Front wheel bearingreplacementcostNear me

The vehicle’s wheel bearing gets lubricated with grease for it to further decrease friction. A lot of vehicles have sealed wheel bearings that encase the ball bearings and the grease.

Our certified mobile mechanics come to your home or office to complete your repair. We make the process easy from start to finish by offering upfront pricing, online booking, after-hours support, and a full warranty.

Rearwheel bearingreplacementcost

Here’s something your steering wheel shouldn’t do: Shake. If it does shake, you’ve got issues. That issue could be a busted front wheel bearing. If the bearings aren’t supporting the wheels, the steering system might vibrate, leading to a steering wheel that’s as jittery as you after a third cup of coffee.



Wheel Bearing costAutoZone

A wheel bearing is a component of the rear and front wheel hubs. In the front of the vehicle, the hub attaches the wheel to the steering knuckle of the suspension. The wheel is connected to the hub, and the hub spins effortlessly inside the wheel bearing. This enables the weight of the vehicle to rest on the hub while it spins as it maintains as minimal surface contact as possible.

On average, wheel bearing replacement costs about $441 in the US, wheel bearing replacement costs can range from $383 to $498 according to, and other sources.

Wheelbearings replacementcost


If one of your front wheel bearings starts to fade and die, then you’ll end up with one wheel that isn’t being used quite properly. That will lead to uneven wear on your front tires, with one looking more worn out than the other. Or at least worn in a different pattern. It’s always a smart idea to pay attention to your tires. Give them a visual inspection every now and again, so that you can spot excess wearing, bubbles, low tire pressure, or uneven wear and tear. It can help you spot a big issue, like a front wheel bearing failure.

The short answer is yes, but not as long as you would like. As the wear advances, so does the chance of damage happening to other components of the suspension.

Wheel bearingreplacement near me

Our dedicated team of ASE Master Technicians will replace your wheel bearings in your vehicle quickly, and within your budget.  You can schedule your wheel bearing replacement with Bridwell Automotive Center by using our contact form. Stop by our Automotive Repair Shop in Scottsdale located at 7171 E Lincoln Dr. Scottsdale, Arizona 85253 or by giving Bridwell Automotive Center a call today at (480) 948-4781.

In a lot of vehicles, the bearings are sealed and don’t need to be maintained. Because the bearings are sealed, they could last up to 100,000 miles or more, and will require replacing once they fail.

Look, I don’t want to have to tell you this, because you should already know it. Pay attention to how your car feels on a daily basis, so that you know the moment it starts to feel abnormal. If one of the front wheel bearings begins to fail, the handling in your car will likely change. The handling will feel loose, as though the wheel isn’t fully attached, because that’s essentially what’s happening as the bearing wears out and can no longer support the wheel. This can also result in the car pulling to the left or to the right when you’re on a straight stretch.

If you ignore everything in this article, then here’s what you’ll end up with: Three wheels. Losing a wheel is well past the point of being a warning sign. But if you don’t pay attention to the warning signs, it’s exactly what will happen. As the front wheel bearings wear and tear, they’ll eventually disintegrate, leaving you with something that can’t support the wheel anymore. And then the wheel will head off on a new journey.

This is something that hopefully you already know: Your car shouldn’t make noises, beyond the engine noise and your stereo. Any other noise should get your attention. Dying front wheel bearings can result in a whole range of noises, including groaning, grinding, scraping, and growling. Those noises will be coming directly from the front wheels. So, if your front wheels are talking to you, listen to them.

Did you not just read that last symptom? If your front wheel bearing is giving out, you’ll experience a multitude of symptoms…and the worst being losing a wheel. Pretty sure you don’t want to put yourself in that position. Do the smart thing and get it replaced asap.

If you believe that a wheel bearing is starting to wear, have a trained mechanic evaluate the issue as sooner than later. A vehicle with a considerably worn wheel bearing should not be driven. When the wheel bearing totally fails, the wheel could potentially come off the vehicle and cause an accident.

Jiffy Lubewheel bearingreplacementcost

Front wheel bearingreplacementcost

Depending on your repair, you will receive an instant quote or one directly from one of our advisors during business hours.

Wheel bearingreplacementcostNear Me

Wheel bearings are a set of steel ball bearings that are kept together by a metal ring that enables the wheels of a vehicle to spin as effortlessly as possible.

We perform over 600 repair and maintenance services including oil changes, brakes, diagnostics, belts and hoses, and more. The best part? We come to you with all the necessary tools and parts.

Our certified technicians come to you with a wrench and a smile. Do what you’d normally do at home (or the office) - catch up on yard work or a favorite TV show, make dinner - while your vehicle is being serviced.

Vehicles that have conventional, tapering wheel bearings need have them serviced every 25,000 to 30,000 miles — replacement might not be necessary as long as they’re regularly maintained.

Labor costs estimates are between $137 and $173 while parts cost between $246 and $325. Estimate doesn’t include taxes and fees.

Schedule a time that works best for you and we’ll come to your home or office to complete the repair. Or drop it off at one of our local shops.