Furthermore, keep in mind that your timing belt will attain natural wear and tear from the engine environment -- a toasty world that can get up to more than 500 degrees Fahrenheit (260 degrees Celsius). If there are any additional outside factors to the belt's wear, you may need to pick up the pace on vehicle maintenance of your belt. Examples of other factors affecting your auto maintenance schedule include:

Rodbearingwear chart

Timing chains work just like timing belts in keeping time between the crankshaft and camshaft. Belts and chains dual it out for popularity, though -- changing places leading the pack for auto manufacturers. Currently, timing chains seem to be winning, most likely because they usually don't require maintenance and last the life of an engine [source: Trottier].

The buzzer sounds off; it's halftime. Your band takes to the field. Before you know it, though, the trumpets play off-beat, the cymbals slam into each other and the saxophone player simply walks off the field. This, although exaggerated, is what could happen if the drum major, the keeper of tempo, went missing. And in the world of automotive maintenance, visualizing this scenario can help illustrate the timing belt's role and what can go wrong without routine replacement.

Last but not least is copper sheen in the oil. Many bearings are designed with 03 layers: a steel backing plate, a layer of copper in the middle, and a soft aluminum outer layer. As copper is softer but slicker than aluminum, it is used in these bearings to give the owner a last line of protection before the bearing gets down to the steel layer or totally brakes.

Dieselengine bearing failureanalysis


Once you have everything under your hood back together, your new belt is set for its role as drum major of your car. You can take to the field for your halftime show -- or the open highway -- knowing you've enhanced your chances that all the players in your engine will remain on tempo.

Considering these factors and routine car maintenance, chances are you'll need to replace your belt during your ownership of your vehicle. And when that time comes, there are certain tools needed for a timing belt replacement. If you're accustomed to doing your own repair work, you'll likely have most of the tools you need. These include:

Engine bearingreplacement cost

Obviously, this is bad news for vehicle maintenance as this internal collision can cause destruction fair amount of engine damage. Therefore, it's important to stay ahead of your belt's lifespan -- traditionally replacing it every four years or 60,000 miles (96,561 kilometers) or, in newer vehicles, every 100,000 miles (160,934 kilometers). Be sure to check your vehicle's maintenance manual to see what your car or truck's manufacturer suggests.

Once you reach this point, you're halfway there. Next up is installing that new timing belt. Continue to the next section to learn what steps to take, as well as the significance of setting tension and lining up your timing marks.


One symptom of engine bearing failure is noise in the engine. Most car drivers know about rod knock symptoms, if they have not detected themselves. Rod knock, which is a stabilized hammering increasing linearly with RPM, occurs when excess clearances as a result of bearing wear cause the rod’s big ends to beat against the crankshaft at the bottom and top of the piston stroke. So surely, rod knock is a symptom of worn engine bearings.

And, as with most auto maintenance procedures, one size doesn't fit all. Procedures, tools and belt type needed for timing belt replacement vary depending on vehicle make and model. Therefore, perhaps the most valuable tool of all during a belt replacement is a technical manual from a reputable automotive maintenance publisher, such as Chilton or Bentley Publishers [source: Trottier].

However, timing chains can stretch with age and are noisier, heavier and more expensive to repair -- if automotive maintenance ends up being necessary [source: Carley].

Engine bearing failuresound

Now, right when you're ready to jump into your car maintenance project, you might become wary of your ability to accomplish this task. However, if you have a moderate knowledge of engines, you will most likely be able to tackle a timing belt replacement [source: Trottier].

The next one on the list of engine bearing failure symptoms is the appearance of silver shavings in the oil. Normal bearing wear produces a probable amount of aluminum dust with a silver color in the oil. So when you check the oil level, you can see something like a metal sheen on the dipstick. But this dust should be just that, no more, a powder that can not form into any distinct aluminum grain.

Engine bearing failureAnalysis Guide

Now that you have your tools lined up and service manual handy, let's take a look at how to remove your old timing belt.

The fee to replace engine bearings is up to the extent of your repair. In some cases, your engine may require a new crankshaft, new connecting rods and pistons, timing chains, and camshaft bearings. If you have to replace all these parts, it is advised to replace the complete engine assembly. The average cost for fixing connecting rods is from $2,500 and more.

If you're replacing your belt as part of routine vehicle maintenance, then chances are your old belt -- the one you've successfully removed -- kept your engine in time for several years. To do that belt justice and keep your vehicle going strong, people embarking on their own auto maintenance need to take care when attaching new timing belts.

So why is this important? The crankshaft converts linear energy from the pistons, which move up and down, into rotational energy that eventually turns the wheels. The camshaft opens and closes the engine's valves to allow air and gas in and out of the engine. The timing belt links the two in harmony. Without it, the pistons and valves would collide.

You may not even think twice about your timing belt until it nears replacement time, but don't be lulled into a false sense of security because you haven't hit 60,000 or 100,000 miles (96,561 or 160,934 kilometers) yet on your timing belt. If you happen to be working on your engine and can see the belt, take a look for cracks, shredding or excessive slack.

In fact, if Dan Trottier, an automotive technician with Bob's Auto Service Inc. in Saco, Maine, has any advice for timing belt replacement it's to take your time. He says, "Just take your time and you can do it. Don't feel you have to move quickly. Move at your own pace."

Worn belts and transmission noise are other signs of worn engine bearings. The main bearings have two types of bearing faces: the main bearing surface which the crankshaft works on, and a thrust bearing face which works to keep the transmission from going back and forth. The thrust-bearing face can wear like the main surface. If there is enough space on the rod journals, worn-out thrust bearings can enable the crank backward enough to jam the torque converter into the transmission or move forward or backward enough to result in excessive edge-wear on the belts.

The first one may result in transmission noise or even damage the transmission. The metal dirt as a result of the force of the torque converter pushing back on the oil pump can be stuck in the filter, leading to fluid pressure loss and then breaking the pump.

From these steps, the most important ones and those that deserve further discussion are the adjusting of tension and lining up of the timing marks. Just like a bandage that can cut off circulation if it's too tight or not provide enough protection if it's too loose, there's a middle road to take with tension. A belt that is on too tight will not last as long; a belt that is on too loose may skip or jump and fail to keep proper time. This makes your car less efficient and creates the possibility that your pistons and valves will collide. Always refer to your technical manual for exact tension specifications.

Although your technical manual will provide instructions for your car maintenance needs, the basic steps of attaching a belt during this automotive maintenance procedure are to:

In addition to these tools, you will also need some materials specific to timing belt replacement, such as a new timing belt, timing light, timing belt cover gasket set, belt tension gauge, and bolts or pins to hold the camshaft position during your work. Depending on your vehicle's make and model, you may also need a harmonic balancer puller or three-jaw gear puller to remove the crankshaft pulley if it doesn't just slide off.

Did you enjoy our article? If you have any questions related to engine bearing failure symptoms or bad rod bearing symptoms, feel free to leave them in our comment section, and then we will discuss them further. Besides, don’t forget to check our maintenance tips updated every day to get more practical knowledge on how to maintain a car.

A damaged transmission or a totally broken engine can be a result of engine bearing failure. If you do not detect the symptoms of worn engine bearings soon, you will have to pay a lot of money to fix or even replace your engine with a new one. The best way to prevent these issues is to detect and repair them as soon as possible. Therefore in this blog, we will show you some engine bearing failure symptoms that commonly occur in a car’s engines. Are you ready? Let’s go now!

Engine bearing failuresymptoms

The main culprits behind a broken engine bearing are insufficient lubrication, dirt or debris, misassembly, bearing crush, overloading, hot rodding, or forcing excessive loads.

Additionally, there is other engine noise that can demonstrate worn-out engine bearings, and that can occur in the lifters and valvetrain. Most engines are designed with a main oiling system, which means oil pressure flows to the rods and crankshaft before it goes to other parts. Excess oil leakage at the rods and crank famish the valvetrain of the required pressure, leading to a seemingly innocuous lifter tap that actually shows worn rod or crank bearings.

Engine bearing failurecauses

Once you have the tension right, you need to confirm all your timing marks are lined up. Lining up your timing marks is similar to setting your watch. If you don't set your watch right, you may be late or early. If you don't set your timing belt correctly, being late or early means your engine won't run efficiently and you run the risk of damaging your engine. Your automobile will have specific timing marks to set. Pay attention to your technical manual when confirming your marks are lined up. Then, proceed with reassembly.

Engine bearingwear chart

The lifespan of the copper layer is about 1000 miles or 2000 miles, giving you a chance to find out coming bearing problems before they damage your motor. When the bearing wears down to the copper layer, it will warn you by sending out a red flag in the form of copper dirt in the oil. So if you detect any copper sheen in the oil inside the valve cover or on your dipstick, it means your bearings are badly broken.

In general, a car enthusiast who is not a trained professional should allocate about eight hours to complete this vehicle maintenance procedure [source: Trottier]. The first thing you'll need to do is to remove the old timing belt. Although the procedure will vary based upon the technical manual you're using, in general you should:

Think of the synthetic rubber timing belt, which is reinforced with fiber cords, as the drum major of car maintenance -- meaning it keeps everything in the engine in sync. When the engine is on, it's in constant, timed motion, thanks to the belt, the connection between the crankshaft and camshaft.

So we've all accepted the timing belt's importance, but that doesn't mean you have to spend your days worrying that your belt will force you to pay a large maintenance bill. Instead, you can act as the band director and keep that timing belt in check by watching its wear and arming yourself with the knowledge to replace it. Read on to learn about the wear of your belt, typical tools needed in a repair and how to replace it.

Loss of oil pressure is also one of engine bearing failure symptoms you need to know. Normally, the oil pump flows a fixed amount of fluid (which is 20 gallons per minute). If there are some little leaks in your engine such as leaks in the gap between your engine bearings, the rocker, or the hydraulic lifter, your engine will lose oil pressure due to oil coming out of the oil channels. Hence, excess clearances between the bearings as a consequence of excess bearing wear will lead to loss of oil pressure, especially at low RPM when the pump is spinning at the slowest speed.


But when engine bearings suffer from oil lack or overheating, they will shave away and form into fine ribbons or splinters. So when you check the oil level or change oil, if you see ribbons or splinters of aluminum in the oil or stuck to your dipstick, chances are you’ve got either a worn-out bearing or a broken one. A skillful mechanic will always check the filter media to detect early signals of excess debris and shavings after each oil change.