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Every blood unit provided through Civil Air Patrol's Operation Blood Lift collection campaign potentially saves three lives.

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Civil Air Patrol cadets, their Junior ROTC counterparts, and students interested in aviation gained a new appreciation for CAP's storied early National Executive Board chaiman, U.S. Air Force Gen. Carl “Tooey” Spaatz, as special guests Dec. 12 for a...

u.s. defenceheadquarters

Theodore Roosevelt reminded us that critics — the bleacher bums who boo and razz and find fault at every turn — don’t count. Instead, it’s the person on the field, bloodied and weary but unbowed, who strives through trials and triumph, success and fa...

Civil Air Patrol conducts 90% of inland search and rescue in the U.S., as tasked by the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center and other agencies.

Through their experiences as Civil Air Patrol cadets, young people develop into responsible citizens, always ready to join with adult members in helping their neighbors when disaster strikes, on the way to becoming tomorrow's leaders.


With its National Headquarters hire of Danford Kern, Civil Air Patrol recognizes the importance of its people — both its members and staff — as essential to achieving its mission.Investing in a “chief people officer” underscores Civil Air Patrol’s co...

Civil Air Patrol's aerospace education programs promotes aerospace, aviation and STEM-related curriculum, activities, and careers in the nation's classrooms.