Specialty O-rings

Customers count on M Barnwell Services for short lead times and guidance on material selection. Our experienced team will guide all aspects of production, including prototyping, testing, and final part manufacture. Depending on the application M Barnwell Services and its manufacturing partners offer full batch traceability throughout the manufacturing process and the issuing of certifications when available.

Food and Drink Industry: FDA 21 CFR § 177.2600 (A-F), FDA 21 CFR § 177.2400 (D), BfR XXI/1 Category 4,  EC1935/2004 compliant, EC2023/2006 compliant, 3-A Standard 18-03 Class I, BAM (reactivity with oxygen).

FFKM O-rings

Perfluoroelastomer / FFKM is a type of elastomer with a molecular structure that is very similar to PTFE. They both provide excellent thermal stability and almost universal chemical resistance.

M Barnwell Services range of Perfluoroelastomer / FFKM seals are the ultimate for sealing applications where chemical resistance and high-temperature performance are critical. In addition, we also have a specialist range of extremely low-temperature seals.

o-ring compatibility chart pdf

E & OE.  M Barnwell Services endeavour to make sure that all content is correct. The information has been gathered from manufacturing partners.

The below material diagrams provide a top-level overview of which material is suggested to use in certain conditions. Use it as a guide when discussing your fluid sealing requirements.

M Barnwell Services are the UK’s largest independent stockist, distributor, and manufacturer of Seals and Gaskets. We stock a range of durable Chemical Resistant Seals to suit all industries and applications.