How Much Does Wheel Bearing Replacement Cost? - how much does it cost to get wheel bearing replaced
This procedure involves spending additional time with a patient during an outpatient visit to address complex medical issues beyond the typical duration of a standard evaluation and management service. The extended time ensures comprehensive care, including thorough assessments and detailed discussions.
Prolonged Service(s) in the Outpatient Setting Requiring Direct Patient Contact Beyond the Time of the Usual Service; First HourAlternate Name: Extended Outpatient Visit
Common Risks: Minimal since it usually involves discussions and planning rather than invasive procedures.Rare Risks: Miscommunication or misunderstandings leading to improper management plans, which can be mitigated by thorough documentation and clear communication.
During the procedure, the patient should feel heard and understood due to the extended time. Afterward, patients might feel more confident in their treatment plan and care, having had ample time to address all their concerns. Pain management is generally not applicable, but efforts are made to ensure patient comfort throughout the visit.
Extended visits are crucial for patients with complicated medical conditions that require more in-depth discussion, evaluation, and management. The primary goal is to ensure a high level of personalized care, accurately address complex medical problems, and develop a comprehensive treatment plan.
Pros and Cons: Extended visits provide thorough and continuous care but require more time from both patient and provider compared to multiple short visits.