LM11949/LM11910 - Koyo Imperial Taper - lm11949
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For those of you seeking a Chicago Rawhide (CR) seal replacement, you should know that Chicago Rawhide had long ago been acquired by SKF. The CR branding continued until recently when SKF transitioned all CR branding to the SKF branding.
†† The exact tax treatment of the distributions for a calendar year is calculated after the Fund's tax year-end. As a result, investors will receive an official tax statement from their broker detailing the type of income they have to report for tax purposes for the entire year and not for each distribution.
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† Distributions by the Fund that are not paid in cash but result in additional units of the Fund. These distributions should be accounted for by investors for tax purposes by adding the distribution amount to the adjusted cost base of the units held.
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At least once each year, the Fund will distribute all net taxable income to investors. These distributions will either be paid in cash or reinvested in the Fund, as may be determined by BlackRock Asset Management Canada Limited from time to time. These distributions will consist primarily of distributions received from the securities held within the Fund less Fund expenses, plus any realized capital gains generated from securities transactions within the Fund.
At H&H Exports we specialize in finding exactly the right component for you like these SKF bearings and seal products including SKF Bearings, SKF Oil Seals and SKF Ring Seals. We invite you to inquire with us for any of these SKF products:
H&H Exports offers direct access to SKF, MRC and (that formerly known as Chicago Rawhide) inventories for exportation and international distribution. With responsive service and quick lead times, H&H will get you the quality SKF parts you need quickly and economically.
The amounts of past distributions are shown in the distributions section above. The characterization of distributions for tax purposes (such as dividends, other income, capital gains etc.) for each period will be reported only after the Fund's tax year end. Therefore, the above table showing the tax characteristics will be updated only once each tax year. For tax purposes, these amounts will be reported by brokers on official tax statements.