Bearing pullersscrewfix

Step 11: Remove the caliper assembly. Attach an iron thread to the vehicle body to hold it together when it is removed, then unscrew the two screws from the caliper mount using a ratchet and a 21mm socket. Attach it to the previously installed iron thread. For more information, we recommend watching our video “How to replace the front discs and pads Ford F-150“

To ensure that the part is properly installed during reassembly, measure the distance between the end of the drive shaft thread and the bearing with a caliper.


Step 14: Shift the ABS sensor cable to the other side of the brake system anchor plate, then remove the hub assembly with a hammer.

Step 21: Screw in the new part crosswise, tightening screws one by one until they make contact. Use a ratchet and new screws.

In the Garage with is an online blog dedicated to bringing DIYers and devoted car enthusiasts up to date with topical automotive news and lifestyle content. Our writers live and breathe automotive, taking the guess work out of car repairs with how-to content that helps owners get back on the road and keep driving.

Bearing pullersfor sale

Step 6: Unclip the cable attachment points using a fork. Unscrew the screw holding it to the wheel knuckle using an 8mm spanner, disconnect it from the brake hose, then put the cable down.

InnerBearingPuller Set

Step 10: Remove the caliper assembly. Attach an iron thread to hold it together, then unscrew the two screws from the caliper mount using a ratchet and a 21mm socket. Attach the caliper to the iron thread.

Bearingpuller types

Step 18: Get the gear in using the pump, so that it can be easily and completely inserted into the hub. Grease the hub lock actuator and the contact part of the wheel hub assembly.

Step 16: Disconnect the vacuum hoses and use a manual vacuum pump to install the new hub. Connect the pump to the large diameter nipple, then vacuum with the pump to draw in the hub lock actuator gear.

Step 17: For RWD mode, the vacuum pump operates and the hub lock actuator gear is drawn in, effectively disengaging the hub bearing transmission. For 4WD, the vacuum is off, and the hub lock actuator switches on and the transmission connects to the wheel hub.

For optimal installation of the part, it is necessary to screw in the part crosswise, screwing in the screws one by one until they make contact, using the ratchet.

Any information provided on this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with a professional mechanic. The accuracy and timeliness of the information may change from the time of publication. Read our full disclaimer here.

Bearing Pullers are used so you can safely remove bearings from a shaft or a recess without damaging the surrounding area. The puller securely grips the component with specially designed jaws before driving it off the shaft. When a component is securely mounted and cannot be loosened manually, that’s where a bearing pullers come in.

Step 15: Clean the driveshaft and inside of the hub with a paper towel. Use a paper towel to protect the whole. Use a fine chisel to remove corrosion, then brush with a wire brush. Finish cleaning with sandpaper and brake cleaner. Remove the paper towel.

This video is for entertainment purposes only., Inc. disclaims all damages including, but not limited to, actual, consequential, and/or punitive, for any liability, claim, or any other injury or cause related to or arising from any information or lack thereof posted in this video. No information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. All mechanical car projects entail some risk. It is the sole responsibility of the viewer to assume this risk. If you are in doubt, please consult a licensed mechanic in your area.


Step 9: Measure the distance between the end of the driveshaft thread and the bearing using a caliper for accurate reassembly.

Step 24: Replace the hub nut. While blocking the hub’s rotation with a crowbar, screw it back on. Finish tightening with a torque wrench and put the cover back on the nut.

Step 3: Lift the front of your vehicle and securely place it on axle stands. Watch our “How to jack your Ford F-150 safely” video for guidance before proceeding.

Ready to perform this DIY replacement job? Remember that all the parts in this guide can be found on Check out all the products that fit your vehicle right here.