Kilovac KM-14 - km 14
The SY505-M-SKF SKF Replacement Insert measures mm inside diameter, mm outside diameter and mm in thickness. It is made of .
Super precisionbearings
As part of our Bearings 101 series of informational articles, we’re highlighting types of bearings or bearing components. Today’s article is all about thin section bearings.
Have you seen our other Bearings 101 articles? Here are our pieces on roller bearings, Thinex and torque tube bearings, machine tool spindle bearings, deep groove bearings, a comparison of bushings to bearings, and our bearing glossary.
It takes great precision to make thin section bearings, so they often cost more than standard bearings – but the flexibility their thinness brings is worth the expense. Plus, they’re more resistant to moment load than similarly sized standard bearings.
Tapered rollerbearings
What bearing-related subject would you like to read about? Let us know by email, phone, or by using the chat feature on our website.
Photo courtesy Alpine Bearing We’ve discussed preventive maintenance and how taking the right steps ahead of time can save you time and money. While that’s true, sometimes, even in companies with the best maintenance programs, a piece of equipment breaks. When that happens, and your line stops, you need a new part ASAP. For some…
Cylindrical rollerbearings
The SY505-M-SKF SKF Replacement Insert measures mm inside diameter, mm outside diameter and mm in thickness. It is made of .
Dave Coffer lives over three-thousand miles from Alpine Bearing‘s headquarters in Boston. He has either the world’s worst commute or the best. Dave maintains it’s the best. After 23 years in the bearing business, he’s in an ideal situation. He works as a sales engineer for Alpine Bearing, from his home in Covington, Washington. We…
Engineers often choose thin section bearings for aerospace, robotics, and medical systems. Their light weight and small footprint at all diameters make them ideal for jobs with space and weight limits. Thin section bearings also keep parts turning smoothly for food processing, machining, textile manufacturing, and more.
The SY505-M-SKF SKF Replacement Insert measures mm inside diameter, mm outside diameter and mm in thickness. It is made of .
By Jim Levin, President, Alpine Bearing My dad, Robert, had some definite ideas about how to run a business. The customer is always right may sound like a cliché, but that’s how he operated. It was important to him for his customers to get a quality product for a good price. He said, “I’d rather…
Thrust roller bearing
Colin Griffin, the newest sales engineer at Boston’s Alpine Bearing, is a long way from his first home in California, but he’s happy to be here. A tall, friendly guy, Colin has a genial smile and talks easily. It’s not hard to see that he’d fit in wonderfully in this close-knit company. Colin lives in…
For help choosing a bearing type, advice about your specific application of thin section bearings, or to order thin section bearings, contact one of our sales engineers.
Photo courtesy Pixabay Anyone who uses equipment with moving parts or cooks a meal understands the value of lubrication. You change the oil on your car every three to five thousand miles. You wax your skis to make them glide better on the slopes. You even grease the frying pan before adding the food so…
This bearing’s defining quality is its fixed cross-section. Thin section bearings in the same line all have the same thickness, regardless of bore diameter. At large diameters, these bearings are proportionally thin, hence their name.
On three days in May, Alpine Bearing and hundreds of manufacturing, distribution, and technology firms descended on the Big E (Eastern States Exposition) in West Springfield, Massachusetts for EASTEC, the premier manufacturing event in New England. Hosted by the SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) and the AMT (Association for Manufacturing Technology), EASTEC hosted over twelve…
The elegant thin section bearing might look dainty, but don’t let its slender proportions fool you. The thin section bearing punches above its weight while fitting into tight spaces.