Anesthetic gases Isoflurane, desflurane, and sevoflurane are gaseous ethers used to induce and/or maintain general anesthesia in medical operating rooms. In general, fluorinated gases are the most potent and longest-lasting group of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. LinkHCFE-235da2 (isoflurane)HFE-236ea2 (desflurane)HFE-347mmz1 (sevoflurane)

Hydrofluorocarbon gases Fluorinated gases come from human-related activities. They are emitted through their use as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (e.g., as refrigerants) and through industrial processes such as aluminum and semiconductor manufacturing. In general, fluorinated gases are the most potent and longest lasting type of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. LinkHCFC-22HFC-23HFC-32HFC-125HFC-134aHFC-143aHFC-152aHFC-227eaHFC-236faHFC-4310meeR-404AR-407AR-407CR-410AR-507A

Enter data for one or more gases:If you enter data for multiple gases, equivalencies will be calculated for the sum of all gases entered.

Carbon Greenhouse gas emissions may be expressed in terms of a quantity of the gas itself (e.g., 1 ton of methane), an equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide (e.g., 28 tons of CO2 equivalent), or in terms of carbon (e.g., 7.63 tons of carbon). Carbon is often used as the unit of measurement when tracing emissions through the carbon cycle. To convert a quantity of carbon to the equivalent quantity of carbon dioxide, multiply by 3.67.

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N2O - Nitrous Oxide Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas that occurs both naturally and due to human activities. Major sources include farming practices that add nitrogen to the soil (e.g., using fertilizers), burning fossil fuels, and some industrial processes. The impact of 1 pound of N₂O on warming the atmosphere is 265 times that of 1 pound of CO2. Link

*If your estimated emissions of methane, nitrous oxide, or other non-CO2 gases are already expressed in CO2 equivalent or carbon equivalent, please enter your figures in the row for CO2 or carbon equivalent.

These estimates are approximate and should not be used for emission inventories or formal carbon emissions analysis. See Calculations & References for equations and sources used.

Please enter a valid 5-digit zip code so the calculator can estimate emissions using an emissions factor specific to your region. If you don’t enter a ZIP code or you enter an invalid ZIP code, the calculator will use a national average emissions rate, which may not be accurate for your location.

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Perfluorocarbon gases Fluorinated gases come from human-related activities. They are emitted through their use as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (e.g., as refrigerants) and through industrial processes such as aluminum and semiconductor manufacturing. In general, fluorinated gases are the most potent and longest lasting type of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. LinkCF4C2F6C4F10C6F14

CH4 - Methane Methane (CH4) is a greenhouse gas emitted during the production and transport of coal, natural gas, and oil, or from the decomposition of organic waste in municipal landfills and the raising of livestock. Methane is also emitted by natural sources such as wetlands. Pound for pound, the impact of CH4 is 28 times greater than CO2 over a 100-year period. Link

Carbon Dioxide or CO2 Equivalent* Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the primary greenhouse gas emitted through human activities. CO2 is naturally present in the atmosphere as part of the Earth's carbon cycle. The main human activity that emits CO2 is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and oil) for energy and transportation, although certain industrial processes and land-use changes also emit CO2. Link

Please enter a valid 5-digit zip code so the calculator can estimate emissions avoided using an emissions factor specific to your region. If you don’t enter a ZIP code or you enter an invalid ZIP code, the calculator will use a national average avoided emissions rate, which may not be accurate for your region.

SF6 - Sulfur Hexafluoride Fluorinated gases come from human-related activities. They are emitted through their use as substitutes for ozone-depleting substances (e.g., as refrigerants) and through industrial processes such as aluminum and semiconductor manufacturing. In general, fluorinated gases are the most potent and longest lasting type of greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. Link

Select data to convert:There are two options for entering data into this calculator: energy data or emissions data. When you enter energy data, the calculator converts these values into carbon dioxide-equivalent greenhouse gas emissions based on emission factors for energy consumption or electricity reductions. Then, it provides equivalent ways to express those emissions. When you enter emissions data, the calculator provides equivalent ways to express those emissions.

The Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies calculator allows you to convert emissions or energy data to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from using that amount. The calculator helps you translate abstract measurements into concrete terms you can understand, such as the annual emissions from cars, households, or power plants. This calculator may be useful in communicating your greenhouse gas reduction strategy, reduction targets, or other initiatives aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.