
The engine of the combat vehicle chassis is diesel, rated at about 350 hp. Power reserve is about 600 km. Climbability - 60%, side slope - 30%, height of the vertical obstacle to be overcome - about 600 mm, depth of the ditch to be overcome - about 600 mm, ford depth - 1200 mm.

AR3 vehicle accessories include: a weapons of mass destruction protection system, fire control system, night vision devices, GPS positioning system, air conditioning system and tire pressure regulation system.


The BM SR4 ammo includes unguided rockets with various types of warheads (shrapnel-type, ignition, cassette, etc.). It has been reported that the projectile has a range of up to 50 km.

At the International AirShow China 2014 (11.11.2014 - 16.11.2014; Zhuhai China), models of 122 mm caliber advanced adjustable and guided missiles were demonstrated.


Usually, hard starting occurs when the ignition timing is too advanced, not retarded. An overly advanced condition will cause backfire through the carb and overly retarded will cause backfire through the exhaust. If you are not using a timing light, I would recommend that you do so. Also, in your case, it sounds like you might have a stretched timing chain. High mileage small block Chevys are notorious for this and the fact they used Teflon coated cam gear teeth that would break off over time and make the condition even worse.

AR3 combat vehicles can be used as part of a battery, a division or for stand-alone tasks. The battery consists of combat vehicles, transport and charging vehicles, command (command and staff) vehicle, meteorological complex on the vehicle chassis, and other auxiliary vehicles.

The SR4 MLRS is a further development of the Chinese Type 81 BM, which was developed on the basis of the BM-21 (Grad MLRS).


If the timing chain has too much slack in it, you will need to replace it and at least the cam gear before you will be able to set the ignition timing correctly. Eric has a video for checking this:

Timing by ear…..never…ever. No good and anybody that says this works is wrong. about as accurate as driving the speed limit by ear.

I recently took out my distributor repaired it and installed into the car. The car was running rough so I timed the ignition. I moved the distributor counter clockwise. When the car was sounding right I tightened the hold down nut on the distributor. Now the car starts hard. It makes a noise like it is not turning proper and I have to gas it to get it to start. However when it is started it sounds perfect. When it was sounding rough and the timing was too advanced it would start with no issue. Any ideas?


Multiple Rocket Launch System (MRLS) SR4 is designed to engage manpower, military equipment, fortifications, army control points, administrative and population centers of the enemy.


These versions of the projectiles can be used as part of the SR4 MLRS and other 122 mm volley fire systems. The status of development is currently unknown.

If you have a timing light, warm up the engine to normal operating temperature, disconnect and plug the vacuum line to the distributor, and set the timing according to the timing marks on the chain cover and balancer. Old GMs have a sticker near the rad which should tell you the timing spec at the correct idle speed.

Combat vehicle (BM) RSZO AR3 is mounted on a modified chassis of Wanshan off-road truck with the wheel configuration of 8×8. This type of chassis is used for all vehicles of Chinese large-caliber multiple rocket launchers recently developed (see for example AR1A).  The combat vehicle has good cross-country and off-road capabilities and can be operated in various climatic conditions within the temperature range of minus 20 to plus 55 degrees Celsius.

Transport and launch containers of 370 mm caliber are designed for launching guided BRE6 missiles. Maximum range of missiles is 220 km, minimum range is 100 km. The value of the round probable deviation is no more than 50 meters. There is no information about the control system implemented in the BRE6 missile, but according to the developers, the capabilities of these missiles are similar to those of ballistic missiles with a short range.

When I got the truck back, I was disappointed that the engine still idles low (and poorly) particularly in drive, still was difficult to start when warm, and would occasionally backfire through the carb. I had a second shop look at it. They put a timing light on it and showed me it was running at 2 degrees of advance. They adjusted it to 10 degrees of advance. the backfire is gone, the truck runs better, but still the truck is difficult to start when at temp. I’m surprised by these symptoms because since it was backfiring through the carb I was expecting the timing to have been too far advanced.


Unmanned and guided 300 mm calibre rockets can be equipped with different types of warheads. These include fragmentation, incendiary, volume detonation, and cassette missiles equipped with anti-personnel, anti-tank mines and self- aiming warheads. Depending on the type of projectile, the maximum range of fire is between 70 and 130 kilometres.

I have a Chevy 327 of unknown origin in my truck. It has a big, lopey cam, but had starting and idling issues, especially when cold. It would also be hard to start (difficult to crank) when up to temperature. After going through many processes, including timing, I determined that the heads, which are a mid-70’s 76cc low compression smog type of head originally for a 350 sbc, were a contributing factor. I bought brand new 64cc aluminum heads to up the compression. I paid a local shop to install them, including new roller tip rockers and pushrods.

At present, SR4 MLRS is offered for export by the Chinese foreign trade corporation NORINCO (North Industries Corporation). The first buyer of SR4 system was Thailand. According to the contract signed on April 10, 2012, four SR4 systems were supplied to the Thai Armed Forces in 2013 (see photo1, photo2, photo3).

Preparation of the combat vehicle for firing is carried out without leaving the cab. The time to prepare for firing is about 5 minutes. Rockets can be launched remotely. The time to leave the firing position after firing is about 1 minute. Rapid redeployment allows to evade counter-battery fire.


Presumably, in terms of the composition of the used 300 mm caliber rockets, the AR3 MLRS is unified with the AR1A multiple rocket launcher system. According to NORINCO Corporation specialists, despite direct copying and borrowing of design elements of Smerch MLRS, 300 mm rocket launchers of AR3 system are original development and are incompatible with Russian analogues.

The main solutions implemented in the design of the SR4 BM SR4 and distinguishing it from the prototype - BM Type 81, were aimed at automating the process of combat operations and reducing recharging time of the machine.

When firing, the side windows of the chassis cab can be covered with folding armor shields, and the front windows - with special blinds, like those used in the design of the cabin of MLRS combat vehicle.


Thank you! I hear about people ‘timing the engine by ear’ all the time. It never works out and is one of the worst things you can do to an engine. Glad you did it the right way. Thanks for the follow up.

Two versions of projectiles equipped with a gas-dynamic pulsed trajectory correction system unit are known (see photo1, (XL-1X30), photo2 . The version of the guided missile with aerodynamic rudders, presented at AirShow China 2014, is made according to the "duck" scheme (see photo).  To improve accuracy, the guided missile is supposedly equipped with a satellite navigation system.

The artillery unit of the BM AR3 includes two disposable quick-release transport and launch containers with four tubular guides of 370 mm caliber or five guides of 300 mm caliber. The containers are designed for storage, transportation and launching of rockets. Charging and sealing of transport and launch containers is performed at the factory. In accordance with the modern concept of building a universal multiple rocket launcher system, the use of detachable TPK provides the following advantages: reduced charging time, flexibility in organizing the charge of firearms, simplified logistics and maintenance.

Behind each combat vehicle is a transport and charging machine, equipped with racks for transporting the TPK and a crane. The time of recharging the BM by two transport and launch containers is about 20 minutes. Usually, the recharging process takes place at a position far from the firing position in order to avoid counter-battery fire.

As a running gear of BM SR4, the modified chassis of military truck Shaanxi SX2190KA of heavy payload with 6×6 wheel arrangement was used.

Instead of a permanent package of guides of the BM SR4, the design of the artillery unit includes replaceable transport and launching containers (TLC). Four rows of five tubular guides in each are configured as guides for each PIC. Transport and charging machines are used to transport the transport and charging containers. The recharging time of the combat vehicle is about 10 minutes.

The combat vehicle's fire control system has been modernised. In particular, it is reported that it is possible to select the type of ammunition used by voice command.