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The draft Decommissioning Programme sets out the details of the wind farm to be decommissioned and how it will be decommissioned. This programme will be submitted to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for approval, prior to offshore construction works for Dogger Bank C (formerly known as Teesside A) commencing.
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Can imagination change the world? We think so! Take part in the Making Waves challenge. Got a child at school here or know a teacher in the area? See if they want to get involved in the annual design challenge…
Agreement charters second turbine installation vessel for ongoing delivery of Dogger Bank Dogger Bank Wind Farm has today signed a vessel reservation agreement with Seaway7, part of the Subsea7 Group, to charter a second turbine installation vessel to support the…
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Dogger Bank Wind Farm and Sofia Offshore Wind Farm extend support for North Sea Conservation, the charity behind the Whitby Lobster Hatchery Further financial commitment from the two wind farm projects will support the education and conservation project’s long-term sustainability…
In line with BEIS’s guidance Decommissioning of Offshore Renewable Energy Installations under The Energy Act 2004: Guidance notes for industry (England and Wales), the Decommissioning Programme is available for comments from interested parties. This consultation is to ensure that the process of preparing the Decommissioning Programme is open and transparent.
Dogger Bank C Offshore Wind Farm (formerly known as Dogger Bank Teesside A) and Sofia Offshore Wind Farm (wholly owned by RWE formerly Innogy) have jointly applied to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council (RBC) for consent for five areas of alternative or additional infrastructure to the consented 9km of buried onshore grid connection spanning from the landfall for Dogger Bank Wind Farm C and Sofia Offshore Wind Farm to the National Grid at Lackenby Substation.
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Consultation on the draft Decommissioning Programme will be open until 7th January 2022 to account for the Christmas period.
Please send any comments about the draft Decommissioning Programme by email to: Please quote ‘Dogger Bank C draft Decommissioning Programme’ on any correspondence. Comments received in response to the consultation will be handled in compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. The individual comments will be published on the Projects’ website; however this will not include any personal information.
The Dogger Bank offshore wind farm is a joint venture partnership between SSE Renewables (40%), Equinor (40%) and Vårgrønn (20%).
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In line with BEIS’s guidance Decommissioning of Offshore Renewable Energy Installations under The Energy Act 2004: Guidance notes for industry (England and Wales), the Decommissioning Programme is available for comments from interested parties. This consultation is to ensure that the process of preparing the Decommissioning Programme is open and transparent.
10035 Per-Capita Income. The per-capita income for 10035 is $31,795. The per capita income ($31,795) for 10035 is less than 10037 ($50,747), 10026 ($56,217), ...
Apr 18, 2018 — You can easily model this type of mechanism with the Cam-Follower feature in the COMSOL® software. Let's take a look at this feature in detail.
Planning permission is sought for a temporary construction access into the onshore converter station site on the periphery of Wilton International.
Due to COVID-19 the draft Decommissioning Programme and associated documents are not available to view and inspect in hard copy.
SSE Renewables is leading on the development and construction of Dogger Bank Wind Farm, and Equinor will operate the wind farm on completion and during its expected operational life of around 35 years.
The access will serve as a construction access of DBC and Sofia’s onshore converter stations and cable laying works west of that area.
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A draft Decommissioning Programme has been produced in line with Requirement 15 of the Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Order 2015 (S.I. 2015/1592) (the DCO) as amended.
The draft Decommissioning Programme sets out the details of the wind farms to be decommissioned and how they will be decommissioned. This programme will be submitted to the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for approval, prior to offshore construction works for Dogger Bank A & B (formerly Dogger Bank Creyke Beck A & B) commencing.
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Applications include Sapphire or Ruby Ball Lenses, which demand a hard material that can withstand thermal and environmental shock, high wear resistance.
We have submitted a Non-Material Change application for the offshore works. You can find out more about the application here:
Located more than 130km off the North East coast of England, Dogger Bank Wind Farm will be capable of powering up to 6 million homes annually.^
The DCO documents including the Environmental Statement and plans showing the nature and location of the wind farm are available here
This type of bearing can handle high radial loads and extremely high axial loads in one direction simultaneously. The specially shaped raceways of ...
Please send any comments about the Decommissioning Programme by email to: Please quote “Dogger Bank A & B Decommissioning Programme” on any correspondence. Comments received in response to the consultation will be handled in compliance with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation. The individual comments will be published on the Projects’ website, however this will not include any personal information.
Landscape and Visual Appraisal Flood Risk Assessment Hydrology Assessment Land Quality Assessment Annex A Ecological Survey Report Ecology Assessment Land Use Assessment Archaeological Assessment Annex B Transport Assessment Transport and Access Assessment Noise Assessment Air Quality Assessment
Postal address: Development Management Section, Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council, Redcar and Cleveland House, Kirkleatham Street, Redcar, Yorkshire TS10 1RT
6202ZZ Ball Bearing · Inner Diameter (ID): 15 mm · Outer Diameter (OD): 35 mm · Width (W): 11 mm.
^ 6 million homes powered per annum based on Typical Domestic Consumption Values (Medium Electricity Profile Class 1, 2,900kWh per household; OFGEM, January 2021), typical 55% wind load factor, and projected installed capacity of 3.6GW.
This notice is to ensure that interested members of the public are notified of the availability of the draft Decommissioning Programme, which is open for comments and consultation.
We have jointly submitted a Non-Material Change application with innogy, developers of the neighbouring Sofia offshore wind farm (formerly know as the Teesside B Offshore Wind Farm). You can find out more about the Non-Material Change application here:
Each phase will have an installed generation capacity of 1.2GW and represents a multi-billion pound investment. Combined, they will have an installed capacity of 3.6GW and will be capable of powering up to 6 million homes annually.^
Dogger Bank Wind Farm is an offshore wind farm being developed in three phases – Dogger Bank A, B and C – located between 130km and 190km from the North East coast of England at their nearest points.
A draft Decommissioning Programme has been produced in line with Requirement 10 of the Dogger Bank Creyke Beck Offshore Wind Farm Order 2015 (the DCO) as amended.
As part of ongoing measures to maximise project efficiencies and alleviate concerns of affected stakeholders, the Dogger Bank Projcos have undertaken a detailed design process to refine the locations of the onshore cables. For Dogger Bank A & B, some of these design improvements are located adjacent to but outside of the Order Limits (the area within which the Projcos are permitted to install and operate the cables) and therefore require a separate planning consent. Planning applications have recently been submitted to the East Riding of Yorkshire Council for 12 minor amendments to the consented cable corridor.
Dogger Bank C and Sofia joint application for planning permission to Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council – 10 September 2020
A Development Consent Order (DCO) application for the Dogger Bank Project was made and achieved by Forewind, the then consortium between SSE, Statoil (now Equinor), Statkraft and innogy.