How to Pack Wheel Bearings - how to pack a bearing
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I have no knowledge about "WhatsApp". I have always used Chrome to download Image from google and never have has a problem using Photoshop and the downloaded image files.
By the way a particular cause of this sort of thing is files with the wrong name. For example, take a PNG file and rename it to SOMETHING.JPG. Some software will say "I don't understand this PNG, what the heck is it - you know I think it might be a JPEG - let's try that - yay, it works". But professional software may well assume that professionals want and need to know about serious errors like this, so they don't try to second guess you.
If you want to give Adobe Feedback about how you feel about Adobe. Adobe has a web site for you to do that. It Is Photoshop Family Customer Community
For a national average across all vehicles, the average cost to replace the wheel bearings (for 1 wheel) is about $350 (including parts and labor). But goes deeper than that. Based on analyzing 100s of actual repair orders, we put together the Kelley Blue Book Fair Repair Range to show you what you should expect to pay for this repair for your Chevrolet. Simply tell us the year, model and style of your Chevrolet and we’ll show you a fair price for the repair.
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More than just noisy or bothersome, bad wheel bearings could also lead to real performance issues like inconsistent braking, spongy steering and handling, uneven tire wear and, in extreme cases, the wheels could fall off. No matter how much (or how little) you know about cars, you don’t want the wheels falling off, right?
And I use google chrome, safari to download images from internet, this images I can open by photoshop, 99% of them with no problems at all.
I have to convert a lot of whatsapp pics in a yearbook to cmyk but can not open the files in photoshop because of the same message:
Could not complete your request because a SOFn, DQT, or DHT JPEG marker is missing before a JPEG SOS marker. I write an action for the conversion because its much quicker but now photoshop can not open it from the start and the action can not be completed. I do not have time to open every single image in another application just to export it as a working .jpg in photoshop. Very frustrating
It's not always a good idea for professionals to bypass and ignore errors. Photoshop might do more error checking, because it could be that colours are a bit random or whatever. That's fine for home users and hobbyists, but pros would find that uncertainty unacceptable. I love the idea that $10 per month ($120 per year) is one of the most expensive software products. Software can cost millions of dollars, including some Adobe software. Adobe's complete font collection is $9000...
"We here" are not Adobe or Apple. Adobe funds this Forum site for ther users to help each other out. Adobe Valued Users moderate these forums and Some Adobe employees also help with the running of the forums and may also contribute. We do not speake for Adobe and we are not part of Adobe Customer support we are Adobe users like you.
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Also works with IrfanView. Note that you have to do this in grid view, select the photo, then click the Editor icon to open it in the Internal Editor.
Yes, I tried now to focus on many photos on my machine, "WhatsApp" is chatting application like messenger, we share a lot of images by this app.
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Thank you for your reply, Yes I can open the photos on "Previewer", and that what I do, I have to open it and save it in another place with different name, then I can use it.
The message seems to indicate that the jpeg file format is messed up that your file is corrupt. Can you open the file in any Paint application you may have on your Mac?
what is that mean at first place !!! ... Im using MacBook and its up to date, photoshop version is 19, and it was working perfectly, I use it everyday to edit photos and so on.
There you go again jumping on me. I did not e-mail you anything. This form may have because of your forum preferences. You should change your preferences if you do not want forums to email you.
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Now I have one way to avoid this message by take a screenshot of the image and open it, but this is not a solution at all !
If you have bad wheel bearings, you might experience the vehicle pulling to one side, sloppy or loose steering, grinding and rattling noises, and uneven tire wear.
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When i said " What are you, Apple?!??!!?!?", i meant Adobe. English is not my born language. Still, is very disappointing that Adobe can't figure out what other companies already have.
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The short answer is: Not for too long. Having bad wheel bearings can range from inconvenient and unpleasant to downright dangerous.
This is really such a RIDICULOUS problem for Adobe Photoshop. You're all not gonna believe this, but the solution for this problem lies in using MS-Paint. YEP NO Shizzy in this. Actual TRUTH ! When you open a Jpeg or a photo file and you get this error message in Adobe Photoshop. Here's the solution and I Swear to God THIS WORKS !!! no kidding here. >> Open up Ms-Paint. Go to your search bar in Windows and type out Paint. When results show this Paint app. Double click and start Paint. >> Now, click open in the file menu. Find and open that Photo/Jpeg you want to open in Adobe.>> Once its open. Then just click on File, Click Save. THATS IT !!! >> Now, open Adobe Photoshop and open that file. VOILA IT WORKS !!! Hella weird isnt it ? Its like something that freakin Paint could do and Adobe which is an Industry Cant get the job done. HOW SHAMEFULL is this ? I mean its like, you need to use a Proton car before you can get the BMW to start its engine ? WTF!!?? to that !
I can give you a little tool to install, after installation you click on any broken image/s, press right click to open context menu, new option apper called "convert for adobe".
This is unacceptable! I've used more than 6 different softwares to open those images and they open JUST FINE!. And you're telling me that one of the most expensive softwares (and the most professional) is unable to bypass a small error on the Image? What are you, Apple?!??!!?!?
If you hear noises at the wheels, one explanation might be a need for a wheel bearing replacement at one or more wheels. The noises might be described as rattling, clicking, humming, growling, or squealing. It can be a real symphony of sound if you’re not careful.
You append here is not asking for help or providing any solution. Its just stating you opinion. I do not think any append here is offending anyone. Some append in this thread I believe should be made on Adobe feedback site not here for they seem to be meant for Adobe, not Photoshop users here. I believe most user here will agree that Adobe Support should be better than it is. Unfortunately Adobe Support is what it is. I have been using Photoshop for 20+ years. Adobe Photoshop support has never been great. There are bugs in Photoshop I believe Adobe will never fix. Still Photoshop is a useful and most software has some bugs. Adobe Photoshop is a huge application that has many bugs because of its size, its complexity and poor support. All problems may not have a solution or a workaround.
No we here are users of Adobe Software like your are. If you want expensive software you can try to get the software that fly by wire software in the US F-22 Raptor you will need top clearence to get anywhere near it.
In theory, wheel bearings could last as long as your Chevrolet. Unlike oil changes or tire rotations, there’s no standard maintenance schedule for replacing them. However, wheel bearings can be damaged if you hit a pothole, smack into a curb or bounce over a speed bump too fast.
Your reply seems to confirm that the problem is with files you have downloaded that Photoshop has problems with their format not conforming to some jpeg standard. Other Application you have seem to be able to open then and save files in standard jpeg format and Photoshop can process the files you save with these applications.
For more on any of these complaints – not to mention more than you ever knew you wanted to know about wheel bearings, read the full article
If water, grit, salt or sand get to the bearings, the grease in the hub assembly gets contaminated. This will wear down the bearings, and they will eventually give out.