Belt kit timingreplacement cost

I noticed a low quiet grinding sometimes when I press my brakes and am going slow, then it turned to a high pitched squeal, sometimes. Since my job revolves around my car I asked a mechanic to look at it and just tell me what's wrong.

Timing Belt Kitwith Water Pump Honda Odyssey

If your car is on its second timing belt, you should consider our High Mileage timing belt kit which includes everything in this deluxe kit PLUS a few more items that are likely to wear out.The Deluxe ALH Timing belt kit comes complete with everything you need for a basic belt change, including 1.5 liters of G12+ coolant. And when we say everything, we mean it. This is the best TDI timing belt kit you will find anywhere.

We only use OEM quality parts, from the best suppliers to VW. These are the exact same parts you get from the VW dealer, direct from VW's suppliers, but without the VW branded packaging. We can pass the savings on to you!The earliest ALH cars (1999.5 TDI cars) came with either a 40,000 mile belt change interval (automatic transmission) or a 60,000 mile interval (manual transmission). In 2002 VW updated the timing belt part number from 038109119D to 038109119M, which allowed for 60,000 mile change intervals in automatic transmissions, and 80,000 mile change intervals in manual transmissions. In 2003 the large roller was changed from 038109244J to 038109244M (or H in some brands) which allowed for 100,000 mile change intervals REGARDLESS of transmission. All of these kits are backward compatible with the older cars, from the 1998 New Beetle to the 2003 Golf/Jetta/NB.We have sold hundreds of these kits to all years of ALH TDI's, so... if you have an older ALH engine code TDI why would you even consider installing a shorter life belt?Upgrade now to the 100k kit and don't worry about another change for a lot longer!Fits all of the following:1998-2003 New Beetle TDI1999.5-2003 Golf/JettaThe ALH Deluxe TB kit comes with the following:Timing Belt 038 109 119 MSerp belt 038 903 137JTensioner 038 109 243NCamseal 038 103 085CLarge roller 038 109 244MSmall top roller 058 109 244Small roller bottom 038 109 244EWaterpump 038 121 011AAdditionally, the kit includes 1.5L of VW Longlife G12 Coolant and the deluxe bolt kit:1x Large roller bolt N 905 969 021x Engine bracket bolt long N 103 280 012x Engine mount to body N 105 167 022x Engine bracket bolt N 102 096 052x Engine bracket bolt short N 907 124 013x Injection pump bolts N 903 285 043x Valve cover bolts N 101 725 013x Sound Dampener screws N 907 750 014x Vibration dampener bolts N 903 396 031x EGR valve o-ring seal N 905 216 011x Vacuum Pump Seal 038 145 345

He got under the car, I explained what I typed earlier and in about 3 to 5 mins he came to the conclusion "your wheel bearings are bad, like, I recommend you not drive this car until you can get them replaced." All without ever hearing the brakes, taking off the tire or even lifting the car.

I go to my job to tell my boss I probably can't come in the next day so I can get them replaced, whatever, I really am stupid with cars. I start talking to the resident car guy at my job and he and he asked if he did this or that and said that there's no way he could know the wheel bearing are bad by looking at the back of the rim under the car (he dumbed it down for me)

Timing belt kitwith water pump price

At this point idk what to do, ive been reading about some of this stuff and it said something about wheel bearings cause brake pads to ware faster but idk if he even saw them or just tried to take advantage of someone who would've gone to shop for blinker fluid if he was told to

All this to ask, should I follow what the first mechanic said and replace the bearings, do I need new brake pads and call it a day or new rotors? And did the first guy try to screw me?

According to him and his uncle both of which are grease monkies on their own said that my brake pads are worn pretty bad even though I just got them replaced like 3 or 4 months ago and had the car for 2 years before that and never changed them.