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SQuaD connects actors in the field of Quantum Communication in Germany and promotes technology transfer from science to industry.
Due to its strong network in the field of Quantum Technologies through QTZ, its participation in European standardization bodies such as CEN/CLC or ETSI, as well as its excellent technical expertise in the fields of single-photon metrology and glass-fiber-based time and frequency transmission, PTB is the ideal institution to significantly contribute to shaping the Quantum Communication Ecosystem in Germany. Since September 2022, PTB coordinates SQuaD in close cooperation with the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik (BSI).Q
Skftmft 36
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is the national metrology institute of the Federal Republic of Germany. As an upper-level scientific and technical federal authority under the auspices of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz der Bundesrepublik (BMWK), PTB is predestined for the coordination of activities relating to interdisciplinary cross-sectional topics from the Quantum Qorld. Its expertise in Quantum Technologies and its role as an independent and neutral institution qualifies PTB for this task.
Thanks to its skills in the art of measurement, PTB played an essential part at the very beginning of Quantum Mechanics and is the driver of the so-called second Quantum Revolution’s Wave of metrological possibilities by providing the next generation of atomic clocks with even more precise electrical standards or by introducing innovative measurement capabilities in the medical field. Apart from being applied in metrology, these fundamental research and technology developments also enable significant progress in all fields of application of Quantum Technologies. The Quantum Technology Competence Center (QTZ), which was established at PTB in 2019, is focused on transferring Quantum Technologies from fundamental research to industrial applications. Therefore, it supports the development of the commercial use of Quantum Technologies which is immanently important for Germany and Europe.