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If your wheels and your engine are not in sync (hence the grinding), this can cause significant damage to your transmission. You may notice this grinding during acceleration or just when your car is in a specific gear.

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If you notice your car making a grinding sound when it accelerates, your issue is likely to do with your transmission, a problem with your differential, a bad wheel bearing, a damaged CV joint, or a worn engine/motor mount.

Replacing your transmission with a new one will set you back $4,000 to $8,000, depending on the vehicle. If you’re able to replace your worn-out transmission with a rebuilt one, this will likely cost between $2,500 to $4,000—but again, this will depend on the type of car you drive.


Noises when you’re driving are never a good thing—but a grinding noise? That can seem downright scary. Getting it checked out by a mechanic for a proper diagnosis should always be your first course of action.

This operational evaluation is based on contract ground and flight training provided by Flight Safety International, Cessna Flight Training Center, Wichita Kansas. Flight training was conducted in the Cessna Sovereign simulator (TC ID 444) This evaluation has been made in compliance with the TCCA JOEB/FLC common procedures terms of references.

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Though we all like to be self-sufficient, do not attempt to fix or replace your transmission yourself. Transmissions are complex, intricate machines and should be repaired or replaced by professionals only.

The grinding noise when you accelerate likely has to do with your car’s planetary gear system. This system ensures that the speed of your car’s wheels match the speed of the engine.

The guidelines and recommendations contained in this report apply to: Civil Aviation Inspectors, Principal Operations Inspectors (POI) and Company Check Pilots employed by Canadian commercial operators

Unfortunately, if you’re noticing grinding and the problem turns out to be the transmission, you’re past the point of fixing it—it will likely need replacing.