Passivation of carbonsteel

We manufacture and sell a full line of Citrisurf® products for passivation of stainless steel. Passivating stainless steel with CitriSurf is safe, easy, economical, and environmentally friendly. Contact us today for a product recommendation that is tailored to your particular application, or view our product list.

I was not going to expect to much on your product, as in the past with other company's I was not very happy with the results. The 2310 did a great job and so did the 9310. We will use your products again on future jobs. Thank you.

Passivation chemicals forstainless steel

Axial or radial play in the wheel or wheel hub. Should the wheel hub move up and down or in and out, the bearing may be worn.

I’m very happy the way the Citrisurf has reclaimed the effected lines - I do believe we got the correct solution for the job in the 8050. Thanks for your product – this is so much better than nitric acid!

When is passivation ofstainless steelrequired

This depends a lot on the particular context. Some other surface treatments or coatings designed to prevent corrosion or degradation of other materials are also sometimes referred to as “passivation”. Also, removal of surface iron contamination from alloys that otherwise contain little to no iron, using the same process as that for stainless steel, is generally called passivation.

How to passivatestainless steelat home

A wheel bearing assembly consists of rolling elements, such as hardened steel ball bearings or roller bearings, that roll on and around hardened steel bearing races. The wheel bearings support the front and rear axle, and all the weight of your car. Wheel bearings are made with a high-precision technique using extremely hard steel in order to withstand all the normal impacts that occur to the wheel and tire assembly as you drive along the road.

Passivation ofsteel

Simpler, faster, cheaper, safer, more effective and easier to use..with impeccable service from a technically knowledgeable sales staff...and environmentally friendly chemicals with no national or local EPA issues. What more could anyone ask for? It’s an engineer’s dream.

Growling or grinding noise from a wheel. Failed or failing wheel bearings make a very characteristic growling noise which will grow louder as the bearing wear progresses. If you believe the wheel bearing noise is coming from one side of the car, you can self-diagnosis your wheel bearing as you drive the car by loading and unloading vehicle weight You can do this by “swerving” from side-to-side. For example, if the noise markedly increases when you swerve to left, which shifts the vehicle’s weight to the right, then it often indicates the wheel bearing on the right is failing.

Passivation process


Wow! You are like lightning speed! Amazing customer service! Thank you once again, you were a pleasure to talk to and extremely helpful.

What is the definition of passivation? Simply put, passivation is the intentional removal of iron from the stainless steel surface and there are different passivation types. Removal of surface iron and iron contamination results in a stainless steel surface that is low in iron and high in chromium. With more chromium at the surface a thicker chromium oxide layer can be achieved, which results in significantly improved corrosion resistance due to lack of iron available to react with the environment.

Tire and wheel assembly does not turn smoothly. With the wheel jacked up, and the car not in gear, the wheel should rotate smoothly. Rough or inconsistent movement, which is often accompanied by noise, can signify damaged bearings. Be sure the brakes are not dragging as you perform this check.

Stainless steel passivatedmeaning

I received your product the other day and I just wanted to let you know we think it is FANTASTIC!! We definitely will be ordering more in the future as needed. Thanks again!!

OK - I’m impressed. I can honestly say that I’ve never dealt with a company before that gave such fast and helpful replies. You raised the bar for me... By a lot.

We would have spent 10’s of thousands of dollars without Citrisurf to replace the lines, and quite possibly have the same result – as the purging of the Orbitally Welded lines was the main suspect to our problem. Orbital welds are not generally passivated in my experience, but Citrisurf makes it easy. Stellar Solutions saved our bacon that’s for sure! Thanks for a great product that’s easy to use.

Vibration in the steering wheel or vehicle body and/or wandering. Vibration and lack of directional stability could be consequences of loose or worn out wheel bearings.

Passivation ofstainless steelpdf

No. Wheel bearing failure is usually gradual, although in some cases it starts immediately after the dramatic impact of the wheel and tire assembly with a deep pothole. Wheel bearings can sometimes make noise for quite some time before you experience a catastrophic failure that would result in complete separation of the wheel and tire assembly from the axle. Generally, the risk of sudden failure increases with the noise level. But strictly speaking, once the bearing has started to fail it is impossible to predict exactly when it will fail completely. So it should not continue to be driven. Were a failing bearing to seize or break while you are moving, you could experience loss of control of the vehicle. Once you receive a conclusive diagnostic that a wheel bearing has failed, replace the bearing promptly.

Stainless steel is a naturally corrosion resistant alloy. The primary component of stainless steel which provides corrosion resistance is chromium, which in the presence of oxygen forms a corrosion-resistant (a.k.a. passive) layer on the surface of the stainless steel. This chromium oxide layer protects the metal below it from interacting with the environment around it to form corrosion. While the chromium typically present on the surface will naturally create a passive layer, there is a significant amount of iron inherent to the alloy (about 60-70%, depending on the grade of stainless) which limits the corrosion resistance. It is also common for additional iron contamination to be introduced to the surface during manufacturing processes, such as via iron dust in the shop air or contact with carbon steel tools, which further decreases corrosion resistance. The solution to these issues is the passivation process.

On average, the cost for a Chevrolet Cobalt Wheel Bearings Replacement is $274 with $134 for parts and $140 for labor. Prices may vary depending on your location.

Passivation of stainless steel can be performed using nitric acid or citric acid. However, there are many reasons that it is better to use citric acid. Many tests have shown that citric acid passivation is more effective than nitric because it only removes iron while leaving all of the chromium, nickel, and other “good” components intact. By contrast, nitric acid will also remove some chromium and nickel along with the iron. Citric acid passivation is also much safer and better for the environment. Nitric acid is extremely toxic to humans, animals and the environment. For anyone who considers worker safety to be of paramount importance, citric acid passivation is the obvious choice.

My company installed a stainless steel job and just 60 days later I was called to the site to review what was reported to be terrible rusting. Needless to say there were some unhappy people. We called Stellar Solutions and was provided with product recommendations. The ‘after’ pictures speak for themselves. I couldn’t possibly tell you how happy I’ve been since then using Stellar products. Impressive and long-lasting results over and over. Thanks!

The complexity of wheel bearing replacement varies greatly depending on the vehicle make, model, year, the wheel position (front versus rear), and the drive type (AWD versus FWD):