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SQuaD connects actors in the field of Quantum Communication in Germany and promotes technology transfer from science to industry.

Due to its strong net­work in the field of Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies through QTZ, its par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in Euro­pean stan­dar­diza­ti­on bodies such as CEN/CLC or ETSI, as well as its excel­lent tech­ni­cal exper­ti­se in the fields of sin­gle-pho­ton metro­lo­gy and glass-fiber-based time and fre­quen­cy trans­mis­si­on, PTB is the ide­al insti­tu­ti­on to signi­fi­cant­ly con­tri­bu­te to sha­ping the Quan­tum Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on Eco­sys­tem in Ger­ma­ny. Sin­ce Sep­tem­ber 2022, PTB coor­di­na­tes SQuaD in clo­se coope­ra­ti­on with the Bun­des­amt für Sicher­heit in der Infor­ma­ti­ons­tech­nik (BSI).Q

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The Phy­si­ka­lisch-Tech­ni­sche Bun­des­an­stalt (PTB) is the natio­nal metro­lo­gy insti­tu­te of the Fede­ral Repu­blic of Ger­ma­ny. As an upper-level sci­en­ti­fic and tech­ni­cal fede­ral aut­ho­ri­ty under the auspi­ces of the Bun­des­mi­nis­te­ri­um für Wirt­schaft und Kli­ma­schutz der Bun­des­re­pu­blik (BMWK), PTB is pre­desti­ned for the coor­di­na­ti­on of acti­vi­ties rela­ting to inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry cross-sec­tion­al topics from the Quan­tum Qorld. Its exper­ti­se in Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies and its role as an inde­pen­dent and neu­tral insti­tu­ti­on qua­li­fies PTB for this task.

Thanks to its skills in the art of mea­su­re­ment, PTB play­ed an essen­ti­al part at the very begin­ning of Quan­tum Mecha­nics and is the dri­ver of the so-cal­led second Quan­tum Revolution’s Wave of metro­lo­gi­cal pos­si­bi­li­ties by pro­vi­ding the next gene­ra­ti­on of ato­mic clocks with even more pre­cise elec­tri­cal stan­dards or by intro­du­cing inno­va­ti­ve mea­su­re­ment capa­bi­li­ties in the medi­cal field. Apart from being appli­ed in metro­lo­gy, the­se fun­da­men­tal rese­arch and tech­no­lo­gy deve­lo­p­ments also enable signi­fi­cant pro­gress in all fields of appli­ca­ti­on of Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies. The Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gy Com­pe­tence Cen­ter (QTZ), which was estab­lished at PTB in 2019, is focu­sed on trans­fer­ring Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies from fun­da­men­tal rese­arch to indus­tri­al appli­ca­ti­ons. The­r­e­fo­re, it sup­ports the deve­lo­p­ment of the com­mer­cial use of Quan­tum Tech­no­lo­gies which is imman­ent­ly important for Ger­ma­ny and Euro­pe.