Jeep Wrangler JK Unit Bearing Replacement Write-Up - jeep jk wheel bearing
The Nightshades are a family of murderous and cruel shadow creatures who seek only the absolute destruction of life, happiness, and joy. These creatures will stop at nothing to consume all souls in their paths.
2007718 — A failed CV joint is going to make a clicking noise when turning. If you do not hear a clicking noise on turns then it is not a CV joint.
With so many items and so many uses, it’s impossible to cover them all here, so please share your ideas with us in the comment section below!
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Magical Tinkering, as it’s called, lets you create any one item of adventuring gear (chosen from a list) with a single Magic Action. This is an extremely flexible ability because you can suddenly have a rope, a crowbar, or a bag of caltrops/ball bearings when you need them. Sure, they only last an hour, but what an hour.
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Parchment - At 1 silver piece, parchment is cheaper than paper but just as effective. If you want to write a letter or jot down important information, like that strange symbol on the side of the temple, you’ll need something to write on. If you’re one of the few players smart enough to map out the lost dungeon of the mind flayer, you better have something to draw on. Just remember to invest in an ink pen too!
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2023425 — A wheel bearing replacement should cost between $300-$700 depending on the make and model of your car, and which bearing has gone.
And what’s notable here is that you’re not just infusing an item temporarily. You’re making actual magic items. You can hand them around to others who could even attune to them if needed.
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These bad boys are the lego pieces of the fantasy world. Step on one, and you’ll know it. A three-legged piece of metal, the caltrop is an incredible piece of gear that everyone should have 20 of. We mentioned above dropping ball bearings to slow down an enemy in hot pursuit of you and the treasure you probably stole. The caltrop is the ball bearing on steroids. Per the Player’s Handbook, the ball bearing does the following:
As an action, you can spread a bag of caltrops to cover a square area that is 5 feet on a side. Any creature that enters the area must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or stop moving this turn and take 1 piercing damage. Taking this damage reduces the creature’s walking speed by 10 feet until the creature regains at least 1 hit point. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn’t need to make the save.
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The DC difference alone makes the caltrop the go-to item you should drop when being chased. Add to that the potential to take damage and reduce the speed or your pursuer by 10 feet, and I have no problem spending a gold piece and then essentially throwing it away. Give a bag to your owl familiar and have it release them directly onto or in front of an enemy. It’s not an attack, so based on RAW, this shouldn’t be an issue. You can also use them to wedge shut doors and windows or perhaps launch them at your foes via the catapult spell. For such a small investment, there’s a lot you can do with these simple pieces of metal.
All along the way, Artificers are attuning to more than the usual limit of magic items, starting with 4 items (instead of 3) and working up to 6 by the time they get to level 18. And at 20th level, the Capstone feature for the whole class has been nerfed.
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Of course, there’s still more. Every Artificer is also a genius, according to the rules of D&D. No, really. At 7th level, they gain a feature called Flash of Genius. Artificers are great at party support. This feature lets them take a Reaction to reroll a failed ability check or saving throw (or to allow an ally within 30 feet to do so) with an added bonus equal to the Artificer’s Intelligence modifier.
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The only difference here is if you die, the magic item vanishes after 1d4 days have passed. So you can’t just play an Artificer, make a bunch of magic items, and then wander off into the woods to start a new character who now has a treasure trove of magic items.
In its place, they gain the Replicate Magic Item feature. Replicate Magic Item strips away some of the middlemen of the Artificer’s old kit. Here’s how it works:
But Artificers get some pretty nice quality-of-life updates in the new Unearthed Arcana. Along with a couple of nerfs that, in my opinion, weren’t necessary.
Accompanying the new write-up is a lengthy video that takes a deep dive into what the devs were thinking (or what they weren’t thinking) when they revised the class. There are a few substantive changes, but by and large, I’d say the class still plays mostly the way it did in the older edition. If you’re familiar with Artificers, the wheel hasn’t been reinvented here the way that it was with the Monk.
I love adventuring gear and the myriad of uses the items have. Let’s take a look at some of these mundane items and what we can do with them.
They even have a form of Arcane Recovery. Artificers in the Unearthed Arcana can drain one of their created magic items, disintegrating it into a 1st or 2nd-level spell slot, depending on rarity.
Sep 16, 2011 — A really loud scraping noise from what seemed like the front driver side wheel. It literally sounded as if I'd been dragging a piece of metal while driving.
As an action, you can spill these tiny metal balls from their pouch to cover a level, square area that is 10 feet on a side. A creature moving across the covered area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw or fall prone. A creature moving through the area at half speed doesn't need to make the save.
First things first, though, overall, the Artificer is still a half-caster in line with Paladins and Rangers. Like those classes, Artificers are spellcasters, sure. But their primary focus is doing other stuff with spellcasting as part of their kit.
What else do they do, though? I’m glad you asked. In addition to making magic items, they can make mundane items – but don’t worry, that’s the level 1 feature revamped. I’m actually a huge fan.
At level 11, Artificers go back to Magic Item chicanery, however, with Spell-Storing item. This feature lets an Artificer imbue a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-level spell into a weapon or spellcasting focus type item. Then, that spell can e cast with an Action. By anyone. So, an Artificer could give a Haste spell to a friend. But it’s even better because that spell doesn’t have to be one that you have prepared.
At level 2, you can create any Common magic item that isn’t a potion, scroll, or cursed. Once you hit level 6, you can make any Uncommon Armor, Wand, or Weapon that isn’t cursed. At level 10, it’s any Uncommon Ring or Wondrous item that isn’t cursed. Finally, at level 14 it’s any Rare Armor, Ring, Wand, Weapon, or Wondrous item that isn’t cursed.
Steel Mirror - As noted above, you can peer around the corner with one when your rogue is off stealing something. You can also use it to blind a foe when fighting in the sun, gaze upon yourself when you purchase those fancy clothes or watch a Tabaxi chase the reflection of light you move around using the mirror.
Ready to dive into ancient tombs and lost pyramids? This conversion takes the Pathfinder First Edition adventure, Mummy’s Mask, and converts it to Pathfinder Second Edition.
Artificers start off knowing a limited number of “plans” that correspond to specific magic items they can create. This is similar to the old Infusions known mechanic, but the kinds of items you can pick from are much broader. At levels 2, 6, 10, and 14 you get a different list to choose from. Each level has specific items, but also has a broad category in it.
And it doesn’t stop there, either. The spell can be cast from the object multiple times – up to your Intelligence modifier per use of this feature. That is a ton of added flexibility to any party.
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Adventuring equipment has many benefits, but we tend to gloss over them. First, most of these items are dirty cheap, ranging in price from five copper pieces to five whole pieces of gold. You can afford these items pretty much all the time, but why would you want them? In the heat of battle, your thoughts do not go to the steel mirror you have in your backpack. But it’s that same steel mirror has a significant role when you are creeping down the dungeon hallway and hear something around the corner. A +1 weapon will probably cost over 1,000 gold pieces, while the mirror, which could very well save your life, only costs 5 gold pieces.
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You’ve created a character, got your fancy new armor and shiny weapon, plus a backpack full of gear you don’t give another thought to. It’s only when you are wandering through a dungeon in search of kobolds to slaughter, and you need some rope to climb down the 40-foot pit that you search through your equipment list. When you get back to town, you’re shopping consists of purchases magic items, not looking for a flask of oil and a new hooded lantern.
Dec 8, 2011 — While you have them off you can spin the hubs by hand to feel for any roughness. If you have a bearing that needs replacing it will make noise ...
WotC gave us all an early Christmas present in the form of an Artificer Unearthed Arcana that updates the class to the 5.5E ruleset.
Now, instead of getting to add +6 to all saves (because they would add the number of magic items they were attuned to, which was always 6, because that was the max), they get to add 1d6 to all ability checks.
The two don’t even compare. I mean, sure, Artificers come back from the dead once per day by disintegrating a magic item as a reaction to having 20 hit points instead of 0. But they lose a pretty big feature and gain one that, at the 20th level, is much less useful. Adding +1d6 to an ability check is a great benefit at low levels, but by the time you’re level 20, there are much bigger fish to fry.
Just in time for the holiday break, WotC has unveiled a new Unearthed Arcana featuring the Artificer. In the Artificer Unearthed Arcana we get a look at how the class may play in the new ruleset.
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What is that other stuff? Well, in the new edition, it’s making magic items. The old “Artificer Infusions” mechanic is gone. At least for now, though, from the way they talk about it in the video, it sounds like that’s permanently gone unless the Artificers score unsatisfactorily on the response surveys for some reason.
But Artificers aren’t just about making magic items. Which is what you’d hope. Otherwise, the whole class would just be a magic item delivery system. And that’s kind of what the game is if you think about it.
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Holy Water - If you don’t have a paladin in your group, you should at least have some holy water. You can covertly unmask undead, demons, devils, and the like by offering them a glass of holy water, dipping your hand in it before shaking hands, or if you’re rude, spitting it at them if they get a little to close for comfort. It’s a powerful weapon too, as you can use it as a melee weapon or a ranged weapon against the above mentioned creatures, doing 2d6 damage on a hit.
Now that aside, everyone needs this item. It’s like the 50 feet of rope you are always lugging around. You always have it, never think about it, but are happy it’s in your backpack when it’s needed. If you need to poke or prod something, whether it be a body, a suspicious floor tile, or that chest you know for sure isn’t a mimic, a 10-foot pole is what you want. Say that body lying on the floor turns out not to be a dead body, and it springs to life, wanting to do nothing more than claw your eyes out. By discovering this with your trusty pole, you may have just prevented a surprise attack. More importantly, you are not in the immediate melee range of medium or smaller creatures. Your new not-so-dead friend will be forced to spend half its movement getting up and moving another 5 feet to use those nasty claws.
Time alone – and your response to feedback surveys – will tell. But you can download the PDF of the updated class right now and go to town. Let’s check it out.
If you don’t know about the beauty of ball bearings, let me be the first to say you don’t know what you are missing. Most people think they are only to be used when a pack of Gnolls is chasing them, dropping them on the ground in hopes that their enemies will fall prone. Broaden your mind, for the ball bearing is a magical yet non-magical piece of adventuring gear. Jam one of those round little beauties into a keyhole to prevent it from being opened. Found that poisonous dart trap but can’t figure out how to disarm it? Shove a ball bearing in the dart hole. If you’re staring down that pit in the floor wondering how deep it is, take a ball bearing, drop it down the pit and listen. Even if Intelligence is your Dump Stat, you should be able to figure out its depth by the length of time from when you drop it to when you hear it hit bottom. Better yet, cast the light cantrip on one of them and drop it down there. When the light goes out, you know it’s deeper than 40 feet. And once you’re at the bottom of that pit, use the same bright ball bearing and roll down the next hallway to see what’s up ahead. Who knows, you may even set off a poisonous dart trap.
Chalk - Another extremely underrated item. Marking rooms in a dungeon with chalk helps if you get lost (you didn’t buy the parchment to make a map, did you?), and a simple little set of symbols can designate which rooms have traps, doors you may not have opened, and so on. Trust me, this helps when you are running for your life, and you can’t remember which door to go through to get out. One other quick note on chalk. If your enemy goes can go invisible on you, chalk dust either blown onto them or scattered on the floor can help you locate them.
Poking things isn’t the only thing the pole is good for. Buy some string, and you have an impromptu fishing pole. It can work as a level when needed. Convince your DM that using it to pole vault over that 20-foot hole in the ground gives you advantage on your checks. Use it to push your small boat across the marsh, so you don’t have to get your fancy boots wet. Stick the head of the kobold champion on top of it and watch them beg and cower as you match into their camp as you carry it aloft. Then, once you have claimed the camp as your own and the remaining kobolds have become your army of wannabe mini dragons, use it as a flag pole to raise your colors for all to see.
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But is this a case of “first draft, big changes coming,” as we saw with some of the Cleric/Warlock Unearthed Arcana playtests? Or are we going to get what we get and like it, as we did with some of the more maligned changes to the Rogue that people were hoping would change?
Everyone would carry a mundane 10-foot pole if the minds at WotC added one simple word - collapsable. I don’t agree with the collapsible pole being a magic item, but I’m not in charge so I didn’t get a vote. If you are like me (and god, for you’re sake I hope you aren’t), it’s hard to get past the silliness of imaging Grok the Barbarian carrying around a pole that long. Does it get in the way when you’re swinging a battle axe? Are you forced to carry it like a lance when you’re somewhere with a low ceiling? These are the places my mind goes when I think about purchasing one, making it impossible for me to purchase it. If I could collapse it down to 2 feet, it would be a staple in my bag of adventuring gear.
And then of course, they have their spellcasting. Spellcasting is a big part of the Artificer’s kit, and they do get to tinker with their spel list a little. In the Unearthed Arcana, Artificers get an expanded spell list. They also get the ability to swap out a cantrip for another one on the Artificer list after a Long Rest, making them almost as flexible as a Wizard.