Cost to replacetiming beltand water pump

Bad things can happen, but this really can't happen with this car. It can get very loose and wobble and pretty much chew the axle right into the bearing races and the housing, expensive and possible loss of control, so something to be avoided, but as you grind to a halt the wheel will still be attached.

It’s important to replace your timing belt at the mileage intervals your vehicle manufacturer recommends. Every manufacturer is different, but typically, it needs to be replaced every 60,000–100,000 miles. The recommended interval for your specific vehicle can be found in your car’s owner’s manual.

Replacing timing beltnear me

I was in the same situation and kept driving until it was real bad, Like someone else said it damaged the hub which added $150 to the cost of the job. The inner race spun on the hub and wore a grove in it and ruined it. Do it now or the repair will just get more expensive

Based on an experience with my WRX, I'd say wheelbearings are only gonna last a few days at best after they get loud and 'crunchy' sounding. I dunno how long they could 'whir', I had the A/C on high last summer, and the radio!

I drove on my bad bearing for several months with no ill effects, other than the noise getting louder and more annoying..

Timing is everything. For jokes, music, cooking, dating—even engines! That’s because your car’s engine relies on a timing belt to stay in sync. The timing belt makes sure everything in the engine is operating smoothly, keeping you safe on the road.

2) Does a $585 estimate by the independent garage for parts and labor for replacing the front hub and wheel bearings sound right to you? The dealer quoted $550 parts and labor for just the bearing replacement; an additional $176 for the hub parts if those are necessary, and an additional $294 labor plus more $$$ in parts for the housing if that's necessary.

Timing beltwarning signs

as far as cost - where you live has a lot to do with that - silicon vally, you might be right in line - i had a rear bearing done on my wagon that only cost me about $250 - BUT - I live in northern Wisconsin - major difference.

If you are certain of which one it is, next time you drive it somewhere, when you stop, check the center of the wheel with your hand - carefully - is it hot? or is it cool to the touch? if it is cool, you should be fine for a while yet.

My '03 LL bean left-front wheel bearing failed at 75k? 80K? 100K? I forget (thread is here somewhere) and I drove on it a looooong time with it making noise. It never got loose, never got hot, hub and housing were fine. Of course if it got loose I would probably notice and so I would drive on it longer than I'd be willing to let my wife.

Replacing timing beltcost near me

When you reach out to check - assume the wheel center will be hot and use caution accordingly - if it isnt hot, you are good. barely luke warm is ok, but would be thinking about it pretty soon - the hotter it is, the worse shape it is in.

While your vehicle is in for service, we recommend also replacing the water pump. The water pump usually has a similar lifespan and is easy to access when the timing belt is off. That way you save money on labor costs.

Our very good independent garage mechanic recommended about a month or two ago to drive on it a little longer, so that we could be 100% sure which wheel the noise is coming from. Seems clear right now it's the Left Front. He said it wouldn't cause any further harm driving on it longer. It is getting progressively louder to the point where we can hear extra noise in the background even when driving straight.

had a guy tell me he drove a hummer that had 500k miles on i with a bad wheel bearing thousands of miles till it caught on fire! ahaha:Flame:

Replacing timing beltchevy

Jan 17, 2014 — With an interface engine, the valve opens further into the combustion chamber, so a broken timing belt can cause big problems. A malfunctioning ...

The timing belt is a rubber belt with hard teeth that interlock with the cogwheels of the crankshaft and the camshafts. It synchronizes the movement of the crankshaft and camshafts. This ensures that the engine intake and exhaust valves open and close in time with the pistons. If the crankshaft and camshafts are not operating in unison, the vehicle will not run correctly.

SKF Wheel Bearing and Hub Assembly BR930907 · PRICE: 205.99 · Bolt Circle Diameter: 5in · Flange Included: Yes · Wheel Studs Included: Yes · Anti Lock Brake Sensor ...

Running a bad wheel bearing will run the risk of damaging not only the hub, but the brake rotor, caliper, ABS tone ring and ABS sensor.

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On the Dodge Ram pickup however - when that one started making noise, it only lasted about 60 miles before it wanted to seize up, and the wheel was wobbling...was not a pretty sight at all.

On mine it was indeed difficult to isolate the bad bearing, had to spin each wheel with a mechanics stethoscope on the strut spring.

Thanks to design improvements and a long lifespan, many modern cars have returned to using timing chains instead. If your car has a timing chain instead of a timing belt, you may be able to go longer before replacing the timing chain. As always, check your owner’s manual or give us a call to be sure.

Because the timing belt is made of rubber, it will wear down over time and eventually break. When it breaks, the engine will stop running or the components will be out of sync, damaging the engine.

Replacing the timing belt is an important maintenance item! So, if you own a car, you should understand how a timing belt works and when to replace it.

COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, ex rel. M3 BCT 31 ' P 3= UU. STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION. CASE NO. INS-2019-00154. Ex Parte : In the matter of the assessment upon ...

Industry revenue is measured across several distinct product and services lines, including Roller bearings, unmounted, Ball bearings, unmounted and Parts and ...

Whoever does the job should have the hub in hand in case it's needed. If there are any signs the inner race has been spinning on the hub, the hub must be replaced.

201334 — Wheel bearings going bad within two years of driving suggests either an installation problem or poor bearings.

Depending on your vehicle model, you might have a timing chain instead of a timing belt. A timing chain functions the same as a belt, but it is metal instead of rubber. Because they are lighter and quieter, timing belts became popular to use after they were introduced in the 1960s.

If you don’t replace the timing belt at the recommended time, you could end up with total engine failure, broken or bent valves, cylinder head or camshaft damage, and piston and cylinder wall damage. This is not the type of situation where it’s safe to think: ‘If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.’ Replace the timing belt according to the manufacturer’s maintenance schedule to avoid thousands of dollars repairing or replacing your engine.

YMMV, but I have driven thousands of miles on noisy wheel bearings. But most of our driving is around town. If I were doing mostly hway driving, then I would get them replaced sooner rather than later. If local driving, do it at your leisure within a few months. just my .02

The wrr-wrr-wrr-wrr-wrr sound my wife and I heard when driving on curves over 25-30 mph when curving right and left, uphill or downhill, powered or unpowered, which seemed to be coming from the front of the car, was caused by a bad wheel bearing, apparently the Left Front. It could be entirely unrelated, but it happened not long after replacing the axle after the R Front CV boot blew open after it was hit hard by some road debris on the highway + wheels aligned.

Think of a timing belt like a bike chain for your vehicle—it keeps all the internal moving parts of an engine in sync. It also sometimes powers the water pump, oil pump and injection pump.

Replacing timing belttoyota

few days later hooked up the flatbed trailer to it to go pick up a non-running motorcycle only 25 miles away - truck had not been moved since i got home from the long trip, mind you - made the trip over, picked up the bike, started home - bearing failure so bad it had to be put on the trailer to make it the last 10 miles home - it no longer wanted to move, and the wheel was sitting at an odd angle.

My last one chewed up the hub/spindle and discolored some metal from heat. Oh, it also wobbled a little and that tire had more uneven wear than the others.

Yep - could go at any time. And it will destroy a lot of expensive parts if it completely fails. ABS parts and the hub for certain. Probably brake components as well. Wheel could come off.... but that is less likely.

Can I replacetiming beltmyself

To define bearing loads, in the Simulation study tree, right-click the External Loads icon and select Bearing Load. The Bearing Load PropertyManager appears.

Our expert ASE-certified technicians will examine your vehicle, identify any damage to your belt, and replace it with quality service at an affordable price. If you do need work done, our timing belt replacement service comes backed by our 2-year/24,000-mile service warranty. Click HERE to schedule a check-in time at one of our convenient locations!

1) A service rep at our local Subaru dealer claimed driving on the bad bearing longer could cause damage to the hub and housing, resulting in a more costly repair. True or not? Who is right - the dealer or the good reliable indie garage mechanic? Note that however many parts need to be replaced or whatever the labor, the dealer costs 2x as much as our very capable independent garage.

Last time I checked, a new ABS sensor was almost $200 from the dealer. A new hub is in the neighborhood of $130 and so on. I've had customers that had other shops tell them it was ok to run it a bit longer but what people don't tell you is when it will finally grenade. As a mechanic, I don't have a crystal ball that tells me when it's going to break so I always tell the customer, the sooner you do it, the better it is for your peace of mind and your vehicle.

If the intake valves open too early, there may be too much fuel-air mixture flowing into the engine combustion chamber, leading to poor combustion and power loss. And if the exhaust valves open too early, the combustion chamber will lose pressure and cause a power loss. If the engine components are very out of sync, they might collide and damage each other, resulting in costly repairs.

If whoever replaced the CV joint didn't properly torque the axle nut, hammered the crap out of the axle to get it out, or allowed weight onto the bearing before the nut was torqued, the CV job could have caused the bearing to fail.

heartless, do you mean check the center of the outside tire tread (which will be warm anyway) or the center of tire around the hub?

1995 Dadge Ram 1500 (shortbox with a topper on it) - made a 600 mile trip, towing a trailer, drop the trailer off 30 mins from home. on the way home noticed a very slight growly noise...told the other half about it, he looked into what it would cost to get a new hub (easier) for it...never ordered it tho...

center of the wheel - where the axle nut would be - and/or, between the center cap and lug nuts - any heat created from friction in the wheel bearing will transfer out to the wheels in as little as 5-10 miles if they are getting bad enough

The Tapered Roller Bearing, known as 13685-13621-13600LA-TIMKEN TIMKEN, has an inner diameter of 38.1 mm, an outer diameter of 69.012 mm and a thickness of ...

Often, there aren’t any warning signs before a timing belt breaks. But here are some possible indicators that it might be time to replace your belt:

If the wheel bearing is noisy but tight the chances for damaging the hub or the housing are low, in my opinion. If you drive on it and it gets loose and you don't notice, those other parts might take some damage. If there is any damage the hub will be the item damaged, most likely, you would have to do some really extreme stuff to damage the housing.

PLEASE NOTE: Brooks Equipment only sells products to Fire/Life Safety Equipment and Service Companies. We do not offer products for direct purchase to private ...

Generally, a wheel bearing replacement could cost anywhere between $150 to $800. The cost will vary as per the make and model of your vehicle, part price, and ...

Replacing timing beltcost

Getting hot is the deal breaker. Have i ever seen a subaru loose a wheel because of a bad bearing ,no . Have i seen it in dozens of other cars, yes.

Replacing the timing belt is an expensive service. It is an intricate, labor-intensive process that can take 4–8 hours, depending on the vehicle. But replacing the timing belt before it breaks will prevent engine damage and save you money in the long run. If you’re unsure about your belt needs to be replaced, stop by Virginia Tire & Auto today.