In addition to letting users search for jobs, NCWorks Online can show users how their current skill sets match the skills required by employers for a particular position. Career center staff are also available to help job seekers use the website.

Identify occupations that best align with the skills and knowledge you already have. This resource was created for workers who have either been laid off or are looking for a career change.

Traditional employment and young adult development programs teach participants how to maintain positive relationships with responsible adults and peers, explore opportunities for community service, and develop leadership skills. As part of the program, each young person will assess their skills and participate in a program that’s designed to address their individual needs.

Find detailed information about duties for specific jobs, education, training, occupational ratings, employment outlook, wages and more. Ideal for recent graduates and those new to the workforce.

An abnormality in tire tread wear can also mimic a worn wheel bearing and this is easily checked. I assume this has been done. Another possibility could be a failed motor mount which could set up a quirky vibration. (Check the dog bone mount under the hood on the passenger side top. That’s the most common failure and easily fixed if a problem.)

Anytime I suspect a bad wheel bearing I jack up the suspected corner of the car and try to wiggle the wheel while watching for play in the hub area. Just the wheel moving could be a sign of a bad ball joint or tie rod end, but if it’s moving in the hub area it’s the wheel bearing. If you have an infrared thermometer check the temperature of the wheels after driving a few miles. If a wheel bearing is bad usually there will be a significant amount of heat transfer to the wheel. If you check the temperature by hand be careful, I’ve seen wheels get extremely hot from a bad wheel bearing. I actually saw the hub and wheel on my father in laws truck smoking from the heat of bad bearing one time and the lug nuts were so hot I couldn’t touch them.

Having now heard that it’s producing a “roaring” sound, I too think it sounds like a bearing. However, you know you need half-shafts anyway, so I’d do those first and see how it feels.


Apprenticeships combine on-the-job learning with related classroom instruction, allowing participants to earn while they learn a highly skilled trade.

Each NCWorks Career Center provides services to individuals with criminal records. Career center staff ensure those job seekers have the necessary resources to conduct an effective job search.

Veterans participating in Apprenticeships can continue to draw benefits from the GI Bill, even though they are employed as part of an apprenticeship. Learn more about apprenticeships.

If the right CV joint is bad, I will go ahead and replace the left one too since it probably isn’t far behind. I just would like confirmation that a bad CV joint can cause all this? Thanks for your advice!

Ok thanks for the diagnosis. Can it be determined how much it would cost to replace wheel bearings in my area (Knoxville, TN)? Should it be inexpensive? Thanks.

Failed wheel bearings do indeed make noise, can sound like snow tires at high speed…As Knuckles said, you can jack up the wheels one at a time and FEEL & LOOK for play in the wheels…

Another way to check for a worn bearing is with the tire off the ground, place your hand on the strut spring. Now slowly rotate the tire. If the bearing worn, the roughness of the bearing will be transfered into the strut spring where it can be felt.

From principals to janitors, there are jobs throughout the state's public schools. Search Teach NC Education Jobs, your source for teaching jobs and other school jobs in North Carolina!


Some veterans face significant barriers that make it difficult for them to find suitable employment, especially vets who are transitioning into civilian life. Most offices have specialized staff—all of whom are veterans—who work closely with employers to create more opportunities for veterans and provide the following services to veterans:

Our team at the Division of Workforce Solutions provides experienced help to veterans, transitioning service members, and eligible spouses seeking a job. North Carolina, home to nearly 800,000 veterans and several of the nation's most important defense installations, understands the needs and challenges of military life.

I’m not sure who it was (Caddyman? Keith? Someone else?) who had a link for replacement shafts that aren’t much more than rebuilds, but seem to be much more reliable. Hopefully they’ll pop on soon and post the link for you.

In addition to the services provided to all job seekers, individuals with a criminal record have access to the following:

Ok now…I jacked up the front of the car and did the “12:00 and 6:00” method. Both wheels are tight and snug. I did the hot wheel temperature and both wheels are cool to the touch. With that, I could have ruled out wheel bearings. Now I decided to take a look under the right front corner. And I found the CV joint boot had thrown grease from the boot all over. I think the CV joint is the culprit. Could a bad CV joint cause all this vibration and humming sound?


In-school youth must be attending school, be between 14-21 years old, low-income and have one or more of the following characteristics:

Roaring is usually a sign of a bad wheel bearing and as it get worse will usually turn into a popping or grinding noise, at this point they’re usually on their last few miles.

Specialists are located in local workforce offices. These specialists, working with the program coordinator, are responsible for identifying resources in the community to help customers receive the same level of services available to individuals whose primary language is English.

Temporary Solutions is a program of the North Carolina Office of State Human Resources (OSHR) with a variety of services designed to fill temporary positions with highly qualified candidates. From file clerks to managers and a wide range of highly-skilled roles, Temporary Solutions offers a variety of temporary office support, professional and paraprofessional assignments.

Career centers also work with federal, state, and local providers of reentry services, including community- and faith-based organizations, and vocational rehabilitation centers.

The state’s official job-search portal, NCWorks Online allows youth to search for jobs, find local training opportunities, and learn about industries and occupations to prepare for their careers. The system also provides information on programs and opportunities for youth in their communities.

The bottom line is that you’ve searched properly for the source of the vibration, you’ve found that you need new half-shafts, so go ahead and fix that first, then see how it feels.


Yes, that would be the problem. In all likelihood, that joint needs repairing/replacing. Common repairs often fail (seems to be the consensus from this thread), and since you’re now feeling a humming, that implies there’s some damage to the joint itself. Your best bet, at this point, is to replace the axle with a new or rebuilt unit. Again, the consensus here is that rebuilt shafts don’t work all that well, nor last that long.

In addition to the economic value of obtaining employment, an individual who finds a job is less likely to be re-arrested or return to prison than those who do not obtain employment.

Just to let you know, I’ve worked on cars for over 20 years, and most of the problems I encounter are determined more by feel than by sound. While I can hear problems in cars as they are pulled up, determining the cause of the sound almost always comes down to feeling for the problem. If you are unable to determine the cause of the vibration yourself, please let a mechanic look it over for you. The feeling your describing appears to be coming from the wheel/hub/suspension components none the less, and a failed component in this area is very dangerous and can lead to loss of control.

The best way to test for a bad bearing is to jack up the wheel from the suspected axle side and do a manual feel test. If the properly mounted wheel can be wiggled up and down and side to side, this is a sure sign the wheel bearing has failed. If the wheel bearing is simply worn, but holding, the wheel should be removed, the brake pads removed, and the axle spun by hand. A good wheel bearing with allow the axle to spin smoothly with some small amount of resistance. If you feel any roughness in the spinning motion, the wheel bearing is probably bad.

Roaring is usually a sign of a faulty wheel bearing, not a CV joint. If this turns out to be a wheel bearing I would suggest replacing both sides if possible

The North Carolina Internship Program provides students with professional work experience that connects their classroom experiences and potential career choices.


North Carolina's Apprenticeship program is now managed by the North Carolina Community College System. To learn more, visit the program's website at ApprenticeshipNC.

Out-of-school youth must not be attending any school, be between 16-24 years old and have one or more of the following characteristics:

Learn more about various occupations, access labor market information, get skill assessment guides and much more through this job analysis and career exploration tool.

Veterans can also use the NCWorks Veterans Portal to look for jobs and training opportunities in their areas. Registration is free.

The feelings you describe certainly seems like a wheel bearing. However, worn-out brakes can also cause this feeling. Worn-out brakes typically feel worse when braking-however. If the feeling only seems to get worse when turning, I think you are on the correct track in assuming a bad bearing.

The Limited English Proficiency program helps individuals who do not speak English as a primary language by providing technical assistance and guidance to workforce staff. The program works with people who have a limited ability to read, write, speak or understand English.

The state’s Workforce Development Boards work with schools, businesses, community organizations, and other local partners to provide support and funding for local youth programs.

I asked my younger brother who was in town for business to drive my car tonight to see if it was making any noise. Sure enough it was. My brother said it was roaring loudly from the front end driving from 25 MPH to highway speed. More scary now since I can’t hear that and not know if it will break on me… I think this is more definite confirmation the CV axles are about to disintergate on me so I will have them replaced this week and post back on if it was the culprit.


A low-income individual who requires additional assistance to enter or complete an educational program or to secure or hold employment

The state’s official job-search website, NCWorks Online gives veterans access to job postings for 24 hours before they are made available to the general public. The system provides information on training opportunities, local services, and other resources available to veterans. Employers can also search exclusively for candidates who are veterans.

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (“WIOA”) became effective July 1, 2015, replacing workforce development programs authorized under the Workforce Investment Act (WIA). Under WIOA, and as previously with WIA, Native American Programs are authorized as national "set-aside" programs under Section 166. In carrying out its mandate and objectives, the Commission of Indian Affairs operates a WIOA Section 166 workforce development program that targets the needs of unemployed, underemployed and low-income American Indians in North Carolina.

For North Carolina residents and visitors impacted by Hurricane Helene. Go Now

Recipient of a secondary school diploma or equivalent who is low-income and basic skills deficient or an English language learner

Discover your ideal career path—whether you know exactly what you want to do, need to know more before you make a decision, or want to find out where you’ll fit best based on your interests and preferences.

Interns work 40 hours a week for a 10-week period, earning $12.00 an hour. They participate in meetings, educational tours and other activities designed to broaden their perspective of public service and state government. There are numerous internship positions available during the summer at various state agencies located throughout North Carolina. Projects and interns are screened and selected by the North Carolina Internship Council. The State of NC Internship Program is highly competitive. Learn more here:…;

One is to jack the vehicle up so that tire is off the ground. Grab the tire at the 12:00 and 6:00 oclock positions and try rocking the top and bottom of the tire in and out to check for play in the bearing. If the tire rocks that bearing is worn.


Participants must be in one of two categories for young people to be eligible to receive services: in-school or out-of-school.

I can confirm for you that a bad CV joint can manifest itself as a 'buzz saw" vibration in the steering wheel. As can other things.


Many folks misdaignose problems as tire related when they are actually bearing and CV joint related. I think Busted is right - especially about not waiting to get this looked at.

I have a question…I have a '03 Toyota Camry with 4 cyl and auto trans. This has 118k miles. I’m wanting to know what symptoms bad wheel bearings will give. Why? I am Deaf and obviously can’t hear. I know there’s a way to test for bad wheel bearings by wheel but I’m wanting to know if can do it by feeling? Whenever I’m driving between 40-50 mph, I get a very fine humming feel on my steering wheel. I can sense if there is a wheel out of balance but this doesn’t feel like it…my steering wheel feels like a vibrating sander, you know? Just wondering if that means bad wheel bearings or something else? Thanks!

Many career opportunities are available in North Carolina state government. We seek skilled, dedicated individuals with a wide range of education and experience in public safety, education, transportation, health care and more. Come work for NC.

I’d go ahead and replace the half shaft that has the torn boot. It’s likely the CV joint is damaged from lack of grease and dirt and water getting to it.

Within age of compulsory school attendance, but has not attended school for at least the most recent complete school-year calendar quarter

Agricultural job seekers can benefit from the services offered at our NCWorks Career Centers. Our agricultural employment consultants help place farm workers on jobs and ensure that migrant and seasonal farmworkers have access to the same services as the general public. Consultants also refer migrant and seasonal farmworkers to various supportive services and refer complaints to the proper enforcement agencies.

For what it’s worth, I’ve had bad hearing for decades for a variety of reasons and as a mechanic I’ve had to focus more on attuning myself to the feel of a problem rather than the audible end of things. So yes, you can determine many faults by feel instead of with the ears.

North Carolina’s youth and young adults are a crucial part of the state’s workforce, and it’s important that they be given the tools they need to advance their education and careers. Youth services provide young people with opportunities to prepare for and advance their education and careers.

The state offers valuable resources for connecting residents with the tools to prepare for and find employment opportunities. Get help with your job search either online or in person. Our expert job counselors can provide you with personalized assistance at one of the more than 80 Career Centers across the state. Or you can search open jobs in your area right now online.

Please give to the North Carolina Disaster Relief Fund to help communities recover from Helene. Donate Now

The NC Department of Commerce Reentry Initiative provides resources and assistance to justice-involved job seekers to help them overcome the barriers to employment created by a criminal record.