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LA100 Equity Strategies picks up where the previous study left off. NREL, LADWP, and the University of California, Los Angeles partnered on this comprehensive, community-driven effort to pave the way for a just and equitable transition for all Angelenos.


Results show that meeting LA's goal of reliable, 100% renewable electricity by 2045—or even 2035—is achievable and will entail rapid deployment of wind, solar, and storage technologies this decade.

The project generated a range of strategies with the goal of improving energy equity as the city transitions to a 100% clean energy future.

At the direction of the Los Angeles City Council, LA embarked on a plan to modernize its electricity system infrastructure—aiming for a 100% renewable energy supply by 2045, along with aggressive electrification targets for buildings and vehicles.

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory is a national laboratory of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, operated by the Alliance for Sustainable Energy LLC.

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NREL provided rigorous, integrated engineering-economic analysis to the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP) through the Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study (LA100) and Equity Strategies.

The LA100 study revealed that, although all communities in Los Angeles will share in the benefits of the clean energy transition, improving equity in participation and outcomes requires intentionally designed policies and programs.

LA100 Equity Strategies developed actionable strategies to improve equity for underserved communities. Ensuring diverse community voices were included from the very beginning, the project synthesized community guidance, research into current and past inequities, and extensive modeling and analysis to identify strategies to improve equity outcomes in Los Angeles’ transition to clean energy.  The project started by engaging with communities to understand their challenges and identify solutions to meet their energy-related needs. A steering committee, comprising leaders from 14 community-based organizations, identified five priority areas for an equitable energy transition:

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Visit the LA100 website or the the LA100 Equity Strategies webpage to explore an interactive data viewer, additional explanatory content, and a glossary of terms.

With great ambition comes great need for actionable data and analysis, which NREL provided through LA100.

For LA100, NREL evaluated a range of future scenarios to equip LA decision makers with answers to these questions:

The LA100 study final report is presented as a collection of 12 chapters and an executive summary. The Equity Strategies report consists of 17 chapters and an executive summary. Each chapter and executive summary is available as an individual download.