680.2 or 31680.3, the retirement allowance of the member shall be canceled on the effective date of the member’s reemployment and shall be resumed only upon the subsequent termination of the member from employment.This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section and Section 31680.5 operative in that county.(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 651, Sec. 1.)

(c) The payments made pursuant to this section and Section 31739.5 shall not be considered as a part of the monthly retirement allowance, optional death allowance, or annual death allowance, nor shall any such payments be construed as guaranteeing any similar payments in any subsequent year.

31676.11.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ .745450¼  ........................ .756150½  ........................ .766850¾  ........................ .777551  ........................ .788251¼  ........................ .799851½  ........................ .811451¾  ........................ .823052  ........................ .834652¼  ........................ .847252½  ........................ .859852¾  ........................ .872453  ........................ .885053¼  ........................ .898753½  ........................ .912553¾  ........................ .926254  ........................ .939954¼  ........................ .954954½  ........................ .969954¾  ........................ .984955  ........................ 1.000055¼  ........................ 1.011155½  ........................ 1.022355¾  ........................ 1.033556  ........................ 1.044756¼  ........................ 1.059756½  ........................ 1.074756¾  ........................ 1.089857  ........................ 1.104857¼  ........................ 1.120757½  ........................ 1.136757¾  ........................ 1.152658  ........................ 1.168658¼  ........................ 1.185558½  ........................ 1.202558¾  ........................ 1.219559  ........................ 1.236559¼  ........................ 1.254759½  ........................ 1.272959¾  ........................ 1.291160  ........................ 1.309360¼  ........................ 1.322160½  ........................ 1.335060¾  ........................ 1.347961  ........................ 1.360861¼  ........................ 1.373661½  ........................ 1.386561¾  ........................ 1.399462  ........................ 1.412362¼  ........................ 1.425162½  ........................ 1.438062¾  ........................ 1.450963  ........................ 1.463863¼  ........................ 1.476663½  ........................ 1.489563¾  ........................ 1.502464  ........................ 1.515364¼  ........................ 1.528164½  ........................ 1.541064¾  ........................ 1.553965  ........................ 1.5668In any county operating under this section any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)

Before adoption by the board of supervisors in any year, the cost of the payments authorized by this section and Section 31739.5 shall be determined by a qualified actuary and the board of supervisors shall, with advice of the actuary, provide for the payment of such cost in such manner as to fully fund the benefits on a sound actuarial basis, including use of available funds in the reserves provided in Section 31592.2 with the approval of the retirement board, or an increase in the employer rates of contributions, or a combination of these sources of payments. This actuarial determination shall be made only upon authorization by the board of supervisors.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.


Prior to the adoption of a resolution by the board of retirement to provide the supplemental retirement benefit provided for in this section, the cost of funding this supplemental retirement benefit into perpetuity shall be determined by a qualified actuary.

If a member retires for service before attaining age 60, the prior service pension shall be reduced to that amount which the value of the pensions as deferred to age 60 will purchase at the actual age of retirement.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 34. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014. Inoperative as provided in subd. (d).)

(c) Whenever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of any such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district covered by such retirement system elects to be subject to the provisions of this section in the manner provided by Article 2 of this chapter with respect to the establishment of a retirement system hereunder; except that an election among the employees is not required.

A member who, on December 31, 1978, was a member of a retirement system under this chapter which imposed a mandatory retirement age less than age 70 applicable to that member may, notwithstanding the repeal of Section 31671 by the same act amending this section during the 1983 portion of the 1983–84 Regular Session of the Legislature and the repeal of Sections 31671.01 and 31671.02 by Chapter 385 of the Statutes of 1978, retire from that system upon reaching the mandatory retirement age in effect for that system on December 31, 1978.

(f) (1) If the member dies during his or her period of reemployment, and leaves an eligible survivor or survivors entitled to receive a survivor’s allowance, the allowance shall be the same amount that it would have been if all of the member’s service during his or her original period of employment and subsequent period of reemployment had been continuous. If a lump sum death benefit is payable to the member’s designated beneficiary instead of a survivor’s allowance, the member’s accumulated retirement contributions for purposes of computing the death benefit shall be the sum of the contributions made by the member during the period of reemployment, plus interest credited thereon, and the excess, if any, of the member’s total contributions during the original period of employment, including interest credited thereon, over the total amount of retirement benefits paid to the member between the member’s original retirement from the county or district and the member’s reemployment pursuant to this section.

This section shall not become operative in any county until the board of supervisors adopts a resolution making it operative in the county.

(c) Any nonrepresented employees within similar job classifications as employees in a bargaining unit described in subdivision (b) or supervisors and managers thereof shall be subject to the same formula for the calculation of retirement benefits applicable to the employees in that bargaining unit.

31675.  The current service pension is a pension, purchased by the contributions of the county or district, equal to that portion of the annuity purchased by the accumulated normal contributions of the member.(Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)

(2) The purpose of this subdivision is to notify the beneficiary, including the employee’s spouse or domestic partner, of an election made by the employee that may affect the entitlement of the beneficiary. In addition to the foregoing, if the designated beneficiary of an employee’s pension is a spouse or domestic partner of the employee, the election shall also evidence agreement to the election by the spouse or domestic partner.

In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than fifty dollars ($50) a month nor less than ten dollars ($10) a month.

This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.

31681.2.  Every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who was retired prior to January 1, 1948, is hereby increased by twenty-five dollars ($25) per month if the retired member is entitled to be credited with 20 years or more of service, or, if the retired member is entitled to be credited with less than 20 years of service, by an amount which bears the same ratio to twenty-five dollars ($25) as the member’s completed years of service with which the member is entitled to be credited bears to 20 years.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 818.)

(b) The allowance received by the person during retirement shall be repaid by the person to the retirement system from which they retired in accordance with the retirement system’s repayment policy.

(a) Except as provided in subdivision (d), this section may be made applicable in any county which has implemented the provisions of Article 15.6 (commencing with Section 31855). This section shall be applicable if a majority of all the members of the board of supervisors vote to adopt a resolution so to do and a majority of the members of the affected class or classes voting at an election held during 1974, with more than 50 percent of the members participating, favor the termination of retirement benefits under social security. The resolution may specify a date subsequent to the date of adoption of the resolution as the operative date for this section.

(3) Require a current employee of the county or district, hired before approval of the resolution, but not covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, who after approval of the resolution becomes eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, to make a one-time written election between the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 for future service and the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 for future service. The election shall be made within 45 calendar days of becoming eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19. The election shall be signed by the employee. Prior to signing the election, an employee who does not elect the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 and elects instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 shall be provided by the county or the district governing body with a written explanation of the effect and impact of the election. An employee who does not choose the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 shall be required to sign an affidavit stating that the employee has been fully informed regarding the effect of the election and understands that the election is irrevocable. The affidavit shall also state that the employee has chosen the election of his or her own free will and was not coerced into the election by the employer or any other person. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district. Failure to make an election within 45 calendar days shall be considered cause for termination of employment until the employee described in this paragraph has made the required election.

(e) This section shall only be applicable to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (b).

31676.96.  In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for the time commencing on the first day of the month after the effective date of this section to any member who was retired prior to such effective date is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Section 31676.1, as they exist on the effective date of this section had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member, but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of any such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district covered by such retirement system elects to be subject to the provisions of this section in the manner provided by Article 2 (commencing with Section 31500) of this chapter with respect to the establishment of a retirement system hereunder, except that an election among the employees is not required.(Added by Stats. 1967, Ch. 959.)

(D) The beneficiary is incapable of executing the acknowledgment because of an incapacitating mental or physical condition.

(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.

In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

This section shall become operative in any county on the first day of the calendar month after the board of supervisors adopts by four-fifths vote a resolution making it operative in the county.

This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.

208 bearingdimensions

(e) If, after reemployment pursuant to this section, the member becomes disabled and is granted a service-connected or non-service-connected disability retirement by the board, the member’s disability retirement allowance shall be the greater of either of the following:

31670.  (a) Retirement of a member who has met the requirements for age and service shall be made by the board pursuant to this article or pursuant to the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, whichever is applicable.(b) The board may authorize the system administrator or other personnel to exercise the board’s power and perform its duty to retire members under this section. The system administrator or other personnel shall report service retirements to the board at the next public meeting of the board after the retirement.(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 43. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)

(g) The payments made pursuant to this section shall be considered a part of the monthly allowance and shall be increased by any subsequent cost-of-living allowance under Article 16.5 (commencing with Section 31870).

(1) Member contributions shall be made for any period for which salary is awarded in the administrative or judicial proceedings in the amount that would have been contributed had the member’s employment not been terminated, and the person shall receive credit for the period for which salary is awarded. If the person fails to repay the allowance received during retirement, then the person’s contributions and allowance upon retirement subsequent to reinstatement shall be calculated under Sections 31680.5 or 31680.7, as applicable.

(f) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), the monthly payments to beneficiaries of members who elected optional settlement three pursuant to Section 31763 shall be one hundred dollars ($100).

31677.  If a member retires for service before attaining age 60, the prior service pension shall be reduced to that amount which the value of the pensions as deferred to age 60 will purchase at the actual age of retirement.(Amended by Stats. 1947, Ch. 348.)

Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

31678.3.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a resolution adopted by a board of supervisors to make any formula for calculation of retirement benefits described in this section applicable to the employees of the county does not apply to make that formula applicable to the employees of any district within the county. The governing body of a district may elect, by resolution adopted by majority vote, to make any formula for calculation of retirement benefits described in this section applicable to the employees of the district irrespective of whether the board of supervisors has made that election with respect to employees of the county.(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, pursuant to a memorandum of understanding made under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act (Chapter 10 (commencing with Section 3500) of Division 4 of Title 2), do any or all of the following:(1) Apply Section 31621.8, 31676.17, 31676.18, or 31676.19 for the calculation of retirement benefits for general members to the employees in a bargaining unit comprised of general members.(2) Apply Section 31664.1 for the calculation of retirement benefits for safety members to the employees in a bargaining unit comprised of safety members.(3) Apply Section 31664 for the calculation of retirement benefits for safety members to the employees of the Probation Services Unit and the Probation Supervisory Management Unit.(c) Any nonrepresented employees within similar job classifications as employees in a bargaining unit described in subdivision (b) or supervisors and managers thereof shall be subject to the same formula for the calculation of retirement benefits applicable to the employees in that bargaining unit.(d) A resolution adopted pursuant to subdivision (b) may require members to pay a portion of the contributions attributable to past service liability, that would have been required if the benefits specified in the resolution, as adopted by the board of supervisors or the governing body of the district, had been in effect during the period of time designated in the resolution. Any payments required of represented employees shall first be approved in a memorandum of understanding made under the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act and executed by the board of supervisors or the governing body of the district and the employee representatives. The contributions paid by a member pursuant to this subdivision shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member.(e) This section shall only be applicable to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (b).(f) The board of supervisors or the governing body of a district may not unilaterally implement a retirement formula for any of its bargaining units.(g) This section shall apply only in Orange County.(h) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 35. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

(3) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail, except that the limit on postretirement employment provided in subdivision (a) to the greater of 90 working days or 720 hours shall remain effective.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a safety member who was required to retire for service because of age during the operative dates of, and as described in, Section 31662.4, 31662.6, 31662.8, or 31663, may be reemployed by the county in the same position that he or she retired from and be reinstated to active membership upon all of the following:

(k) In the event that the final day to make an election or perform an act described in this section falls on a weekend or on a county or district holiday, a subsequent election or act shall be timely if made or performed on the immediately following regular business day of the county or district.

(2) Apply Section 31664.1 for the calculation of retirement benefits for safety members to the employees in a bargaining unit comprised of safety members.

(b) As herein used the term “services rendered” shall refer to service rendered as an officer or employee of the county or district and shall not refer to services performed by a retired officer or employee as an independent contractor engaged by a county or district under a bona fide contract for services within the purview of Section 31000 of this code.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who has been retired for service may be reemployed by the county or district from which he or she has been retired. Upon reemployment, the member’s retirement allowance shall be discontinued. The retirement allowance may be reinstated upon the discontinuance of reemployment, as specified in this section.

(d) This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district, adopts by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county or district. Upon adoption the effective date shall be the first of the month following such date of adoption.

31676.13.  Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age of RetirementFraction50  ........................ .818150¼  ........................ .827550½  ........................ .836950¾  ........................ .846251  ........................ .855651¼  ........................ .865651½  ........................ .875551¾  ........................ .885552  ........................ .895452¼  ........................ .906152½  ........................ .916852¾  ........................ .927553  ........................ .938253¼  ........................ .949853½  ........................ .961453¾  ........................ .973054  ........................ .984654¼  ........................ .997254½  ........................ 1.009854¾  ........................ 1.022455  ........................ 1.035055¼  ........................ 1.048755½  ........................ 1.062555¾  ........................ 1.076256  ........................ 1.089956¼  ........................ 1.104956½  ........................ 1.119956¾  ........................ 1.134957  ........................ 1.150057¼  ........................ 1.161157½  ........................ 1.172357¾  ........................ 1.183558  ........................ 1.194758¼  ........................ 1.209758½  ........................ 1.224758¾  ........................ 1.239859  ........................ 1.254859¼  ........................ 1.270759½  ........................ 1.286759¾  ........................ 1.302660  ........................ 1.318660¼  ........................ 1.335560½  ........................ 1.352560¾  ........................ 1.369561  ........................ 1.386561¼  ........................ 1.404761½  ........................ 1.422961¾  ........................ 1.441162 and over  ........................ 1.4593The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.This section shall not be operative in any county until adopted by a resolution of the board of supervisors.Whenever in this chapter reference is made to the survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)

31681.55.  Effective the first day of the first month after adoption of this section by the board of supervisors, the allowance paid with respect to any member of this system who retired or died prior to January 1, 2001, shall be increased by the percentage set forth opposite the year of retirement or death in the following schedule: Period during which retirement or death occurred: Percentage:January 1, 1998, or later0.0%12 months ending Dec. 31, 19971.0%24 months ending Dec. 31, 19962.0%60 months ending Dec. 31, 19943.0%60 months ending Dec. 31, 19894.0%120 months ending Dec. 31, 19845.0%12 months ending Dec. 31, 1974, or earlier 6.0%The percentage shall be applied to the allowance payable on the effective date, and the allowance as so increased shall be paid for time on and after that date and shall be subject to annual cost-of-living adjustments.(b) This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in that county.(Amended by Stats. 2001, Ch. 159, Sec. 117. Effective January 1, 2002.)

(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a resolution adopted by a board of supervisors to make any formula for calculation of retirement benefits described in this section applicable to the employees of the county does not apply to make that formula applicable to the employees of any district within the county. The governing body of a district may elect, by resolution adopted by majority vote, to make any formula for calculation of retirement benefits described in this section applicable to the employees of the district irrespective of whether the board of supervisors has made that election with respect to employees of the county.

(a) Any person who has retired under this chapter may, without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter, serve as a juror, election officer, field deputy for registration of voters, member of the board of the association or temporarily as a judge when assigned by the Chairman of the Judicial Council and receive any fees payable for that service.

(2) A board or commission operating under a participating agency of the county that is a covered employer of the retirement system.

31676.3.  This section shall apply only to counties coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 prior to January 1, 1953. A member shall receive no credit for prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, in calculating a retirement allowance pursuant to Section 31676.1 unless, within 90 days after the effective date of this section, he files with the board his written election to pay into the retirement fund six dollars ($6) for each month of prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, for which he claims credit, and unless he makes such payments as provided in this article.(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 992.)

(a) An elective officer who filed a declaration with the board to become a member, pursuant to Section 31553, who has served two complete consecutive terms in an elective office, and who has reached the minimum age for retirement provided in Section 31672, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:

(h) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

31680.6.  (a) Notwithstanding Section 31680.2, any county subject to Section 31680.2 may, upon adoption of a resolution by a majority vote by the board of supervisors, extend the period of time provided for in Section 31680.2 for which a person who has retired may be employed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing him or her, not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year or any other 12-month period designated by the board of supervisors and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend his or her retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from his or her salary as contributions to this system.(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired person who is otherwise eligible for employment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 41. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

(e) If an employer fails to report the pay rate and number of hours worked of a retired member employed in any capacity, without reinstatement, within 30 days following the last day of the pay period in which the retired member worked, the board may assess the employer a fee of two hundred dollars ($200) per retired member per month until the information is reported.

31680.15.  (a) On and after January 1, 2018, a person who has retired under this chapter may serve without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter, as an elective officer.(b) If a retired person serves without reinstatement from retirement in an elective office and part or all of his or her retirement allowance is based on service in that elective office, the portion of the allowance based on service in that elective office shall be suspended during incumbency in that elective office. The entire retirement allowance shall be paid for time on and after the person vacates the elective office in the monthly amount payable had the allowance not been suspended.(Added by Stats. 2017, Ch. 363, Sec. 6. (SB 112) Effective September 28, 2017.)

Solely for the purpose of determining the member’s eligibility for service retirement under this section, service shall include the member’s credited service prior to reinstatement.

(a) Notwithstanding Section 31678 or any other provision of this chapter, a board of supervisors or a governing body of a district may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make any section of this chapter prescribing a formula for calculation of retirement benefits applicable to service credit earned on and after the date specified in the resolution, which date may be earlier than the date the resolution is adopted.

A member of a county retirement system who is subject to the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1) for all or a portion of the member’s membership in the county retirement system who has completed five years of service and has reached the minimum retirement age applicable to that member under the act, or has reached 70 years of age, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application, setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:

(e) This section shall apply only to a county of the first class as described in Section 28020 and shall not become operative in that county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by majority vote, makes this section operative in that county.

In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than fifty dollars ($50) a month nor less than ten dollars ($10) a month.

(a) Notwithstanding Section 31680.2, any member who has been covered under the provisions of Section 31751 and has retired may be reemployed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing the member, for a period of time not to exceed 120 working days or 960 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend the person’s retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from the person’s salary as contributions to this system.

(3) A person who knowingly provides false information in the written declaration submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), in addition to any civil remedies available to the board. An action to impose a civil penalty pursuant to this paragraph may be brought by any public prosecutor in the name of the people of the state.

The current service pension is a pension, purchased by the contributions of the county or district, equal to that portion of the annuity purchased by the accumulated normal contributions of the member.

In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

(b) The payments shall be made monthly only to those members and their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system on a date established by the board of retirement.

31678.31.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district within the county may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, do the following:(1) Require an employee hired after approval of the resolution, to elect in writing, either the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01. The election shall be made within 45 calendar days of beginning employment with the county or the district. If an employee does not elect the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 within 45 days of beginning employment, the employee shall be deemed to have elected the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district.(2) Require a current employee of the county or district covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, hired before approval of the resolution, within 180 calendar days of approval of the resolution to make, at the employee’s option, a one-time written election to terminate the application of the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 for future service and elect instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 for future service. This election shall be signed by the employee. Prior to signing an election, a current employee who chooses to terminate the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 and elects instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01, shall be provided by the county or district governing body with a written explanation of the effect and impact of the termination. A current employee who chooses to terminate the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 shall be required to sign an affidavit stating that the employee has been fully informed regarding the effect of the termination and understands that the termination is irrevocable. The affidavit shall also state that the employee has chosen termination of his or her own free will and was not coerced into termination by the employer or any other person. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district.(3) Require a current employee of the county or district, hired before approval of the resolution, but not covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, who after approval of the resolution becomes eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19, to make a one-time written election between the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 for future service and the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 for future service. The election shall be made within 45 calendar days of becoming eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19. The election shall be signed by the employee. Prior to signing the election, an employee who does not elect the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 and elects instead the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 shall be provided by the county or the district governing body with a written explanation of the effect and impact of the election. An employee who does not choose the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 shall be required to sign an affidavit stating that the employee has been fully informed regarding the effect of the election and understands that the election is irrevocable. The affidavit shall also state that the employee has chosen the election of his or her own free will and was not coerced into the election by the employer or any other person. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district. Failure to make an election within 45 calendar days shall be considered cause for termination of employment until the employee described in this paragraph has made the required election.(b) The retirement allowance for service rendered prior to the effective date of the election under paragraph (2) or (3) of subdivision (a) for an employee covered by any other pension calculation shall be calculated under the employee’s prior pension calculation. Any employee who has made an election shall not be eligible for retirement unless the employee meets the minimum requirements of the provision or provisions pursuant to the election applicable at the date of retirement.(c) (1) An election for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 by any employee hired before approval of the resolution shall include the signature of the designated beneficiary of the employee’s pension acknowledging the election, or shall include a written declaration of one or more of the following as may be applicable:(A) The beneficiary has no identifiable community property interest in the benefit.(B) The employee does not know, and has taken all reasonable steps to determine, the whereabouts of the beneficiary.(C) The beneficiary has been advised of the election and has refused to sign the written acknowledgment.(D) The beneficiary is incapable of executing the acknowledgment because of an incapacitating mental or physical condition.(2) The purpose of this subdivision is to notify the beneficiary, including the employee’s spouse or domestic partner, of an election made by the employee that may affect the entitlement of the beneficiary. In addition to the foregoing, if the designated beneficiary of an employee’s pension is a spouse or domestic partner of the employee, the election shall also evidence agreement to the election by the spouse or domestic partner.(3) A person who knowingly provides false information in the written declaration submitted pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), in addition to any civil remedies available to the board. An action to impose a civil penalty pursuant to this paragraph may be brought by any public prosecutor in the name of the people of the state.(d) In the event the employee elects the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01, the employee shall be eligible to receive a contribution from the county or district based on the employee’s contribution to a defined contribution program.(e) In addition to employees represented by bargaining units, any other employees not represented by a bargaining unit, as well as supervisors, managers, and executives, may be subject to subdivision (a) pursuant to the resolution described in subdivision (a).(f) This section shall apply only to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (a).(g) This section shall not apply to safety members.(h) A resolution adopted by the board of supervisors under subdivision (a) shall not apply to the employees of any district within the county. The governing body of a district may elect, by resolution adopted by majority vote, to make this section applicable to the employees of the district irrespective of whether the board of supervisors has made that election applicable to employees in the county.(i) A resolution adopted pursuant to this section may require any member that elects or is deemed to have elected the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 to pay additional member contributions beyond those member contributions required under Section 31621. These additional contributions shall not result in an additional benefit to the member. However, the additional contributions paid by a member pursuant to the authority granted by this subdivision shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member for the following purposes only:(1) Funding the annuity portion of the member’s retirement allowance.(2) Withdrawal of contributions by the member upon the member’s withdrawal from, and termination of membership in, the retirement system.(j) Any person employed subsequent to the effective date of a resolution adopted under subdivision (a) who would otherwise qualify as a member shall not become a member until he or she certifies his or her election, or otherwise as described above has been deemed to have elected, to be covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19. Once the election is made or is deemed to have been made, the employee will become a member retroactive to the date of hire. Any employee who subsequently otherwise becomes eligible for the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 subsequent to the effective date of a resolution adopted under subdivision (a) shall continue to be covered by any immediately preceding retirement plan to which he or she was entitled from the county or district until he or she certifies his or her election to be covered by the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19.(k) In the event that the final day to make an election or perform an act described in this section falls on a weekend or on a county or district holiday, a subsequent election or act shall be timely if made or performed on the immediately following regular business day of the county or district.(l) This section shall apply only in Orange County.(m) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 36. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014.)

(3) The amount of each payment is equal to the product of a sum determined by the board of supervisors, but not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15) times the member’s full years of county service not exceeding 30 years.

(e) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the payments to beneficiaries of members who elected optional settlement 3 pursuant to Section 31763 shall be 50 percent of the payments which otherwise would have been payable under subdivision (a) to the member.

This section shall be operative in a county at such time or times as may be mutually agreed to in memoranda of understanding executed by the employer and employee representatives if the board of supervisors adopts, by majority vote, a resolution declaring that the section shall be operative in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension, or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension, is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-ninetieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

(d) If an employer fails to enroll, solely for the administrative recordkeeping purposes of the system, a retired member employed in any capacity, without reinstatement, within 30 days of the effective date of hire, the board may assess the employer a fee of two hundred dollars ($200) per retired member per month until the retired member is enrolled in those administrative aspects of the system.

31676.01.  This section shall be operative in a county at such time or times as may be mutually agreed to in memoranda of understanding executed by the employer and employee representatives if the board of supervisors adopts, by majority vote, a resolution declaring that the section shall be operative in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension, or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension, is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-ninetieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age of RetirementFraction50  ........................ .709150¼  ........................ .718350½  ........................ .727450¾  ........................ .736651  ........................ .745751¼  ........................ .754751½  ........................ .763751¾  ........................ .772652  ........................ .781652¼  ........................ .790752½  ........................ .799952¾  ........................ .809053  ........................ .818153¼  ........................ .827553½  ........................ .836953¾  ........................ .846254  ........................ .855654¼  ........................ .865654½  ........................ .875554¾  ........................ .885555 ........................   ........................ .895455¼  ........................ .906155½  ........................ .916855¾  ........................ .927556  ........................ .938256¼  ........................ .949856½  ........................ .961456¾  ........................ .973057  ........................ ........................ .984657¼  ........................ .997257½  ........................ 1.009857¾  ........................ 1.022458  ........................ 1.035058¼  ........................ 1.048758½  ........................ 1.062558¾  ........................ 1.076259  ........................ 1.089959¼  ........................ 1.104959½  ........................ 1.119959¾  ........................ 1.134960  ........................ 1.150060¼  ........................ 1.161160½  ........................ 1.172360¾  ........................ 1.183561  ........................ 1.194761¼  ........................ 1.209761½  ........................ 1.224761¾  ........................ 1.239862  ........................ 1.254862¼  ........................ 1.270762½  ........................ 1.286762¾  ........................ 1.302663  ........................ 1.318663¼  ........................ 1.335563½  ........................ 1.352563¾  ........................ 1.369564  ........................ 1.386564¼  ........................ 1.404764½  ........................ 1.422964¾  ........................ 1.441165 and over  ........................ 1.4593The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.(Amended (as added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 61) by Stats. 1993, Ch. 714, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1994.)

(1) Reimburse the retirement system for any retirement allowance received during the period or periods of employment that are in violation of law. The retirement allowance that was paid in violation of law shall be considered an overpayment subject to collection by the retirement system.

(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this section shall only apply to members who retire on or after January 1, 1994.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to any previously retired member of a superseded system not established pursuant to either Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 is hereby increased, by increase of the pension portion thereof, to the amount it would be if the previously retired member of such superseded system had been retired under the provisions of this chapter, and the provisions of this chapter, as they are in effect on the effective date of this section, had been in effect at the time of the retirement of the previously retired member, assuming that all of the service with which he was credited at the time of his actual retirement constituted prior service under this chapter.

(a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), a retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service which did not on July 1, 1976 exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per month is hereby increased as follows:

(b) The board may authorize the system administrator or other personnel to exercise the board’s power and perform its duty to retire members under this section. The system administrator or other personnel shall report service retirements to the board at the next public meeting of the board after the retirement.

(1) Require an employee hired after approval of the resolution, to elect in writing, either the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 or the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01. The election shall be made within 45 calendar days of beginning employment with the county or the district. If an employee does not elect the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.19 within 45 days of beginning employment, the employee shall be deemed to have elected the pension calculation stated in Section 31676.01. An employee shall not be permitted to rescind his or her election unless the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district, through the adoption of a subsequent ordinance or resolution by majority vote, makes a provision permitting the employee to rescind the election applicable to the county or district.

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation:

(b) However, if such retirement allowance payable for time after the effective date of this section, as increased by subdivision (a) of this section, is less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, and if the previously retired member of the superseded system (not established pursuant to either Chapter 4 or Chapter 5) was credited at the time of his retirement with 20 or more years of service, or was retired after attaining the compulsory age of retirement, an additional amount provided by contributions of the county shall be added to his retirement allowance which will cause his total retirement allowance to amount to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year.

(h) A resolution adopted by the board of supervisors under subdivision (a) shall not apply to the employees of any district within the county. The governing body of a district may elect, by resolution adopted by majority vote, to make this section applicable to the employees of the district irrespective of whether the board of supervisors has made that election applicable to employees in the county.

A county or district upon the adoption of the benefits prescribed by this section shall determine and shall prescribe increases in employer or member rates of contribution or make such other adjustments as it deems appropriate to fully fund such benefits on a sound actuarial basis.

(b) No allowance shall be increased to more than five hundred dollars ($500) per month pursuant to subdivision (a) of this section.

(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.

(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.

31676.1.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age of RetirementFraction50  ........................ .709150¼  ........................ .718350½  ........................ .727450¾  ........................ .736651  ........................ .745751¼  ........................ .754751½  ........................ .763751¾  ........................ .772652  ........................ .781652¼  ........................ .790752½  ........................ .799952¾  ........................ .809053  ........................ .818153¼  ........................ .827553½  ........................ .836953¾  ........................ .846254  ........................ .855654¼  ........................ .865654½  ........................ .875554¾  ........................ .885555  ........................ .895455¼  ........................ .906155½  ........................ .916855¾  ........................ .927556  ........................ .938256¼  ........................ .949856½  ........................ .961456¾  ........................ .973057  ........................ .984657¼  ........................ .997257½  ........................ 1.009857¾  ........................ 1.022458  ........................ 1.035058¼  ........................ 1.048758½  ........................ 1.062558¾  ........................ 1.076259  ........................ 1.089959¼  ........................ 1.104959½  ........................ 1.119959¾  ........................ 1.134960  ........................ 1.150060¼  ........................ 1.161160½  ........................ 1.172360¾  ........................ 1.183561  ........................ 1.194761¼  ........................ 1.209761½  ........................ 1.224761¾  ........................ 1.239862  ........................ 1.254862¼  ........................ 1.270762½  ........................ 1.286762¾  ........................ 1.302663  ........................ 1.318663¼  ........................ 1.335563½  ........................ 1.352563¾  ........................ 1.369564  ........................ 1.386564¼  ........................ 1.404764½  ........................ 1.422964¾  ........................ 1.441165 and over   ........................ 1.4593The fractions herein set forth shall be used until adjusted by each board for its retirement system in accordance with the interest and mortality tables adopted by each such board with respect to its retirement system.In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)

(2) Members represented by Service Employees International Union Local 521 whose retirement benefits were established pursuant to Section 31676.16 prior to the date this section becomes operative in the county.

This section shall be applied only to enable such members of county retirement systems to qualify for retirement. Nothing in this section entitles any member of a county retirement system to any pension or other benefit based upon service rendered to any other public agency, but such a member upon his retirement shall be entitled to a retirement allowance under the county retirement system, calculated according to the formula applicable under such system, and on the basis of his county service even though such service be less than the minimum county service required for retirement under such system. The provisions in this chapter for minimum retirement allowances, shall not apply to any retired person who would not have qualified for retirement without including under this section service rendered to such public agency, nor shall such provisions apply unless the sum of the retirement allowances to which such person is entitled under the county retirement system and the retirement system of the other public agency, is less than the otherwise applicable minimum allowance under such provisions.

(d) Notwithstanding the requirements of subdivision (a), the provisions of this section shall be applicable in a county of the 12th Class, as described in Sections 28020 and 28033, after the board of supervisors of the county adopts a resolution to do so. The provisions adopted pursuant to this subdivision may be made applicable without regard to the requirement of implementing Article 15.6 (commencing with Section 31855) or the requirement of terminating benefits under social security. The provisions adopted pursuant to this subdivision shall apply only to either of the following:

In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.

(c) Any public employer that employs a retired member in violation of Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56 shall do both of the following:

Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

(b) This section shall not apply to any member who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 (Article 4 (commencing with Section 7522) of Chapter 21 of Division 7 of Title 1) for all or any portion of that member’s membership in the county retirement system.

(a) Retirement of a member who has met the requirements for age and service shall be made by the board pursuant to this article or pursuant to the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, whichever is applicable.

31676.95.  In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1953, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to any member who was retired prior to said effective date by reason of having attained the age of compulsory retirement, is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Sections 31676.1 and 31760.1, as they existed on the date that Section 31676.1 became applicable to the members’ retirement system, had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member; but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of any such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district covered by such retirement system elects to be subject to the provisions of this section in the manner provided by Article 2 of this chapter with respect to the establishment of a retirement system hereunder; except that an election among the employees is not required.(Added by Stats. 1955, Ch. 1900.)

Except as permitted in Section 31680.2 or 31680.3, the retirement allowance of the member shall be canceled on the effective date of the member’s reemployment and shall be resumed only upon the subsequent termination of the member from employment.

This section shall not apply to any retirement system established under the provisions of this chapter, nor to the members or retired members of any such system unless and until the governing board of the county or district covered by such retirement system elects to be subject to the provisions of this section in the manner provided by Article 2 (commencing with Section 31500) of this chapter with respect to the establishment of a retirement system hereunder, except that an election among the employees is not required.

(a) Notwithstanding Section 31680, this section shall apply to a retired person who is receiving a retirement benefit from a county retirement system and is appointed or elected to either of the following:

The service retirement annuity is an annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time of his retirement.

The prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district, equal to one-sixtieth of the average annual compensation earnable by him during the last three years prior to the establishment of the system and the last three years of service, multiplied by the number of years of prior service credited to him.

This section shall not be operative until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by majority vote, adopt a resolution making the provisions of this section applicable.

(g) This section shall not apply to an employee who receives an additional retirement benefit as an inducement to retire early.

31676.17.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of the county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in the county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation: Age atRetirementFraction50  ........................ 1.000050¼  ........................ 1.012550½  ........................ 1.025050¾  ........................ 1.037551  ........................ 1.050051¼  ........................ 1.062551½  ........................ 1.075051¾  ........................ 1.087552  ........................ 1.100052¼  ........................ 1.112552½  ........................ 1.125052¾  ........................ 1.137553  ........................ 1.150053¼  ........................ 1.162553½  ........................ 1.175053¾  ........................ 1.187554  ........................ 1.200054¼  ........................ 1.212554½  ........................ 1.225054¾  ........................ 1.237555   ........................ 1.250055¼  ........................ 1.262555½  ........................ 1.275055¾  ........................ 1.287556   ........................ 1.300056¼  ........................ 1.312556½  ........................ 1.325056¾  ........................ 1.337557   ........................ 1.350057¼  ........................ 1.362557½  ........................ 1.375057¾  ........................ 1.387558   ........................ 1.400058¼  ........................ 1.412558½  ........................ 1.425058¾  ........................ 1.437559   ........................ 1.450059¼  ........................ 1.462559½  ........................ 1.475059¾  ........................ 1.487560 and over   ........................ 1.5000In any county operating under this section, any limitations in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.This section shall apply to members employed by the county on or after the date this section becomes operative in the county.(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 664, Sec. 116. Effective January 1, 2003.)

31678.2.  (a) Notwithstanding Section 31678 or any other provision of this chapter, a board of supervisors or a governing body of a district may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make any section of this chapter prescribing a formula for calculation of retirement benefits applicable to service credit earned on and after the date specified in the resolution, which date may be earlier than the date the resolution is adopted.(b) A resolution adopted pursuant to this section may, if approved in a memorandum of understanding executed by the board of supervisors and the employee representatives, require members to pay all or part of the contributions by a member or employer, or both, that would have been required if the section or sections specified in subdivision (a), as adopted by the board or governing body, had been in effect during the period of time designated in the resolution. The payment by a member shall become part of the accumulated contributions of the member.(c) This section shall only be applicable to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (a).(d) On or after January 1, 2013, this section is inoperative pursuant to Section 7522.44.(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 247, Sec. 34. (AB 1380) Effective January 1, 2014. Inoperative as provided in subd. (d).)

This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts, by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

(c) This section shall not apply to an elective officer who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of the elective officer’s membership in the county retirement system.

31680.5.  (a) Upon reinstatement, pursuant to Section 31680.4, the member’s rate of contributions and retirement allowance upon subsequent retirement shall be determined as if the member were first entering the system.Solely for the purpose of determining the member’s eligibility for service retirement under this section, service shall include the member’s credited service prior to reinstatement.(b) The member’s allowance upon his or her service or disability retirement or other termination subsequent to the reinstatement shall be the sum of (1) his or her retirement allowance calculated on the basis of credited service rendered after reinstatement in accordance with the formula applicable to him or her plus (2) his or her retirement allowance as it was prior to reinstatement, adjusted by any change after reinstatement in the provisions governing the calculation of his or her allowance which would have applied to him or her had he or she continued in retirement.The retirement allowance otherwise payable under this section to a member whose allowance prior to reinstatement was paid pursuant to his or her election under Section 31810 shall be reduced as provided in Section 31810. However, for a member reinstated pursuant to Section 31680.4 prior to attaining age 62, the reduction required by Section 31810 shall be the amount which is the actuarial value of the increase in the allowance from date of retirement to date of reinstatement.Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the retirement allowance payable to any member subject to this section for any credited service for which a retirement allowance was paid prior to reinstatement shall not be less than the retirement allowance which would have been payable on the date of the subsequent retirement had the member not been reinstated, adjusted, however, by any reduction under this section because of an election under Section 31810.(c) Notwithstanding Article 10 (commencing with Section 31720), upon retirement for disability subsequent to reinstatement, a member shall receive a disability retirement allowance as follows:(1) A service-connected disability allowance shall be equal to one-half of his or her final compensation or an allowance computed as prescribed by subdivision (b), whichever is greater.(2) A nonservice-connected disability allowance shall be computed using the method prescribed by subdivision (b).(d) This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section and Section 31680.4 operative in that county.(Amended by Stats. 1992, Ch. 75, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1993.)

31674.  The service retirement annuity is an annuity which is the actuarial equivalent of his accumulated contributions at the time of his retirement.(Added by Stats. 1947, Ch. 424.)

(a) The benefits of this section shall not apply to any beneficiary or successor in interest of any deceased member and shall apply only to the living retired members on the date such section is adopted by resolution of the county or district.

(c) As used in this section, “administrative proceeding” means the process for appeal of an involuntary termination established by county or district ordinance or charter.

(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 46. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021. Section operative as prescribed by its own provisions.)

31681.8.  (a) The board of supervisors in any county under the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 may provide, effective on a date determined by the board, for cost-of-living payments, in addition to those payable under Articles 16.5 and 16.6, to members of this system or a superseded system who retired and to their surviving beneficiaries who are receiving allowances under this system, provided the following conditions are met:(1) On January 1 of the year of adoption or readoption of this section, the accumulations established by Section 31870, 31870.1, or 31870.2, as applicable, shall, for any member, equal or exceed 25 percent in order for that member to be eligible for such cost-of-living payment.(2) The payments shall be made either quarterly or monthly to those members and survivors eligible for the first payment.(3) The amount of each payment is equal to the product of a sum determined by the board of supervisors, but not to exceed fifteen dollars ($15) times the member’s full years of county service not exceeding 30 years.(b) The payments made pursuant to this section and Section 31739.5 shall be made only during the lifetimes of the members or their survivors receiving allowances and to no other person.(c) The payments made pursuant to this section and Section 31739.5 shall not be considered as a part of the monthly retirement allowance, optional death allowance, or annual death allowance, nor shall any such payments be construed as guaranteeing any similar payments in any subsequent year.(d) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the payments to beneficiaries of members pursuant to Section 31760.1, 31765.1, 31781.1, or 31785 or to beneficiaries who elected a combined benefit pursuant to Section 31781.3 shall be 60 percent of the payments which otherwise would have been payable under subdivision (a) to the members.(e) Notwithstanding subdivision (a), the payments to beneficiaries of members who elected optional settlement 3 pursuant to Section 31763 shall be 50 percent of the payments which otherwise would have been payable under subdivision (a) to the member.(f) This section shall not be operative in any county in any year, unless it is adopted or readopted in any year by the board of supervisors. Any such adoption or readoption in any particular year shall not be construed to require any adoption or readoption in any subsequent year.Before adoption by the board of supervisors in any year, the cost of the payments authorized by this section and Section 31739.5 shall be determined by a qualified actuary and the board of supervisors shall, with advice of the actuary, provide for the payment of such cost in such manner as to fully fund the benefits on a sound actuarial basis, including use of available funds in the reserves provided in Section 31592.2 with the approval of the retirement board, or an increase in the employer rates of contributions, or a combination of these sources of payments. This actuarial determination shall be made only upon authorization by the board of supervisors.Upon adoption by any county providing benefits pursuant to this section, of Article 5.5 (commencing with Section 31510) of this chapter, the board of retirement shall, instead, pay those benefits from the Supplemental Retiree Benefits Reserve established pursuant to Section 31510.8.(Amended by Stats. 1988, Ch. 76, Sec. 1.)

31680.10.  (a) A person who has been retired under this chapter for service following an involuntary termination of their employment, and who is subsequently reinstated to that employment pursuant to an administrative or judicial proceeding that is final and not subject to appeal, shall be reinstated from retirement as if there were no intervening period of retirement. Except as provided in subdivision (b), the requirements of Sections 31680.4, 31680.5, and 31680.7 shall not apply to that reinstatement.(b) The allowance received by the person during retirement shall be repaid by the person to the retirement system from which they retired in accordance with the retirement system’s repayment policy.(1) Member contributions shall be made for any period for which salary is awarded in the administrative or judicial proceedings in the amount that would have been contributed had the member’s employment not been terminated, and the person shall receive credit for the period for which salary is awarded. If the person fails to repay the allowance received during retirement, then the person’s contributions and allowance upon retirement subsequent to reinstatement shall be calculated under Sections 31680.5 or 31680.7, as applicable.(2) The retirement system shall have discretion regarding the timing of repayment of employer contributions for the period described in paragraph (1).(c) As used in this section, “administrative proceeding” means the process for appeal of an involuntary termination established by county or district ordinance or charter.(d) This section shall only apply to persons reinstated to employment by final action as described in subdivision (a), on or after the effective date of this section, pursuant to an administrative or judicial proceeding.(Added by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 48. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021.)

Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

31680.7.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any person who has been retired for service may be reemployed by the county or district from which he or she has been retired. Upon reemployment, the member’s retirement allowance shall be discontinued. The retirement allowance may be reinstated upon the discontinuance of reemployment, as specified in this section.(b) (1) For purposes of this section, “original period of employment” means the period of service with the county or district upon which the member’s original retirement allowance was based.(2) For purposes of this section, “period of reemployment” means the service subsequently rendered by the member after he or she has been reemployed by the county or district.(c) During the period of reemployment, the member shall accrue retirement service credit at the same tier or benefit level which was applicable to the member during his or her original period of employment. The member’s contribution rate shall be based on the same age at entry, and the same statutory formula, which was used in calculating the member’s contribution rate during his or her original period of employment.(d) Upon termination of the member’s period of reemployment for other than death or disability, the member shall begin receiving a monthly service retirement allowance which is the sum of all of the following:(1) The monthly retirement allowance the member had been receiving immediately prior to the time the member was reemployed by the county or district.(2) Any cost-of-living increases that would have been added to the monthly retirement allowance if the member’s allowance had not been discontinued by reason of reemployment.(A) A retirement allowance based on the amount of service credit the member accrued during the period of reemployment. This additional retirement allowance shall be calculated using the same benefit formula and tier upon which the member’s original retirement allowance was calculated, but shall be based on the member’s age upon termination of the period of reemployment and the member’s final compensation during that period.(B) The retirement allowance otherwise payable under this section to a member whose allowance prior to reinstatement was paid pursuant to an election under Section 31810 shall be reduced as provided in that section. However, for a member reinstated pursuant to Section 31680.4 prior to attaining age 62, the reduction required by Section 31810 shall be the amount that is the actuarial value of the increase in the allowance from the date of retirement to the date of reinstatement.(e) If, after reemployment pursuant to this section, the member becomes disabled and is granted a service-connected or non-service-connected disability retirement by the board, the member’s disability retirement allowance shall be the greater of either of the following:(1) The disability retirement allowance the member would have been entitled to receive if all of the member’s service during his or her original period of employment and subsequent period of reemployment had been continuous.(2) The service retirement allowance the member would have been entitled to receive if the member had not become disabled and had voluntarily terminated his or her period of reemployment.(f) (1) If the member dies during his or her period of reemployment, and leaves an eligible survivor or survivors entitled to receive a survivor’s allowance, the allowance shall be the same amount that it would have been if all of the member’s service during his or her original period of employment and subsequent period of reemployment had been continuous. If a lump sum death benefit is payable to the member’s designated beneficiary instead of a survivor’s allowance, the member’s accumulated retirement contributions for purposes of computing the death benefit shall be the sum of the contributions made by the member during the period of reemployment, plus interest credited thereon, and the excess, if any, of the member’s total contributions during the original period of employment, including interest credited thereon, over the total amount of retirement benefits paid to the member between the member’s original retirement from the county or district and the member’s reemployment pursuant to this section.(2) Upon or after service retirement, the continuance shall be paid upon the member’s death to the respective elected beneficiaries from each of the separate retirement period elections.(g) This section shall not apply to an employee who receives an additional retirement benefit as an inducement to retire early.(h) This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors of that county, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section applicable in that county.(Added by Stats. 1993, Ch. 291, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1994.)


(c) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail.

In every county having a population in excess of 2,000,000, the minimum retirement allowance for every member who has heretofore or who shall be hereafter retired at compulsory retirement age and who is credited with 15 or more years of service, including prior service, or at age 65 with 20 years of service, shall receive a total retirement allowance of not less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions. This section shall be retroactively operative as of September 22, 1951.

Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-sixtieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation.

31681.  In every county having a population in excess of 2,000,000, the minimum retirement allowance for every member who has heretofore or who shall be hereafter retired at compulsory retirement age and who is credited with 15 or more years of service, including prior service, or at age 65 with 20 years of service, shall receive a total retirement allowance of not less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) per year, exclusive of any annuity based on additional contributions. This section shall be retroactively operative as of September 22, 1951.(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 843.)

31681.1.  (a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, every retirement allowance payable for time commencing on the effective date of this section to any previously retired member of a superseded system not established pursuant to either Chapter 4 or Chapter 5 is hereby increased, by increase of the pension portion thereof, to the amount it would be if the previously retired member of such superseded system had been retired under the provisions of this chapter, and the provisions of this chapter, as they are in effect on the effective date of this section, had been in effect at the time of the retirement of the previously retired member, assuming that all of the service with which he was credited at the time of his actual retirement constituted prior service under this chapter.(b) However, if such retirement allowance payable for time after the effective date of this section, as increased by subdivision (a) of this section, is less than one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year, and if the previously retired member of the superseded system (not established pursuant to either Chapter 4 or Chapter 5) was credited at the time of his retirement with 20 or more years of service, or was retired after attaining the compulsory age of retirement, an additional amount provided by contributions of the county shall be added to his retirement allowance which will cause his total retirement allowance to amount to one thousand two hundred dollars ($1,200) a year.(c) This section does not authorize any decrease in any such retirement allowance, nor does this section give any such previously retired member of such superseded retirement system, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county for any increase in any retirement allowance paid or payable for time prior to its effective date. Calculations of retirement allowances under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.(Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 929.)

Wherever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.

31676.97.  In every county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1964, and prior to October 1, 1964, every current service pension and prior service pension payable for time commencing October 1, 1965, is hereby increased to the amount it would be if the provisions of this chapter, including Sections 31676.1 and 31760.1, as they existed on the date that Section 31676.1 became applicable to the members’ retirement system, had been in effect on the date of the actual retirement of the member; but this section does not authorize any decrease in any such pension, nor does this section give any such retired member, or his successors in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increase in any pension paid or payable for time prior to October 1, 1965. Calculations of pensions under this section shall be made on the basis of current interest rate and mortality tables.(Added by Stats. 1965, Ch. 557.)

31676.6.  This section shall apply only to counties coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 prior to January 1, 1953. If a member files an election pursuant to Section 31676.3 and does not file an election pursuant to Section 31676.4, and either he has no accumulated additional contributions to his credit or the accumulated contributions to his credit are less than payments due for credit for prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, the amount due or balance thereof shall be paid by additional salary deductions in the amounts specified by the member but in no case less than six dollars ($6) per month. The total amount due shall be paid prior to the effective date of his retirement.(Amended by Stats. 1953, Ch. 992.)

31681.52.  Every retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service is hereby increased as follows:Period during whichPercentage of increase inretirement becamemonthly retirementeffectiveallowanceOn or prior to June 30, 1967  ........................ 10%12 months ended June 30, 1968  ........................  8%12 months ended June 30, 1969  ........................  6%12 months ended June 30, 1970  ........................  4%12 months ended June 30, 1971  ........................  2%In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. A member with credit for 10 or more years of service in the system shall receive not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) a month.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by a majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Added by Stats. 1973, Ch. 298.)

(h) This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors of that county, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section applicable in that county.

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, the board of supervisors or the governing body of a district within the county may, by resolution adopted by majority vote, do the following:

(A) A retirement allowance based on the amount of service credit the member accrued during the period of reemployment. This additional retirement allowance shall be calculated using the same benefit formula and tier upon which the member’s original retirement allowance was calculated, but shall be based on the member’s age upon termination of the period of reemployment and the member’s final compensation during that period.

(f) This section shall apply only to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (a).

(e) Notwithstanding subdivision (d), the monthly payments to beneficiaries of members pursuant to Section 31760.1, 31765.1, 31781.1, or 31785, or to beneficiaries who elect a combined benefit pursuant to Section 31781.3 shall be one hundred twenty dollars ($120).

In no event shall any allowance be increased by an amount greater than seventy-five dollars ($75) a month. A member with credit for 10 or more years of service in the system shall receive not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) a month.

(c) This section shall only be applicable to members who retire on or after the effective date of the resolution described in subdivision (a).

(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.

31678.1.  (a) In a county of the 14th class, as defined by Section 28020, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, and Section 28035, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, Section 31678 shall only be applicable to persons who first became members of the retirement system on and after January 1, 1994.(b) This section shall not be operative in that county until the board of supervisors, by resolution, adopted by a majority vote, makes this section applicable in that county.(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, this section shall only apply to members who retire on or after January 1, 1994.(Amended by Stats. 1999, Ch. 42, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2000.)

(g) The employer shall provide written notice to the employee, by an appropriate mechanism, including by first-class mail or email, before the employee is within 10 business days or 80 hours of the period of time included in Section 31680.2, 31680.3, 31680.6, or 7522.56.

(b) This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in that county.

(b) This section shall not be operative in that county until the board of supervisors, by resolution, adopted by a majority vote, makes this section applicable in that county.

31676.56.  In any county coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 subsequent to January 1, 1953, any member having in excess of 30 years of service may within 90 days from the effective date of this amendment elect in writing not to come under the provisions of Section 31676.1.(Added by Stats. 1953, Ch. 992.)

(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.

31680.2.  (a) Any person who has retired may be employed in a position requiring special skills or knowledge, as determined by the county or district employing them, for a period of time not to exceed 90 working days or 720 hours, whichever is greater, in any one fiscal year or any other 12-month period designated by the board of supervisors and may be paid for that employment. That employment shall not operate to reinstate the person as a member of this system or to terminate or suspend their retirement allowance, and no deductions shall be made from their salary as contributions to this system.(b) (1) This section shall not apply to any retired person who is otherwise eligible for employment under this section if, during the 12-month period prior to an appointment described in this section, that retired person receives unemployment insurance compensation arising out of prior employment subject to this section with the same employer.(2) A retired person who accepts an appointment after receiving unemployment insurance compensation as described in this subdivision shall terminate that employment on the last day of the current pay period and shall not be eligible for reappointment subject to this section for a period of 12 months following the last day of employment.(3) Beginning January 1, 2013, if any provision of this section conflicts with the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013, the provisions of that act shall prevail, except that the limit on postretirement employment provided in subdivision (a) to the greater of 90 working days or 720 hours shall remain effective.(Amended by Stats. 2021, Ch. 186, Sec. 14. (SB 634) Effective January 1, 2022.)

This section shall not be operative in any county except as follows: The board of supervisors of a county at any time and from time to time may find that economic conditions are such as to require either that this entire section, or this section as applied to one or more categories of members in the above table be applicable in such county. The board of supervisors of such county from time to time may either rescind or modify such finding and either find that economic conditions do not require that this section be applicable at all in such county or be applicable to a greater, lesser, or different extent than previously found. This section or this section as applied to one or more categories of members in the above table, as the case may be, shall be applicable in such county when and only during the time when such finding is in effect. The giving of additional retirement benefits pursuant to this section shall create no additional contractual rights and shall not preclude the withdrawal of such benefits either by action of the board of supervisors or of the Legislature.

31681.4.  Every retirement allowance for time commencing on the effective date of this section to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system, who was retired or died on or after January 1, 1948 but prior to February 1, 1955, or such other date prior to February 1, 1955, as the board of supervisors in any county shall specify by resolution, is hereby increased by twenty-five dollars ($25) per month if the retired member is entitled to be credited with 20 years or more of service, or, if the retired member is entitled to be credited with less than 20 years of service, by an amount which bears the same ratio to twenty-five dollars ($25) as the member’s completed years of service with which the member is entitled to be credited bears to 20 years.This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Amended by Stats. 1963, Ch. 818.)

This section shall apply only to counties coming under the provisions of Section 31676.1 prior to January 1, 1953. A member shall receive no credit for prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, in calculating a retirement allowance pursuant to Section 31676.1 unless, within 90 days after the effective date of this section, he files with the board his written election to pay into the retirement fund six dollars ($6) for each month of prior service subsequent to June 30, 1921, for which he claims credit, and unless he makes such payments as provided in this article.

(2) The payments shall be made either quarterly or monthly to those members and survivors eligible for the first payment.

31681.53.  (a) Except as provided in subdivision (b), a retirement allowance or optional death allowance, including an allowance payable to a survivor of a member, payable to or on account of any member of this system or of a superseded system who has been or was retired for service which did not on July 1, 1976 exceed five hundred dollars ($500) per month is hereby increased as follows: Number of years ofPercentage of increase in county or districtmonthly retirement serviceallowance25 or more years  ........................ 10%20–25 years  ........................  8%15–20 years  ........................  6%(b) No allowance shall be increased to more than five hundred dollars ($500) per month pursuant to subdivision (a).This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by resolution adopted by majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.(Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 627.)

(a) On and after January 1, 2018, a person who has retired under this chapter may serve without reinstatement from retirement or loss or interruption of benefits under this chapter, as an elective officer.

(1) On January 1 of the year of adoption or readoption of this section, the accumulations established by Section 31870, 31870.1, or 31870.2, as applicable, shall, for any member, equal or exceed 25 percent in order for that member to be eligible for such cost-of-living payment.

31676.12.  This section may be made applicable in any county on the first day of the month after the board of supervisors of such county adopts by majority vote, a resolution providing that this section shall become applicable in such county. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this chapter, the current service pension or the current service pension combined with the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the contributions of the county or district sufficient, when added to the service retirement annuity, to equal the fraction of one-fiftieth of the member’s final compensation set forth opposite the member’s age at retirement, taken to the preceding completed quarter year, in the following table multiplied by the number of years of current service or years of current and prior service with which the member is entitled to be credited at retirement, but in no event shall the total retirement allowance exceed the member’s final compensation. Age at RetirementFraction50  ........................ .668150¼  ........................ .677550½  ........................ .686950¾  ........................ .696251  ........................ .705651¼  ........................ .715651½  ........................ .725551¾  ........................ .735552  ........................ .745452¼  ........................ .756152½  ........................ .766852¾  ........................ .777553  ........................ .788253¼  ........................ .799853½  ........................ .811453¾  ........................ .823054  ........................ .834654¼  ........................ .847254½  ........................ .859854¾  ........................ .872455  ........................ .885055¼  ........................ .898755½  ........................ .912555¾  ........................ .926256  ........................ .939956¼  ........................ .954956½  ........................ .969956¾  ........................ .984957  ........................ 1.000057¼  ........................ 1.011157½  ........................ 1.022357¾  ........................ 1.033558  ........................ 1.044758¼  ........................ 1.059758½  ........................ 1.074758¾  ........................ 1.089859  ........................ 1.104859¼  ........................ 1.120759½  ........................ 1.136759¾  ........................ 1.152660  ........................ 1.168660¼  ........................ 1.185560½  ........................ 1.202560¾  ........................ 1.219561  ........................ 1.236561¼  ........................ 1.254761½  ........................ 1.272961¾  ........................ 1.291162 and over  ........................ 1.3093In any county operating under this section any limitation in any provisions of this chapter upon the amount of compensation used for computing rates of contributions shall be disregarded.Whenever in this chapter reference is made to survivorship and other benefits and rights under Section 31676.1, the same shall apply to this section.(Amended by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1436.)

(c) Upon reemployment pursuant to this section, the retirement allowance of the member shall be cancelled. Upon the subsequent termination of the member from employment, the retirement allowance of the member shall be recalculated on the basis of the credited service rendered both before and after reinstatement pursuant to the formula applicable to the member prior to reinstatement. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the reinstatement rights conferred by this section shall not entitle a person to a retirement right or benefit that exceeds the limitations in the Internal Revenue Code that apply to public retirement systems.

This section shall not be operative in any county until such time as the board of supervisors shall, by ordinance adopted by a majority vote, make the provisions of this section applicable in such county.

(c) This section shall not decrease any such pension or retirement allowance, nor shall this section give any such retired members or their beneficiary or successor in interest, any claim against the county or district for any increases in pension or retirement allowance paid or payable for the time prior to the effective date of this section.

(a) A person who has been retired under the retirement system, for service or for disability, may not be employed in any capacity thereafter by the county or a district of the retirement system unless the person has first been reinstated from retirement pursuant to this chapter, or unless the employment, without reinstatement, is authorized by this article or the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013. A retired person whose employment without reinstatement is authorized by this article or the Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act shall acquire no service credit or retirement rights under this part with respect to the employment.

(d) This section shall not be operative in any county until the board of supervisors, by resolution adopted by a majority vote, makes this section and Section 31680.4 operative in that county.

(a) A person who has been retired under this chapter for service following an involuntary termination of their employment, and who is subsequently reinstated to that employment pursuant to an administrative or judicial proceeding that is final and not subject to appeal, shall be reinstated from retirement as if there were no intervening period of retirement. Except as provided in subdivision (b), the requirements of Sections 31680.4, 31680.5, and 31680.7 shall not apply to that reinstatement.

31681.6.  In any county which made Section 31676.1 of the Government Code applicable effective July 1, 1962, the board of supervisors may by resolution make the benefits provided by Section 31676.1 applicable to employees who retired prior to July 1, 1962, and after the board of supervisors first adopted a resolution providing that Section 31676.1 would become applicable provided that such employees’ retirement was by reason of having reached the age of compulsory retirement prior to July 1, 1962. In such instance the employees shall be entitled to the benefits provided by Section 31676.1 as of July 1, 1962.(Added by Stats. 1963, Ch. 767.)

In every county in which a retirement system was established prior to January 1, 1952, the prior service pension is an additional pension for members purchased by the county or district, equal to one-sixtieth of the average annual compensation earnable by him during any three years of service elected by the member at or before the time he files an application for retirement, or, if he fails to elect, during the three years immediately preceding his retirement, multiplied by the number of years of prior service credited to him.

31672.2.  (a) An elective officer who filed a declaration with the board to become a member, pursuant to Section 31553, who has served two complete consecutive terms in an elective office, and who has reached the minimum age for retirement provided in Section 31672, may be retired upon filing with the board a written application setting forth the date upon which the member desires the member’s retirement to become effective. The effective retirement date shall not be either of the following:(1) Earlier than the date the application is filed with the board.(2) More than 60 days after the date of filing the application or more than a number of days that has been approved by the board.(b) This section shall become operative only in any county of the 16th class, as defined by Section 28020 and 28037, as amended by Chapter 1204 of the Statutes of 1971, and on the first day of the calendar month after the board of supervisors adopts a resolution making it operative in the county.(c) This section shall not apply to an elective officer who is subject to the provisions of the California Public Employees’ Pension Reform Act of 2013 for all or any portion of the elective officer’s membership in the county retirement system.(Amended by Stats. 2020, Ch. 275, Sec. 46. (AB 2101) Effective January 1, 2021. Section operative as prescribed by its own provisions.)