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The 28580/28520 Timken is easy to (dis)assemble as it is a combination of a cup and a cone. The cone unit consists of an inner ring with cage and roller set. The cup is the outer ring. Single-row tapered roller bearings have an open design. Because of the internal construction, they must be mounted in mirror-image arrangement together with a second tapered roller bearing. Paired bearing sets can also be applied in X, O, or tandem arrangements.

The replacement of analog electronics with a microprocessor, a feedback controller, and thermistor calibration have improved accuracy and performance of the CFH over its predecessors. Further characteristics like reduced power consumption and low instrument weight made the CFH a successful instrument to perform in situ balloon-borne measurements of water vapor in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. CFH measurements are now used worldwide to validate radiosonde, satellite, and ground-based profiler measurements.

The 28580/28520 Timken is a single-row tapered roller bearing. This bearing type gets its name from the tapered rollers between the inner and outer rings. The raceways are conical. This design allows these versatile bearings to accommodate combined loads. They support high radial and axial loads (in one direction). The greater the contact angle, the greater the axial load capacity.

The main instrument component is a small mirror, which is cooled by a cryogen in order to be covered with a thin layer of water vapor condensate. A pair of photodiodes detects the condensation on the temperature-controlled mirror. The phase of the condensate is controlled by a force-freezing algorithm, allowing for clear interpretation of the dew point versus frostpoint.

The cryogenic frostpoint hygrometer (CFH) is a small, balloon-borne instrument that provides highly accurate measurements of water vapor in the atmosphere. The CFH has a significantly greater sensitivity to water vapor than standard radiosondes, as it can measure the frostpoint or dewpoint temperatures at an accuracy better than 0.2 K corresponding to water volume mixing ratio accuracies of only a few parts per million.

Lawson P and A Gettelman. 2014. "Impact of Antarctic mixed-phase clouds on climate." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(51), 10.1073/pnas.1418197111.

The 28580/28520 Timken is a single-row tapered roller bearing. This bearing type gets its name from the tapered rollers between the inner and outer rings. The raceways are conical. This design allows these versatile bearings to accommodate combined loads. They support high radial and axial loads (in one direction). The greater the contact angle, the greater the axial load capacity.The 28580/28520 Timken is easy to (dis)assemble as it is a combination of a cup and a cone. The cone unit consists of an inner ring with cage and roller set. The cup is the outer ring. Single-row tapered roller bearings have an open design. Because of the internal construction, they must be mounted in mirror-image arrangement together with a second tapered roller bearing. Paired bearing sets can also be applied in X, O, or tandem arrangements.