Hand Carved 6″ Elube Bowl - elube
• The new Hub Grappler Puller is specifically designed to apply maximum force with minimal effort from an impact gun to also minimize service time.
Salut, j'ai eu un problème parce que oh mon zsh montre un caractère bizarre '?' sur mon terminal sous Ubuntu WSL2. Je recommande le tutoriel Youtube suivant "HOW TO install powerlevel10k for zsh/oh-my-zsh WITH Nerd Fonts inside WSL" qui montre comment installer "Meslo Nerd Font" sur Windows ce qui résout le problème.
Yeah, I wrap all my aliases in if clauses, that way I can share my dotfiles across systems, and not worry if e.g. exa isn't installed on that particular machine, I still have the original ls
@ombratteng @abdfn I am not able to get exa working with alias ls. I ahve added the if stmt you had provided but still ls doesnt print exa's style. I am on macos big sur with iterm.
DEV Community — A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. With you every step of your journey.
Hi there, The developers always use the terminal, but it is boring and has no colors or shapes. Today we will transform our terminals into a wonderful, colorful, supportive terminal that offers suggestions and has a memory, we'll do it by OMZ and design it by PowerLevel10k...
if you've Windows terminal you can open your settings and in UNIX preferences and add fontFace prop, assign it to FiraCode NF.
thanks for reply I have used both and the issues till there and I even downloaded the 4 fonts from their GitHub repo and install them and I can't see them
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• The new jaws are designed and sized to properly fit hub applications and can be quickly located on the puller bar without the use of fasteners.
• The new Hub Grappler Application Guide includes coverage and applications up to model year 2018 and is the most comprehensive hub and bearing service guide on the market. Developed to be the first tool used in the kit, it provides quick reference to the other tools in the kit required to do the job, eliminating guesswork and saving time.
• The new 3/4" custom drive screw coupled with the special equalizer washer provides smooth operation while the proprietary heat treating extends its life 5-10 times longer than similar designs.
The Hub Grappler Kit is the complete solution for servicing wheel hubs and bearings on the vehicle without removing the steering components or knuckle. This eliminates unnecessary alignments or the use of a shop press, cutting service time dramatically.