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The word "radial" comes from the Latin "radius" meaning a spoke in a wheel which this bone was thought to resemble. The word "radiation" is derived from the same Latin word -- "radius."
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In the event of a fire, carbon dioxide is released inside the seal, which protects the actual sealing rings by smothering the fire at this point. This prevents a fire in the engine room from spreading further into the ship.
ProfiSeal fireproof bulkhead seals are fireproof to A-60 and watertight, have a dry-running gap seal and are easy to install thanks to split housings and sealing rings.
ProfiSeal is the supplier of the world’s only fireproof bulkhead seals for drive shafts. Like conventional bulkhead seals, the fireproof version has the task of sealing bulkhead openings for shafts. In addition, fireproof bulkhead seals ensure that fireproof bulkheads are actually fireproof.