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>> Gabriela Duran Welcome to the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign Webinar. Our topic today is Promoting Medicaid and CHIP During Marketplace Open Enrollment. I'm Gabby Duran. I work closely with the Connecting Kids to Coverage Team to support the enrollment of more children and parents in free or low cost health care coverage. Open enrollment for the health insurance marketplace is an important time of the year when attention to health coverage is high. The 2017 Marketplace Open Enrollment Season runs from November 1, 2016, to January 31, 2017. And while Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) enrollment is open year round, families may learn about their eligibility in these programs at this time. Having information about Medicaid and CHIP at the ready while conducting marketplace outreach can connect eligible but unenrolled children who need health care coverage to vital services. Our webinar today will provide you with tips for conducting outreach during the marketplace open enrollment and support to develop messaging and activities that will resonate with families during this important time of the year to expand the outreach of your enrollment work. In just a moment, Jessica Beauchamp from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services will walk us through the agenda. With that being said, I'm going to pass it over to Jessica to begin. Jessica? Sgt;> Jessica Beauchamp Thank you, Gabby, and thank you to everyone for joining us here today. Our speakers today will cover various strategies and tips for your organization to engage in when conducting outreach during marketplace open enrollment. Our speakers will also discuss how to develop messages and activities that will resonate with families and help expand the reach of your enrollment work. We will first hear from Lisa Wilson, who is with CMS and who will discuss outreach and enrollment strategies to implement during marketplace open enrollment. Next, the Director of Training and Consumer Education from Young Invincible will walk us through the Healthy Young America Campaign and the best practices for engaging millennials about health insurance. We will then hear from the Director of Policy and Strategic Initiatives at Enroll America, who will share insight on how to increase access to comprehensive health coverage. Then a Policy Analyst from Community Catalyst will share best practices when it comes to building strong networks for health care enrollment in the marketplace. We will also hear from the Executive Director from Consumers for Affordable Health Care Foundation, who will provide tips on how to leverage marketplace open enrollment in order to highlight Medicaid and CHIP. Finally, we will learn more about the Connecting Kids to Coverage National Campaign resources that can help strengthen your outreach efforts. We will also take your questions at the end of the webinar, so please feel free to use your chat box throughout the webinar. Gabby? >> Gabriela...
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