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S88 is a design philosophy for describing equipment and procedures that defines the physical model, procedures and recipes. In the context of recipe design, S88 helps to organize responsibilities and to clarify and simplify design.

Most likely, you’re familiar with S88, shorthand for ANSI/ISA-88, the standard that addresses batch process control. You probably also understand that S88 offers a lot more than just a standard.


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S88standard PDF

For decades, Electronic Batch Records (EBR) have been designed through various modelling approaches including word processing, proprietary workflow charts and programming-like sequence definition.

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Why not apply the elegance of a standard to design EBR recipes? More specifically, why not apply the S88 approach to the mysterious world of EBR recipe design?

There are probably many more than seven good reasons to think about using the S88 recipe standard in the context of EBRs. In my mind, probably the strongest is #4, clarity. EBRs can be as complex as the process for which they are designed. Shouldn’t the recipe model be as simple as possible?