Mahlegmbh subsidiaries

The best way to figure out the cause of this noise is to check the tires first. If the tires look good, then check the wheel bearings.


-The Company is privately owned. Mahle Foundation, a nonprofit organization which serves charitable causes, holds 99.9% of the Company. The Company’s voting rights are held by Verein zur Foerderung und Beratung der Mahle Gruppe e.V. (MABEG), which exercises the shareholder rights and holds 0.1% of the Company’s shares.



-The Company is a leading supplier for future mobility, focusing on systems and components across all types of powertrains, filtration and thermal management systems, and electric and electronic components and systems.

It can be hard to figure out if the noise is caused by a wheel bearing or a tire. There’s something you can try, though. Turn the steering wheel slightly to the left or right. If the noise gets worse, then it’s likely one of the wheel bearings.

-In the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, the Thermal Management business unit had a sales increase of 2.5% over the previous year, while the Electronics and Mechatronic slightly increased sales by 0.3% over the previous year. However, when accounting for consolidation and currency translation effects, sales in the Thermal Management business unit increased by 4.1% compared to the sales of the Electronics and Mechatronics business unit increasing by 2.5%.

Mahle groupowner

Mahle GmbH >>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2006>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2007>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2008>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2009>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2010>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2011>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2012>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2013>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2014>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2015>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2016>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2017>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2018>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2019>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2020>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2021>>>Business Report FY ended Dec. 31, 2022Archives of Past ExhibitsMAHLE Filter Systems Japan Corporation >>>Business Report up until FY ended Dec. 2014


We put together this noise guide to save you some labor time. You can have your technicians find the noise that best describes what they’re hearing in the list below. From there, they may be able to figure out what the issue is.

What do you do when a customer brings you a vehicle with a roaring or howling noise coming from a wheel? In most cases, it can be coming from a worn tire, or a worn bearing. It is not easy to tell, but there are ways to determine what is causing the problem.


-During the fiscal year ending December 31, 2023, the Thermal Management business unit’s overall growth improved due to the development of sales for components for battery electric vehicles. Meanwhile, sales in the Electronics and Mechatronics business unit was impacted by significantly lower customer demand for battery electric vehicles and weak market development in the e-bike and electric water pump sectors.

If you’re still not sure whether the issue lies in the tires or one of the wheel bearings, check out the most common symptoms of each issue:

MAHLEcompany profile

A worn wheel bearing can cause a howling noise. If you’re also hearing a rumbling noise when turning, then it’s likely a bad wheel bearing.

In extreme cases, a failed wheel bearing can cause abnormal tire wear. When that happens, the noise you’re hearing is caused by both a bad wheel bearing and a worn tire.

-Since its establishment in 2013, the Company's Thermal Management business unit has grown at a significantly faster pace compared to the other business units within the Company, while also emerging as the largest business unit for the Company. The rapid growth of the business unit stems from acquisitions of various businesses including, for example, the majority share of Behr in 2013 and the Delphi Thermal business unit in 2015. In recent years, the growth of the Thermal Management business unit has been surpassed by the Electronics and Mechatronics business unit due to the market trend towards electric mobility.

This post will help you find a quality parts manufacturer. GMB is a reliable manufacturer of OE-quality hub assemblies and wheel bearings. Check out this page to find out why GMB wheel bearing and hub assemblies are the prime choice.

If you’re hearing this noise, the issue may be a bad wheel bearing. To confirm it, change the speed of the vehicle. If the noise becomes worse the faster you drive, then it’s almost certainly a bad wheel bearing. If the noise remains the same, then the issue may be the tires instead.

Mahle groupnet worth

If the issue is a worn wheel bearing, you’d typically hear this noise while cornering or making sharp turns with moderate speed. A bad CV joint can be heard at low speeds with the steering wheel all the way to one side or the other. It can’t hurt to check both the wheel bearings and CV joint(s).

-As of December 31, 2023, the Company is organized into five business units, four profit centers, and central service businesses as follows:

If the problem is a worn wheel bearing, then you’re hearing a knocking noise because the bearing isn’t rotating as freely as it should. A bad tire can cause a knocking or thumping noise, too. To be more specific:

The noise may be the result of an under-inflated tire or improperly aligned tires. These issues cause part of the tires (or one tire) to be scrubbing on the pavement. That causes a squealing noise.


-With the automotive industry in the midst of transformation based on multiple advanced technology trends including electrification, the Company has issued “MAHLE 2030+”, a new group strategy. The MAHLE 2030+ strategy focuses on three strategic core areas for the Company to expand its position in:


If the wheel bearing and tires look good, you may want to check the drivetrain. Sometimes a humming or growling noise is a sign of an issue within the drivetrain.

If the noise is more “growly”, then the issue is likely a bad wheel bearing. The noise may become louder the faster you drive.

You may also trace this noise to a loose pinion-bearing preload. It’s likely the case when you only hear the noise when decelerating.

If you’re replacing a bad wheel hub bearing, you want to make sure that your techs use high quality replacement parts. Using high quality replacement parts: