
Xbc xenoblade


Xbc meaning

The reason other coins don't do this and may not be able implement these features is because they didn't think about this from the start:

In summary, XBN strives to be a technology and finance engine in tokenization area and focuses on doing things that create wealth for our token holders.

Xbc characters

XBN works to power the next big things on Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Networks. XBN helps bleeding meme coin holders who want to create wealth from crypto by building DeFi and GameFi technologies that generate positive cash flow. XBN is the main token of the company where all of our other projects will branch out from.

XBC coin

XBN has 20+ anonymous team members in a combination of a diverse and complemented background from coding, private equity and venture capital. digital media, and operation. The founding team has known and worked with each other for 10+ years throughout various ups and downs in large multinational firms as well as promising high growth early stage startups. We engaged into crypto space back in early2011 when Bitcoin is only a few $ and ETH is non-existence. In 2020, after acquiring enough experience and observation throughout the crypto markets during the years, we gather together to make a push for a company in DeFi space that target to become a wealth creation engine for token holders. That's how we come up with XBN and various of its special rewards and bonus programs. In mid of 2021, realizing the implication of NFT toward gaming industry that can completely revolutionize gaming into a field where players can play and make a living from their investments and efforts, as well as realizing NFT enables games to be in an intersection of art and finance, we develop our first game CryptoWar that aim to be our first step into GameFi space.

When you compound the earnings in XBN by migrating and then implement auto-staking features regularly, XBN will become a wealth creating beast for you, recouping losses you incurs from other meme coins, shit coins project.

So we strongly encourage our XBN holders to accumulate a lot of XBN, and sit on those XBN positions to enjoy the power of compounding interests. Whatever we do in the future, there is always a linkage between those new projects into the XBN bonus fund, and the XBN holders will continue to enjoy revenue flows from other projects back into the token they hold.
