Lincoln AutoGreaser manual

0 to 50 mm range. For use with Triaxial Cells. •Ideally suited for use with GDU for accuratedisplacement measurements•Models available for use in consolidation, shear,CBR and triaxial test applications•Supplied complete with mounting hardware forspecified productsDisplacement Transducers are used in consolidation, shear, CBR and triaxial test applications for accurate displacement measurements. They are supplied complete with a 5-pin DIN type connector for direct connection to the GDU.

Tim in WI - 6/19/2013 16:46 We've been getting 00 weight grease in a bucket from Schaeffer's, unscrew the top off the greaser and pour it in. We are careful to have everything very clean before unscrewing the top, and only do it in the shop. No bearing troubles, we've been doing it this way since 1998, 3 different machines. Only bearing failure have been where a grease line came off and didn't get noticed. We did use JD 'Multi-Luber" grease for a couple years, no trouble then either. "Here", in the Great White North, #2 grease is too thick by corn silage time.except for last years 90* corn silage harvest...

Lincolnlubrication catalog PDF

I use the JD Polyurea for nearly everything, Corn head grease in the gearboxes, and moly grease for pin bushing and sliding loads.

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