Aa 91 flight status

The average flight duration from London to Chicago is 8 hours and 19 minutes. The flight distance is 6344 km / 3942 miles.

Aa91seat map


Scheduled AA91 / AAL91 arrival is today 01/03/2025 at 14:22 CST at Chicago O'Hare Airport at in terminal 5 at gate IAB.

AA91 is a American Airlines flight from London to Chicago. This flight departs from London Heathrow Airport on 01/03/2025 at 12:17 at gate 28 in terminal 3. The arrival at Chicago O'Hare Airport is on 01/03/2025 at 14:22 at gate IAB in terminal 5. The estimated flight duration is 2:05. Flight AA91 covers a distance of 6344 km between London (LHR) and Chicago (ORD). More American Airlines (AA) flights can be found on American Airlines Flight Status.

The international American Airlines flight AA91 / AAL91 departs from London [LHR], United Kingdom and flies to Chicago [ORD], United States.