22222 bearingvs22222

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22222 bearingsize

- [Presenter] Now that we've completed all of our component models for our ball bearing, it's time to create our assembly. We'll start by opening up the chapter assembly file from the course exercise folder. All of the components should be nicely laid out for us as you can see here. We see that the outer race is fully defined and centered about its three primary planes, while all of the other parts are free to move at will. We're going to use a series of concentric and coincident mates, to get all of our components into position, and then use a few pattern features to complete our assembly. We're going to start by creating a coincident mate between the bore of our inner race and the OD of our outer race, making sure that we do not select this lock rotation option, because we want to be able to spin the internal components once the bearing is complete. We will line up the two races by meeting the inner races, right…

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