Half Shafts & Rear Wheel Bearings - Series 2 & 3 Models - halfshaft bearing
When summer finally gets here and you are ready to get the boat out what is the first thing you are thinking about? Monster fish? Water Skiing? Tubing? A cold brew and a slow cruise? What grease you need for your boat and/or boat trailer? We completely understand that the last thing you are thinking about is what grease you need for your boat.
Fuel additives are unique substances that are added to gasoline, diesel, and other types of fuels to enhance their performance, reduce engine wear, improve fuel efficiency, and minimize pollution. They...
Everyone can probably recall a middle school science experiment featuring oil and water in a 2 liter soda bottle. No matter how hard you shook the bottle that two liquids would always perfectly separate back out.
If your car is too far gone and it’s ready for the crusher, get a quote from Scrap Car Comparison today where we’ll find you the very best price offered by scrap and salvage buyers in your local area. Our network spans 99% of the UK and we offer free collection for every customer, at no extra cost!
If your car is producing a horrible grinding noise while you’re travelling slowly, you might need to get a few different parts looked at before you can accurately determine the cause.
Marine wheelBearing Grease
Quick answer: No. We have to explore this question a little more in depth because a lot of greases are tacky, but lack good performance. It has long been a misconception by consumers that tacky greases are the best.
Scrap Car Comparison Limited, a company registered in England and Wales under company number 08472194
Boat trailer grease
So, if oil and water don’t mix shouldn’t all grease be naturally water resistant? Yes, you are right, grease is naturally water resistant to some degree. However, the additives, lubricating ability, and surface adhesion are all affected by both salt and fresh water.
AirTec’s SG-145 SeaGuard is a marine rated grease that is designed for the most extreme marine applications, this is the best marine grease in a Lube-Shuttle® tube.
Best grease for Bearingbuddies
If that’s not it though, another solution could be to throw the car into a forward gear before quickly putting it back into reverse. Then, we’d advise taking the car to have its transmission and clutch looked over by a mechanic.
Bestmarine wheelbearing grease
The worst case scenario (and unfortunately, the more common one) will see you needing new brake pads, and urgently. If you’ve been driving along with the same brake pads for a few too many miles, they’ll start to wear out and eventually, the rotor disk and calliper will begin to rub against each other. This is very bad news and new brake pads should be fitted as soon as you’re able to get the car to a mechanic.
So while Water Washout Rates are a good indicator and another test to pay attention to they are not the best single indicator of a marine grade grease.
Fuel additives are unique substances that are added to gasoline, diesel, and other types of fuels to enhance their performance, reduce engine wear, improve fuel efficiency, and minimize pollution. They...
You can ring our team on 03333 44 99 50 - we're in the office Monday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday from 8am until 5pm and Sunday 9am to 5pm.
BUT answering this question before the boat goes out will help make sure you don’t have a vacation ruining breakdown. Lets dive into some different grease ratings that will help you make sure you get the right grease.
Best boat trailerwheelbearing grease
If your car is making a grinding noise while turning specifically, then either (or both) the CV joints or wheel bearings are likely to blame. The noise will be produced by friction between two or more metal components that should not be touching each other, and it’s possible that you could hear this more loudly when turning to one particular direction than the other.
Best grease for trailerbearings
At the helm of AET Systems, Wesley Kolbe merges tradition with innovation to provide top-quality lubricants and unmatched service, ensuring every client's machinery runs at its best.
You like putting money into your car – but not throwing it away at the pump. Here’s a list of ways to manage your mileage.
Finally, if your car parts are simply lacking lubrication, it can cause a grinding noise. This might be the easiest to rectify, but it could actually cause some significant damage! The longer that grinding noise goes on, the more the touching metal parts will wear down!
Not necessarily. Many common greases have really low water washout rates, but this test is more to gauge a grease’s short term ability to resist water. For marine applications we are looking at long term ability to resist water and maintain a lubricity film while preventing corrosion.
You like putting money into your car – but not throwing it away at the pump. Here’s a list of ways to manage your mileage.
If you’re getting a grinding noise from your manual car when you shift into reverse, it could be because the gearbox has not yet fully disengaged, meaning the gears are still rotating. The simplest cause of this is that you might be lifting the clutch before the correct gear has been properly selected – take a moment to think about your clutch control and if you think this is what’s happening, slow down your foot movement a little bit the next time you need to go backwards.
If you’ve determined that the source of the grinding noise appears to be the steering wheel itself, it’s quite likely that your power steering fluid is either low or contaminated. This should be examined by someone who knows what they’re looking for (ideally a mechanic) and either topped up or replaced as necessary.
Grease gun uses extend beyond the mechanic’s shop. The tools can also be used by do-it-yourselfers around the home. The grease gun applies a specified lubricant on a fitting at...
SeaGuard is rated for use in boats, boat trailers, barges, underwater construction machines, crane, davit crane, exploratory drilling machines, dam gates, winches, and cables. This grease is designed to protect against corrosion caused by salt and fresh water, more importantly it also functions perfectly in dry applications so you don’t have to worry about it dry out when your boat or trailer is out of the water.
The roar of a car engine is like music to many people’s ears, but sometimes that noise can be overshadowed by other sounds that definitely shouldn’t be coming from the vehicle. If you find that your car is making some horrible sounds, Scrap Car Comparison is here to explain what the problem might be. This post will talk about the different grinding noises that your car could make and how to fix them.
Redgrease for boat trailerbearings
A worn-out CV joint could result in the vehicle producing a grinding noise, which would be especially prominent when cornering. This noise doesn’t come without risk of breakdown, so it’s recommended that these are replaced sharpish.
If your transmission is about to fail, or has already let you down, sell your car with Scrap Car Comparison and we’ll find you the best offer for your vehicle from scrap and salvage buyers in your local area. We only partner with professionally registered Authorised Treatment Facilities, meaning that your car or van will be disposed of in the safest and most environmentally friendly way possible. What’s more, we even offer free collection to all of our customers regardless of where they are in the UK! So, get a quote by calling 03333 44 99 50 or by using our scrap value calculator and find out what your old car is worth today!
If you’re hearing a grinding noise when you press the brakes, you could be driving a deathtrap. There are two possibilities at play, and either problem will need rectifying as soon as possible.
The problem might also lie with the brake pads or rotors, especially if they’ve been put through thousands of miles. When the surface of the pads or rotors begins to deform, it can cause a grinding noise, particularly when you slow the car down. Anything regarding brakes is, of course, absolutely essential, so these should be kept in working order and replaced when necessary without hesitation.
The best marine grade grease is AirTec SG145 SeaGuard. Seaguard is rated for both salt and fresh water and is designed for extreme duty in the most intense marine applications. Let’s check the test data:
A lack of transmission fluid could also be to blame, with this problem causing the vehicle’s transmission to grind and you might even experience some shaking and difficulty shifting gear.
Grease gun uses extend beyond the mechanic’s shop. The tools can also be used by do-it-yourselfers around the home. The grease gun applies a specified lubricant on a fitting at...
A grinding noise from an automatic car could still point towards the disengagement issue, although it’s more difficult to tell since the car does the gear shifting for you. A far less serious problem (at least, initially) could simply be a lack of lubrication in the gears.
Boat Trailer GreaseCaps
However, because of this misconception there are now a lot of cheaply made tacky greases on the market that have terrible performance. This is why it is so important to dig into the test data.
The better of the two scenarios involves debris from the road becoming lodged between your brake calliper and the rotor disk. If you’re able to locate this and remove it safely, then the sound should stop and you should be good to go – although if you think any serious damage has been done, let a professional mechanic take a look at the components before setting off on your next outing.
If you are the type of person who isn’t a grease and grease data enthusiast, we understand, its not everyone’s go to party game. So, I’ll make it simple for you. Here is a marine grade grease that checks every box and best of all it comes in a lube-shuttle® cartridge so you don’t have to make a mess every time you grease.
Additionally, depending on the application, the most important factor may be whether or the grease can stay in place and doesn’t get washed off.
It might be your wheel bearings that are causing the noise, if they’re not allowing the wheels to turn with total freedom and are instead causing friction.