Hydraulic seal size charts - hydraulic cylinder piston seals
The Ariba SLP© tool streamlines the on-boarding and registration process for existing and potential suppliers. This process is electronic, user-friendly and employs modular questionnaires to reduce the number of required responses. After completing the registration process, you may be asked to complete relevant questionnaires to support a successful partnership with GA.
How do you do this? When the number comes down and you have to subtract, the 1 is always going to be smaller than the number beneath it.
The DocuSign® tool streamlines the Order placement process facilitating electronic transmission and signature of Orders awarded to you by GA. This tool does not require separate registration and is accessible on mobile devices. You will receive a notice from GA or your Purchasing Representative if your use of DocuSign in required.
For example let’s say you have 10,000 divided by 750. I can do this in my head of course, but for the sake of practice, how would you do it on paper? 750 goes into 1,000 once, so 1 times 750, which means the 750 is gonna come down but you can’t minus it because the first three digits of 10,000 is smaller than 750.
Please download and review our Supplier Code of Conduct document to understand the values and expectations we have for our suppliers.
Post all of your math-learning resources here. Questions, no matter how basic, will be answered (to the best ability of the online subscribers).
“Registering” or submission of your company information does not guarantee future business, but does give your company an opportunity for added exposure within GA and the Ariba Commerce Cloud. Please review our company’s products and services. If your firm offers supplies, services, or products that correspond to or fit within our offerings, you are invited to submit your information by signing up, if you are new to Ariba. If you are already registered with GA on Ariba, Please login to view or update information previously submitted.
General Atomics (GA) is pleased to announce two supplier tools, SAP Ariba© Supplier Lifecycle & Performance Management (SLP) and DocuSign®. These tools will streamline the process of conducting business with GA. When conducting business with GA, you may receive emails and updates from these tools on our behalf.