
The usage instructions are recommendations based on the tests we have conducted and based on our experience; carry out your own tests before each application. Due to the large number of applications and storage and processing conditions, we do not assume any liability for a specific application result. Insofar as our free customer service provides technical information or acts as an advisory service, no responsibility is assumed by this service except where the advice or information given falls within the scope of our specified, contractually agreed service or the advisor was acting deliberately. We guarantee consistent quality of our products. We reserve the right to make technical changes and carry out further development.

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6202 bearingsize

Greases are delivered in plastic cartridges! The plastic cartridges improve storage (they prevent the grease from oozing out at high temperature). Store cartridges upright in a cool, dry place! The operating instructions of the vehicle, machinery and assembly manufacturers must be observed!

Remove the head piece using the lever, then tension the slide pin and spring, and insert the cartridge. Screw on the head piece, disengage the slide pin; the hand-lever gun is then ready to use.

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