The height should be adjusted according to what kind of deck you are showing, decks without sideboard don't require much height while Commander decks take up a lot of vertical space. Use the radio buttons to adjust the embedding code. If you do not define enough length, a scrollbar will be automatically added.

The height should be adjusted according to what kind of deck you are showing, decks without sideboard don't require much height while Commander decks take up a lot of vertical space. Use the radio buttons to adjust the embedding code. If you do not define enough length, a scrollbar will be automatically added.

Copy the text below to embed the deck on your webpage. The code can be pasted wherever you want it to show up, we use simple Iframe code to embed. In addition, there are some extra options available like height adjustments and dark/light mode.

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Copy the text below to embed the deck on your webpage. The code can be pasted wherever you want it to show up, we use simple Iframe code to embed. In addition, there are some extra options available like height adjustments and dark/light mode.

If the deck is illegal the format text will become red text and an (Illegal) text is displayed instead of a price tag. Hovering over cards will display an image and clicking it it will bring the user to the TCGplayer store. If the user is a TCGPlayer affiliate and a content creator it will use that users affiliate code

If the deck is illegal the format text will become red text and an (Illegal) text is displayed instead of a price tag. Hovering over cards will display an image and clicking it it will bring the user to the TCGplayer store. If the user is a TCGPlayer affiliate and a content creator it will use that users affiliate code