
Ceramic has a little more advantage in a wheel because ceramic performs better at higher RPM. Let’s be honest, though, even on the fastest downhill, RPM in a wheel bearing isn’t that high. Ceramic probably has some slight resistance advantage and might weigh a little less but neither advantage is worth the cost IMO. I’d bet that the difference between a quality ceramic wheel bearing and a quality steel wheel bearing is less than a couple hundred milliwatts.

This includes my personal zsh plugins that are currently not available in other frameworks like oh-my-zsh. It seems to be a little challenge to get additional plugins included there. You can see them here:

Replacing wheel and freehub bearings is a good skill to learn and can save you a fortune, it’s surprisingly easy to do and if you are just paying for the bearing you can do it more frequently at less cost. thing of all those watts you save

I ended up going with NTN 6902LLB bearings. They are non contact. I’ve been caught in the rain a handful of times this year and so far they spin as well today as they did on day 1. I do pop off the end caps after being caught in the rain and wipe out any moisture. It wouldn’t hurt to pop of the bearing seal this winter to check the grease. Just a side note on my wheels I noticed when I tightened the skewer my front wheel wouldn’t spin very well at all. So I bought some super thin metal shimms that are made for RC cars and added them to each side of my wheels and it completely solved the problem. They spin excellent

SKF TKSA 31 Laser Shaft Alignment Tool ... In Stock & Ready To Ship! ... Order In The Next 19 Hrs and 59 Mins to ship tomorrow. ... Availability: If required, please ...

In my previous blog post about enhancing the MacOS terminal I used the powerlevel9k theme. When I was publishing the article on dev.to as well, I was made aware there is a re-implementation of p9k available called powerlevel10k. p10k is calling itself a fast drop-in replacement for Powerlevel9k. Fast sounds always good so I thought, give it a try.


Please, make sure that you buy them from your local distributor rather than places, such as eBay, where majority of those (as discovered by yours truly) are fakes.

So far, so good. But p10k should not only be a drop-in replacement, but it also offers additional functionality that goes beyond the functionality of p9k. One thing I personally like is the fact that p10k separate the configuration from the .zshrc file per default. p10k also comes with a wizard that generates a sample configuration. I started with the lean configuration and adjusted it in a way that it fits my need. This is how my terminal now looks like:

This line source the p10k configuration that is stored in the .p10k.zsh file. The one that creates the layout shown in the screenshot above is the following:

Slightly different application, bottom brackets, but same question: Is ceramic better than steel. Top of the line ceramic threaded bottom bracket generates 0.31W of resistance. Top of the line steel threaded bottom bracket generates 0.32W of resistance. That’s Jason’s data (which I paid for but is now available for free on the internet…I’m so smart). And yes, he can really measure 0.01W.


DIAL - 1 in. Evaporative Cooler Pillow Block Bearing - Includes a rubber ring cushion. Made from steel, brass and rubber. Porous brass ring does not rotate ...

Redesigning the type of chair that is one of the most popular in the history of design: the Windsor Chair. W 603 is a chair designed by Fabrizio Gallinaro and ...

zsh: command not found:p10k

You would think I would learn my lesson. I bought a used set of wheels off ebay and thought they were perfect upon inspection but yesterday I started to mount my new GP 5000s to them only to realize the front wheel bearings spin rough, choppy and slow. They are supposed to be DT Swiss 240 hubs so I’m actually surprised and really bummed. I removed the bearings and have the part numbers. I just ordered all the proper tools and plan to replace front and rear wheel bearings. I would like to know if anyone has experience with different brands or suppliers. Ceramic Hybrid seem to be a little more money than steel and I’m not sure if stainless steel is a option? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2021614 — A radial load acts perpendicular, at 90°, to the axis of rotation, while a thrust load — also known as an axial load — acts in parallel to the ...

If I’m only doing fair weather riding, should I look at fully sealed, or non contacting seals? I’ve read and watched some of the Hambini stuff but cant decide which to go with and if there’s really any kind of tangible difference. I never ride in the wet or off road, so I would think the non contacting would be the way to go.

I replace wheel bearings with Enduro regular steel bearings. Ceramic wheel bearings for a bike is a marketing gimmick IMO.

I wouldn’t bother with ceramic bearings. They are marketing hype, and I don’t think last particularly well. I haven’t had good experiences with the ceramicspeed bearings in my hubs or BB. I got one season out of a £200 BB, and a set of rear wheel bearings lasted less than 4 months. All replaced with high quality stainless steel bearings, that feel smoother than the ceramicspeed ones ever did.


From Textile machinery to vehicles, there is always a need for bearings. Let us locate the ball bearings you need from qualified and trusted manufacturers!

Avoid ceramic anything it’s just marketing crap and performance is generally worse under load after a short beading-in period.

The SunMaxx 1′′ Solar Lineset to NPT Pipe Connector, constructed from resilient brass material, is specially designed to connect SunMaxx 1′′ solar linesets ...


The first thing I did was to clean up my .zshrc configuration file. I removed some of my oh-my-zsh plugins because I hadn’t used them recently. I also added some and ended up with the following .zshrc configuration file:

I would like to know if anyone has experience with different brands or suppliers. Ceramic Hybrid seem to be a little more money than steel and I’m not sure if stainless steel is a option?


For a 6902 bearing, which is what’s found in a front DT 240 hub, we’re talking something north of 40,000 RPM, or over 3,000mph on a road bike wheel.

Features. Spherical plain bearings are radial plain bearings consists of an outer ring and an inner ring made of bearing steel and with spherical sliding ...


Aug 5, 2021 — Signs And Symptoms Of Failing Wheel Bearings · Strange Noises Bad wheel bearings can cause a variety of strange noises, so it's best to take note ...

Currently, the configuration file is quite big but I’m pretty sure not everything in this file is really required. It is more or less based on the generated configuration file using the lean set up. I haven’t checked the default values for the configuration content yet but I could imagine a lot of configurations are default and as such, could be removed from the configuration file.

p10k is able to use the same configuration p9k is using, so if you only install p10k and change the theme in oh-my-zsh to p10k without further modifications, everything will look the same as it looked before. The only difference you might notice is that the terminal indeed behaves a little faster. This is, what I did first:

I have done the Enduro ceramic, twice. Spent a ton of cash, twice. Second time for the X-15’s. Yep they roll nice. And as Fred Mathney told me what Max Tessta once said, " Everyone needs a good placebo". Whatever bearings Chris King uses that set of wheels have been my fastest yet. When I feel as though I need to replace wheel bearings again I’m going to follow Hambini’s recommendations. Just my two cents.

The average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 (including parts and labor). But KBB.com goes deeper than that.

Our bearing puller is a complete solution for removing the most common sizes of cartridge bearings used in bicycling. A 1kg (2.2lb) slide hammer is attached ...

After the restart of my terminal, literally, nothing has changed. It looks like the drop-in replacement part seems to be true. Let’s check if we really use p10k now: