How to Change Wheel Bearings on Your Vehicle - replacing wheel bearing hub
The task force will be composed of twenty-four (24) field agents that regularly monitor garage sales with the help of MTF Kappa-12 ("Bargain Hunters") and track any appearances of SCP-6386-A, hosting their own "sting" garage sales if necessary. It will be led by two (2) Senior field agents, each with their own unit of twelve (12) agents. PTF Gamma-28 will be under the command of Senior Researcher Johnson and will get their assignments directly from them.
The main force of the PTF will be composed of twenty-four (24) field agents recruited from MTFs with either tracking or combat experience, specifically against thaumaturgists or reality benders (for example, MTF Lambada-5 "White Rabbits", MTF Nu-7 "Hammer Down", or MTF Beta-777 "Hectate's Spear"). Agents with Class 1 or 2 reality-bending abilities and/or thaumaturgic abilities will be greatly beneficial for the creation of this team, although not strictly necessary. Two (2) Senior Field Agents from similar backgrounds and experience with leading MTF or MTF squadrons will also be necessary. Each Senior Field Agent will control a squadron of twelve (12) Field Agents.
Special Containment Procedures: Any instances of SCP-6386 are to be located and surveyed by local personnel. Any anomalous objects found (designated SCP-6386-XXX) are to be bought and sent to Site-19 for studying before being stored in standard anomalous object storage. If possible, sale proprietors are to be interrogated on the nature of their SCP-6386-XXX instance, and SCP-6386-A, and subsequently amnesticized. City-wide “garage sale days” are to be created by Foundation agents in metropolitan centers to minimize the spread of SCP-6386 objects. On these “garage sale days”, MTF Kappa-18 (“Bargain Hunters”) is to search for SCP-6386 instances and extract any found 6386-XXX instances. Any instances of SCP-6386-A are to be reported and investigated from a distance.
Description: SCP-6386 is a phenomenon originally affecting a small percentage of garage sales (but now also affecting similar events; see Recovered Document 6386.1 for more details) that have had some form of advertisement at least 3 days beforehand. This includes yard sale signs, social media posts, and word-of-mouth communication. Upon activation of SCP-6386, an anomalous object will come into the seller's possession. Occasionally, these objects will be given to the subject by SCP-6386-A. However, in the majority of cases, they manifest in the subject's possession by unknown means. For a partial list of these objects see Addendum 6386.2. All objects affected by SCP-6386 have a symbol located somewhere on them, appearing to be a winged caduceus.
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Mr.████████: I don’t really know. I found it when I was going through my attic and decided to sell it. I think it’s some sort of flashlight or something. I pressed the little button on the side and a funky lookin' green light came out of one end.
Researcher Johnson: Actually it's Mx— you know what, it doesn’t matter. I just wanted to know where you got this from. [Gestures with SCP-6386-001]
Date: 6-21-2018 To: Senior Researcher Johnson From: 05-2 Subject: Re: SCP-6386 Mx. Johnson, I have taken your proposal into consideration. SCP-6386 is a growing concern. However, the budget remains an issue. I am instead granting you control of 1 squadron of 5 Agents and one Senior Field Agent. Transportation will also be limited as of further notice. If deemed necessary, PTF Gamma-28 will expand to the full parameters outlined in your petition. You may handpick the members of your squadron from any Task Force under Foundation control. I will expect you to take full responsibility for any failures this team may cause. Sincerely, 05-2
Researcher Johnson: Anyway, where exactly in the attic was it? In a steel box with a … weird-looking triangle on it? Maybe in a house safe or something?
Closing Statement: Researcher Johnson immediately contacted the Foundation and reported the object to security at Site-98. Head Security Officer Ryan Richardson engaged in cataloging all miniature SRAs at the site and found none missing. Agents were then sent to the garage sale and administered Class-A amnestics to the civilians and Mr.████████. Researcher Johnson was then administered the Foundation Pat on the Back Award for quick thinking and recovery of an SRA.
You've been selected as the 1,000th and Final precipitant of the Olympian Heroic Item Distribution™ Beta-Test. Your garage sale has been given a special object with mysterious powers! And thanks to the help of you and 999 other civilians, the Olympian Heroic Item Distribution™ is moving out of its beta test stage and on to the FULL RELEASE! It includes: * More Locations! * More Appearances from Hermes, God of Protectors, Merchants, and Thieves * New, more potent, mystical items! * And, of course, more sheep!
SCP-6386-A is the designation for a caucasian male, roughly 2 meters in height with dark hair, olive skin, and green eyes. X-ray analysis has revealed that SCP-6386-A's skeletal system is within parameters for baseline humanity. SCP-6386-A is believed to be a powerful reality bender and/or thaumaturgist. Some data suggests that SCP-6386-A may be a non-physical and/or unreal entity. SCP-6386-A may occasionally leave a symbol on deposited objects. SCP-6386-A has also, on at least one occasion, left behind a legible document, labeled Document 6386.1.
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Addendum 6386.1: On 12/8/2012 Researcher Johnson went to a garage sale in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (the city they were living in at the time) in their free time, which was unknowingly affected by SCP-6386. While browsing they noticed a standard Foundation-Issued miniature SRA (hereafter designated SCP-6386-001) along with a small group of assorted objects. Researcher Johnson recognized the object, having experience with reality-bending anomalies, and feared a possible information breach. Johnson then turned on a recorder and attempted to talk to the proprietor of the sale (hereafter referred to as Mr.████████). The following interview is listed below.
PTF Gamma-28 will require access to worldwide transport, including — but not limited to — helicopters, jets, humvees, Armored Attack Vehicles, and ATVs. Provisional Task Force Gamma-28 will also need access to Foundation satellites for the purpose of tracking SCP-6386-A and SCP-6386-XXX objects. Each individual member of Gamma-28 will also require a heavy-arms tactical kit, a GI survival pack (In case of emergencies), and one (1) WSRA (Weaponized Scranton Reality Anchor).
Researcher Johnson: No no no. It's um… just a kid's toy. I used to have one like it when I was a kid. [Johnson reaches into their pocket] Here, I’ll give you 5 bucks for it.
SCP-6386-A: If you keep asking questions like this, you're never going to get anywhere in life. Anyway, this is for you. [He puts his hand behind his back again and pulls out an item. Director Brown’s Hume Detector showed large fluctuations around this time.] You guys have been great at finding my objects so when I saw you were having a garage sale AND it was my thousandth item, I just had to give it to you.
Date: 6-18-2018 To: 05-2 From: Senior Researcher Johnson Subject: SCP-6386 Look. We have a problem. Do you know how many SCP-6386-XXX objects we have in custody? Of course, you do. Just over 500. If document 6386.1 is to be believed, there are over 500 more out of Foundation custody. And more are appearing every day. More places, more countries, more civilians. Just this week, a dragon egg in Beijing, a flying sword in Reykjavik, and a 100,000 calorie energy bar from Boise. That last one's no joke. Let's face the facts. This needs to be stopped, sooner rather than later. Amping up Kappa-13 won't help either. I propose the creation of Provisional Task Force Gamma-28 ("Hera's Battalion") to locate, deter, and — if necessary — kill or otherwise incapacitate SCP-6386-A. I have attached the formation form beneath. Please consider carefully. Sincerely, Researcher Johnson
Addendum 6386.3: On 5/27/2020 Site Director ████████ Brown was visited by SCP-6386-A on his way to his car from buying a plastic foldable table for a yard sale scheduled to happen on 5/30/2018. The interaction is documented below. Video evidence was confiscated by the Foundation and all security personnel were amnesticized.
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 1200 New Jersey Avenue SE, Washington, DC 20590 • 1-800-832-5660 • TTY: 1-800-877-8339 • Field Office Contacts
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Over the next 4 months, anomalous objects began appearing at garage sales across the United States, Canada, France, and [REDACTED], all with similar circumstances to their appearances. Johnson began to suspect a connection and filed for the application of it as an SCP object. It was not approved until over the next 6 months when 36 objects were recovered, with all of those objects having what is now known to be SCP-6386’s symbol.
Provisional Task Force Gamma-29: "Hera's Battalion" will attempt to locate SCP-6386-A and deter the creation of SCP-6386-XXX objects by any means necessary.
SAFER Layout SAFER Table Layout SAFER Layout SAFER Layout Query Result Information USDOT Number MC/MX Number Name SAFER Table Layout Enter Value: SAFER Table Layout Company Snapshot JBC STEEL PRODUCTS LLC USDOT Number: 2001293 Other Information Options for this carrier Carrier Information Other Information for this Carrier SMS Results Licensing & Insurance ID/Operations | Inspections/Crashes In US | Inspections/Crashes In Canada | Safety Rating Carriers: If you would like to update the following ID/Operations information, please complete and submit form MCS-150 which can be obtained online or from your State FMCSA office. If you would like to challenge the accuracy of your company's safety data, you can do so using FMCSA's DataQs system. USDOT Status ACTIVE: The entity's US DOT number is active. INACTIVE: Inactive per 49 CFR 390.19(b)(4); biennial update of MCS-150 data not completed. OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate. Operating Authority Status AUTHORIZED FOR { Passenger, Property, HHG }: This will list the specific operating authorities the carrier (or broker) is allowed to operate. NOT AUTHORIZED: The entity does not have any operating authority and/or is not authorized to engage in interstate, for-hire operations. *Please Note: NOT AUTHORIZED does not apply to Private or Intrastate operations. OUT-OF-SERVICE: Carrier is under any type of out-of-service order and is not authorized to operate. Out of Service Date Indicates the date the company was ordered Out of Service. If there are multiple Out of Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed. Please note:If there are multiple Out-of-Service orders, the earliest date will be displayed. For help on the explanation of individual data fields, click on any field name or for help of a general nature go to SAFER General Help. The information below reflects the content of the FMCSA management information systems as of 12/25/2024. Carrier Registration Information Outdated. Carrier VMT Outdated.
Aug 5, 2021 — No. We don't recommend driving without a properly functioning wheel bearing. Not only is it extremely dangerous for you, but you can also end up ...