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(2) an ad valorem tax to be imposed on taxable property in the territory along with the tax in the rest of the district for the payment of the bonds.
Sec. 6903.251. DEPOSITORY. (a) Except as provided by Subsection (i), the board shall designate one or more banks in the district to serve as depository for the district's money.
(c) The receiver may be authorized to sell or contract for the sale of water or to renew those contracts with the approval of the court that appointed the receiver.
(c) The board shall determine the amount and the type of interest in land and easements to be acquired under this section.
(b) The district shall award a contract to the lowest and best bidder after publishing notice to bidders once a week for two weeks in a newspaper published in the district that is designated by the board.
Sec. 6903.204. JUDICIAL NOTICE OF RULES. A court shall take judicial notice of a rule adopted under this subchapter and published as required by Section 6903.203, and the court shall consider the rule to be similar in nature to a penal ordinance of a municipality.
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(b) The district may use proceeds from the sale of the bonds to pay any expense necessarily incurred in accomplishing the purposes of the district.
(b) The accomplishment of the purposes stated in this chapter is for the benefit of the people of this state and for the improvement of their property and industries. The district, in carrying out the purposes of this chapter, will be performing an essential public function under the Texas Constitution.
(b) Voters of the city of Ranger who reside in the district elect four directors. Voters of the city of Eastland who reside in the district elect four directors.
Sec. 6903.057. NOTICE OF ANNEXATION ELECTION. In addition to complying with Section 4.004, Election Code, notice of the annexation election must:
Sec. 6903.253. PROJECTS EXEMPT FROM ASSESSMENT OR TAXATION. The district is not required to pay a tax or assessment on a project or any part of a project.
(c) Notice of the election must be given by publishing a substantial copy of the order calling the election in a newspaper published in the district for two consecutive weeks. The first publication must be not later than the 21st day before the date of the election.
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Sec. 6903.305. BONDS PAYABLE FROM REVENUE. (a) In this section, "net revenue" means the gross revenue of the district less the amount necessary to pay the cost of maintaining and operating the district and its property.
High affordability is achieved by focussing on the standard shaft alignment process and essential functions to allow quick and effective shaft alignments.
Sec. 6903.310. APPOINTMENT OF RECEIVER. (a) On default or threatened default in the payment of principal of or interest on bonds issued under this subchapter that are payable wholly or partly from revenue, a court may, on petition of the holders of 25 percent of the outstanding bonds of the issue in default or threatened with default, appoint a receiver for the district.
Sec. 6903.155. PURCHASE OF WATER. The district may purchase water or a water supply from any person, including a public agency.
(b) If the order shows that a majority of the votes cast are in favor of annexation, the commissioners court shall annex the proposed territory to the district. The annexation is incontestable except within the time for contesting elections under the general election law.
(b) If the board determines that the petition complies with Subsection (a), that the annexation would be in the interest of the district, and that the district will be able to supply water to the territory, the board shall adopt a resolution:
(b) The district may contract with a municipality for the rental or leasing of or for the operation of the water production, water supply, and water supply facilities of the municipality on the consideration agreed to by the district and the municipality.
(1) secure, maintain, and preserve the sanitary condition of water in and water that flows into any reservoir owned by the district;
(b) Notice of a directors election shall be published in a newspaper published in each municipality in the district one time not later than the 10th day before the date of the election.
(b) A railroad right-of-way that is not in the defined limits of a municipality will not benefit from improvements, works, and facilities the district is authorized to construct.
Sec. 6903.161. CONTRACTS FOR TOLL BRIDGES OR FERRY SERVICE. (a) The board may contract with a responsible person for:
(2) is also entitled to receive $5 for each day devoted to the business of the district if the service is expressly approved by the board.
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Sec. 6903.159. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS. (a) This section applies only to a construction contract or a contract for the purchase of material, equipment, or supplies requiring an expenditure of more than $25,000.
(b) A dam or other works for the impounding of water from a river under this section may not be constructed until the plans for the dam or other works are approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
(i) If the board does not receive any applications before the time stated in the notice, or if the board rejects all applications, the board shall designate one or more banks located inside or outside the district on terms that the board finds advantageous to the district.
Sec. 6903.003. FINDINGS OF BENEFIT AND PUBLIC PURPOSE. (a) All land in the district will benefit from the improvement to be acquired and constructed by the district.
(c) The provisions of this subchapter regarding the issuance of other bonds and the remedies of the holders apply to refunding bonds.
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(b) If the district issues bonds payable wholly or partly from revenue, the board shall set and revise the rates of compensation for water sold and services rendered by the district.
(d) For bonds payable partly from revenue, the rates of compensation must be sufficient to assure compliance with the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
26 cfr 301.6903-1
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Sec. 6903.311. REFUNDING BONDS. (a) The district may issue refunding bonds to refund outstanding bonds issued under this subchapter and interest on those bonds.
Sec. 6903.107. DIRECTOR'S AND TREASURER'S BOND. (a) Each director shall give bond in the amount of $5,000 conditioned on the faithful performance of the director's duties.
(1) the territory to assume its part of the tax-supported bonds of the district then outstanding and those bonds previously voted but not yet sold; and
Sec. 6903.304. ELECTION FOR BONDS PAYABLE FROM AD VALOREM TAXES. (a) Bonds, other than refunding bonds, payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes may not be issued unless authorized by a district election at which a majority of the votes cast in each municipality in the district favor the bond issuance.
Sec. 6903.053. PETITION FOR ANNEXATION; BOARD FINDINGS AND RESOLUTION. (a) The board may annex territory under this subchapter if a petition requesting annexation is signed by 50 registered voters of the territory to be annexed who own taxable property in that territory, or a majority of the registered voters of that territory who own taxable property in that territory, and is filed with the board. The petition must describe the territory to be annexed by metes and bounds, or otherwise, except that if the territory is the same as that contained in a municipality, the petition is sufficient if it states that the territory to be annexed is the territory contained in the municipality.
(1) adopt a resolution declaring its intention to call an election in the territory to submit the proposition of whether the territory is to be annexed to the district; and
Form 56
(b) The treasurer shall give bond in the amount required by the board. The treasurer's bond shall be conditioned on the treasurer's faithful accounting for all money that comes into the treasurer's custody as treasurer of the district.
(d) The hearing may proceed in the order and under the rules prescribed by the commissioners court and may be recessed from time to time.
(3) regulate residence, hunting, fishing, boating, camping, and any other recreational or business privilege along or around any district reservoir and the stream leading into the reservoir, and its tributaries, or any body of land, or easement owned or controlled by the district.
Sec. 6903.058. ELECTION RESULTS. (a) The commissioners court shall issue an order declaring the results of the annexation election.
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(2) require from the contracting person an adequate bond payable to the district in an amount and conditioned as the board considers to be required; and
Sec. 6903.052. AUTHORITY TO ANNEX TERRITORY. Territory, whether contiguous to the district or not, and inside or outside Eastland County, may be annexed to the district in the manner provided by this subchapter.
Sec. 6903.205. ENFORCEMENT BY PEACE OFFICERS. (a) A peace officer employed by the district or a county peace officer may make an arrest when necessary to prevent or abate the commission of an offense:
(1) this subchapter or its predecessor statute, Section 5, Chapter 465, Acts of the 51st Legislature, Regular Session, 1949;
Sec. 6903.104. BALLOT PROCEDURE FOR CANDIDATES. (a) A person who wants to have the person's name printed on the ballot as a candidate for director must present a petition requesting that action.
Sec. 6903.154. WATER APPROPRIATION PERMITS. The district may acquire water appropriation permits directly from the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or from owners of permits.
(d) The contract may provide that it will continue in effect until bonds specified in it and refunding bonds issued in lieu of the bonds are paid.
Sec. 6903.105. APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY AND TREASURER. The board shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer, who are not required to be directors. The board may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer.
(c) The pledge may reserve the right to issue additional bonds on a parity with or subordinate to the bonds being issued, subject to conditions specified by the pledge.
Sec. 6903.312. BONDS EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. A bond issued under this subchapter, the transfer of the bond, and income from the bond, including profits made on the sale of the bond, are exempt from taxation in this state.
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(1) in violation of a district rule or a law of this state that occurs or threatens to occur on any land, water, or easement owned or controlled by the district; or
Sec. 6903.060. RESTRICTION ON ANNEXATION OF RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY. (a) A railroad right-of-way may not be annexed to the district unless the right-of-way is contained in the limits of a municipality annexed at the same time or previously annexed to the district.
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(h) Membership on the board of an officer or director of a bank does not disqualify the bank from being designated as a depository.
(b) The receiver may collect and receive all district income except taxes, employ and discharge district agents and employees, take charge of money on hand, except money received from taxes, unless commingled, and manage the district's proprietary affairs without consent or hindrance by the board.
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(b) After territory is annexed to the district, the board may hold an election in the district as enlarged to determine whether the district as enlarged shall assume any tax-supported bonds then outstanding and those previously voted but not yet sold and impose an ad valorem tax on all taxable property in the district as enlarged to pay the bonds, unless the proposition is submitted as provided by Subsection (a) and becomes binding on the territory annexed.
(c) A certified copy of the order shall be recorded in the deed records of the county in which the territory is located.
Sec. 6903.160. CONTRACTS TO SUPPLY WATER. (a) The district may contract with municipalities and others to supply water to those entities.
Sec. 6903.151. CONSTRUCTION OF DAM. (a) The district may impound storm and flood waters and the unappropriated flow waters at one or more places and in an amount approved by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality by constructing one or more dams inside or outside the district. In exercising its powers under this subsection, the district shall comply with Subchapters A-D, Chapter 11, and Subchapter B, Chapter 12, Water Code.
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(b) The district may not use money received from taxation or from bonds payable wholly or partly from taxation for a purpose described by Subsection (a).
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(e) Instead of issuing bonds to be registered on the surrender and cancellation of the bonds to be refunded, the district, in the resolution authorizing the issuance of the refunding bonds, may provide for the sale of the refunding bonds and the deposit of the proceeds in a bank at which the bonds to be refunded are payable. In that case, the refunding bonds may be issued in an amount sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds to be refunded to their option date or maturity date, and the comptroller shall register the refunding bonds without the surrender and cancellation of the bonds to be refunded.
Sec. 6903.157. EMINENT DOMAIN. (a) To carry out a power provided by this chapter, the district may exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire land and easements inside or outside the district, including land above the probable high water line around the reservoirs.
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Sec. 6903.153. CONSTRUCTION OR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY. The district may construct or otherwise acquire all works, plants, and other facilities necessary or useful for the purpose of processing water impounded, developed, or otherwise acquired and transporting it to municipalities and others for municipal, domestic, and industrial purposes.
The TKSA 31 is SKF’s most affordable solution for easy laser shaft alignment. The ergonomic display unit with touch screen makes the instrument very easy to use and the built-in machine library helps storing alignment reports for multiple machines. Large sized laser detectors in the measuring heads reduce the need for pre-alignments and the embedded soft foot tool helps establish the foundation for a successful alignment. Additional functions are live view and automatic measurement. They support fast and effective alignment tasks and make the TKSA 31 an innovative laser shaft alignment tool that is affordable for almost every budget.
Sec. 6903.102. QUALIFICATIONS FOR OFFICE. (a) A director must reside in the municipality from which elected and own taxable property in the district.
Sec. 6903.056. COMMISSIONERS COURT FINDINGS AND RESOLUTION; ELECTION. If, at the conclusion of the annexation hearing, the commissioners court finds that all land in the territory to be annexed will benefit from the present or contemplated improvements, works, or facilities of the district, the court shall adopt a resolution that:
Sec. 6903.307. TAX AND RATE REQUIREMENTS. (a) If the district issues bonds payable wholly or partly from ad valorem taxes, the board shall impose a tax sufficient to pay the bonds and the interest on the bonds as the bonds and interest become due. The board may adopt the rate of the tax after considering the money received from the pledged revenue available for payment of principal and interest to the extent and in the manner permitted by the resolution authorizing the issuance of the bonds.
Sec. 6903.152. UNDERGROUND SOURCES OF WATER. The district may develop or otherwise acquire underground sources of water.
(c) An election held under Subsection (b) shall be held in the same manner as an election under this chapter for the issuance of bonds.
Sec. 6903.051. DISTRICT TERRITORY. The district is composed of the territory in the city of Ranger on May 26, 1949, and the territory in the city of Eastland that was added to the district before June 8, 1953. The district's territory may have been modified under:
26 usc 6902
Sec. 6903.308. ADDITIONAL SECURITY. (a) Bonds, including refunding bonds, authorized by this subchapter that are not payable wholly from ad valorem taxes may be additionally secured by a deed of trust lien on physical property of the district and all franchises, easements, water rights and appropriation permits, leases, contracts, and all rights appurtenant to the property, vesting in the trustee power to:
Sec. 6903.055. ANNEXATION HEARING. (a) At least 10 days before the date of the annexation hearing, notice of the adoption of the resolution stating the time and place of the hearing and addressed to the citizens and owners of property in the territory to be annexed shall be published one time in a newspaper designated by the commissioners court. The notice must describe the territory in the same manner in which Section 6903.053(a) requires the petition to describe the territory.
Easy measurements can be performed by using the well-known three position measurement (9-12-3 o’clock) with additional positioning flexibility of 40° around each measurement position.
Sec. 6903.202. ENFORCEMENT OF RULES; PENALTY. (a) The district by rule may prescribe reasonable penalties for the violation of a district rule.
Sec. 6903.158. PARKS AND RECREATION FACILITIES. (a) The district may establish or otherwise provide for public parks and recreation facilities and may acquire land adjacent to any of its reservoirs for those purposes.
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(1) provide a source of water supply for municipalities and other users for municipal, domestic, and industrial purposes; or
Sec. 6903.203. NOTICE OF RULE PROVIDING PENALTY. (a) If the district adopts a rule that provides a penalty, the district must publish a substantive statement of the rule and the penalty once a week for two consecutive weeks in Eastland County.
(c) To the extent that money in a depository bank or a trustee bank is not insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the money must be secured in the manner provided by law for the security of county funds.
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Sec. 6903.309. USE OF BOND PROCEEDS. (a) The district may set aside an amount of proceeds from the sale of bonds issued under this subchapter for the payment of interest expected to accrue during construction and a reserve interest and sinking fund. The resolution authorizing the bonds may provide for setting aside and using the proceeds.
(2) set a time and place to hold a commissioners court hearing on the question of whether the territory to be annexed will benefit from the improvements, works, and facilities then owned or operated or contemplated to be owned or operated by the district.
Sec. 6903.108. COMPENSATION. Unless the board by resolution increases the fee to an amount authorized by Section 49.060, Water Code, each director:
Sec. 6903.059. ASSUMPTION OF DEBT; TAXES. (a) In calling the election on the proposition for annexation of territory, the commissioners court may include, as a part of the same proposition, a proposition for:
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Sec. 6903.103. LOCATION AND NOTICE FOR DIRECTORS ELECTION; RESULTS. (a) For a regular directors election, there shall be at least one voting place in each municipality in the district.
Sec. 6903.156. SURPLUS PROPERTY. The district may sell any property that, in the opinion of the board, will not be needed for the conduct of the affairs or business of the district.
(b) If a newspaper is not published in the territory to be annexed, the notice shall be posted in three public places in the territory.
"Automatic measurement” enables hands-free measurements by detecting the position of the heads and only taking a measurement when the heads are in the right position.