
Our lubricants for door seals and spindle drives enable easy and reliable opening and closing, even with varying temperatures. They provide a high degree of protection against wear, as well as optimal ageing resistance  – true top-performers in the race against downtime.

As a partner to the industry, we work in close cooperation with manufacturers, maintenance specialists and operators to constantly develop new, optimised lubricants for the rail industry that meet special requirements. Top-notch performance can only be attained by pulling together.

Sustainability and environmental protection are close to our heart. Long relubrication intervals lead to reduced lubrication amounts and less used lubricants to be disposed of. Furthermore, many of our lubricants are rapidly biodegradable, making them especially friendly to the environment.

Viewed over the total life cycle of a train, maintenance costs are higher than acquisition costs, so reducing maintenance costs also reduces the total cost of ownership (TCO). Lubricants are therefore much more than just an operating resource – they are an important design component.

We will keep you informed on news regarding speciality lubricants – on new products as well as on events and trade fairs where you can meet us personally.

Are you looking for exactly the right lubricant for rail vehicles and railway infrastructure? Do you have questions, or do you need advice on a special solution? We are here to help you – talk with our experts about your project! After all, our motto is: Moving ahead together!

Also in gearboxes, lubricant must render maximum performance for rail operators to attain their objectives: high train availability and minimum downtime due to maintenance and repair. Klüber Lubrication has therefore developed gear oils tailored to the railway industry that enable distinctly longer oil change intervals. Our gear oils have the potential to double oil change intervals, significantly reducing maintenance effort and operating costs. The resulting higher train availability can help to reduce delays and thus increase customer satisfaction. Gear oils from Klüber Lubrication are approved by worldwide leading gear unit manufacturers in the railway industry and have a proven track record in harsh everyday operation.

With the requirement for zero-downtime operation under extremely severe environmental conditions, the railway industry places stringent demands on rail vehicles and infrastructure. With good reason: unscheduled maintenance and damage incur high costs and often have a long-term impact on punctuality. Specialty lubricants from Klüber Lubrication are developed specifically to meet these high demands. Leading manufacturers in the railway industry rely on our lubricants for railway applications. These lubricants have a proven track record under harsh conditions, are economical in use, and are easy to procure thanks to worldwide availability. In short, they offer everything you need to attain your foremost goal: more cost efficiency!

What is needed to render top performance spot-on? Ample experience, optimal development conditions and true team spirit. Many of our high performance lubricants are the result of many years of cooperation with companies in the railway industry. They are developed with knowledge of the specific requirements and thoroughly tested on our internal test benches, before they are made available to customers for practical tests.


Klüber Lubrication offers an extensive range of specialty lubricants for the railway industry, developed with an eye to high reliability and long component lifetime. By extending relubrication intervals, our lubricants help to reduce maintenance costs and boost train availability.


Specialty lubricants from Klüber Lubrication for train maintenance and infrastructure prove their worth worldwide every day. They include solutions for many lubrication points in railway engineering, from lubrication of traction systems and doors to axle gears and wheel flanges, bogies, brakes, and many other components.

More sustainability and environmental protection: Longer relubrication and oil change intervals reduce the required lubrication amounts. Using rapidly biodegradable lubricants reduces the environmental burden of railway operations.

Special lubricants for trains show that seemingly small details can have sizeable effects - on reliability, on maintenance costs and hence also on cost efficiency over the whole life cycle. What matters in this context and how you can win the race for cost efficiency becomes evident in our checklist: Lower maintenance costs combined with higher train availability!

Klüber Lubrication stands for extremely high quality, reliability and innovation. We are your competent development partner for all aspects of specialty lubricants for the railway industry, with numerous approvals from leading manufacturers and suppliers.

Klüber Lubrication offers a portfolio of lubricants specifically for doors, which ensure both long relubrication intervals and high reserve capacity. All leading door manufacturers have approved lubricants from Klüber Lubrication and use them in their series production.

If a door gets stuck, the train stands still. Door seals on platforms and trains are highly stressed by repeated opening and closing cycles, extreme temperatures and UV radiation. The resulting frequent failures and unscheduled shop visits often cost operators a lot of money, not to mention annoyance and loss of reputation due to delays.

At your side – worldwide: We offer you the same products and the same outstanding quality everywhere in the world, along with reliable personal support for your questions about tribology.

Trains are sold and deployed worldwide. Our specialty lubricants are therefore available worldwide under the same names and with consistently high quality. Our tribology experts are personally available for direct local advice everywhere in the world – a matter of course for Klüber customer service.

1、活动时间:2021年6月1日00:00-6月30日23:59 2、活动规则:活动期间用户登陆华为商城帐号,进入活动页面,点击参与抽奖,同一帐号每天有3次免费抽奖机会。 3、奖品设置: 一等奖(1张)      国内任意飞机票 1张 二等奖(10份)    华为自拍杆 1个 三等奖(40份)    乐享礼包 1个(含蓝牙音箱*1、手机支架*1、伸缩数据线*1) 四等奖(50份)    保温杯 1个 五等奖(70份)    无线充电台灯 1个 4、奖品发放:用户抽奖完毕后即在本抽奖活动页面被告知抽奖结果。实物中奖用户将会收到消息通知,PC端的查看路径:在我的帐号>消息中心>活动消息,手机端的查看路径为:点击华为商城APP端首页搜索栏右侧的小图标,进入消息中心,查看活动消息,或者进入商城>我的>右上角消息中心。优惠券将在中奖15分钟内发至用户帐户,请在华为商城-我的-优惠券中查看,优惠券具体的使用规则和限制详见券面说明,可使用优惠券的商品见券面“去使用”商品列表。抽中实物奖品用户请于2021年6月2日前到“个人中心-收货地址管理”中设置默认收货地址,实物奖品将在活动结束后15-20个工作日内按照您的默认收货地址发货,具体版本/制式/颜色请以收到的实物为准。 温馨提示:请中奖用户保持联系电话畅通,如因用户原因导致奖品发放失败的视为自动放弃奖品。如出现恶意刷单的情况,华为商城将保留拒绝发放或收回奖品的权利。任何人通过不正当手段(包括但不限于侵犯第三人合法权益、作弊、扰乱系统、实施网络攻击、批量注册、用机器注册帐户、用机器模拟客户端等方式)获得本次活动利益的,华为商城有权拒绝发放奖品或撤销用户所获利益并要求赔偿相关损失。 【国内任意飞机票使用说明】 1、奖品内容:全国任意城市直飞单程机票(必须为通航直飞航线,不适用联程、中转行程),机票仅限本人使用,不可转赠,机票不折现,不抵扣其他商品; 2、使用周期:限在2021年9月30日前出行,其中2021年4月29日-2021年5月8日、2021年9月28日-2021年10月10日不适用; 3、温馨提示:请中奖用户在收到中奖通知后7日内联系慧通客服【0755-28780319】兑换机票,逾期未兑换视为自动放弃奖项; 4、因航班机位有限,请至少在出发15天前提出预订需求,航班信息以预订时实际确认为准;本活动奖品属于赠票,故本次机票活动方暂不提供机票退改签服务,如有需要请提前联系航司自行处理,如有不便敬请谅解;

In the rail industry, lubricants play a major role in ensuring reliable operation of vehicles and infrastructure. We develop high-performance lubricants from the basis of our long-standing cooperation with manufacturers and operators contributing to the smooth functioning of your components.

Proven in tests and in practice: Our specialty lubricants are developed in close cooperation with the railway industry and extensively tested. Numerous leading manufacturers have issued corresponding approvals and rely on our lubricants.