ISO 9727-1:2007 - Cylindrical cork stoppers — Physical tests - 9727
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Examples in using above tables.. Note: The tolerance band T is an absolute length value it does not have a negative value. Hole Dia 110mm H11,... Nearest zero ( El )= 110mm + 0mm = 110,000mm ... Furthest from zero ( ES )= 110mm + (0+ T=0,220)=110,220mm Resulting limits 110,000/110,220 Shaft 110mm e9...Nearest zero ( es ) = 110mm - 0,072=109,928mm... Furthest from zero ( ei ) = 110mm - (0,072 + T=0,087) = 109,841mm Resulting limits 109,928/109,841 Note for the tolerance bands which can be either side of zero, (J,K,N,j ) The diagrams provided with the table clearly show calculation needed.e.g. consider Hole 300K7. T= 52 micrometres (0,052mm). Limit nearest zero ( K ) ES = 16 micrometres = (0,016mm) Limit furthest from zero ( K ) El = (0,016- 0,052)= -0,036 Limits therefore (300 -0,036) = 299,964..and ...300+0,016= 300,016 limits 299,964/300,016
The tolerance of size is normally defined as the difference between the upper and lower dimensions. The need for tolerances to be identified on drawings is vital to allow assembly of parts in the desired way and interchangeability of parts as required in modern manufacturing methods. ISO 286 implements 20 grades of accuracy to satisfy the requirements of different industries.