Full ceramic vs hybrid bearing - ceramic hybrid bearings
Timing belt andrepair cost
Examples are: searching for part 1234* will return parts that start with 1234 regardless of part number length. Searching for part 1234? Will return parts that start with 1234, but will only return part numbers that are no longer than 5 characters long.
You can do partial searches on part numbers by using the * and ? characters. Use * to represent multiple characters and ? to represent a single character.
Timing belt andreplacement cost
For enquires within Canada, please email: skfclientsales@skf.com For enquires within USA, please email: ask.seals.usa@skf.com
Search by Part No. allows for look-up of any SKF CR Seals Part Number that is part of the current CR Seals Handbook. Just enter the part number and click Search. The desired displayed units of Inch or Millimeters can be selected. This search feature will also link any old / superseded part number to their current CR Seals Part Number. Clicking the part numbers that appear will bring up a detail page with dimensions and, in many cases, a product cross-section view and picture.
Our own experience has shown that the timing belt is not perfect in every situation when comparing it against a chain drive. Being able to recognize timing belt limitations helps us to educate our customers in making the right decisions on their particular applications needs.