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“‘Argos, a very ancient city, has ever been under the especial patronage of the goddess Hera, who has a famous temple there. Every year, Argives choose a woman of noble family to serve for twelve months as Hera’s priestess; then a great festival is held, during which the new priestess is brought in a car drawn by oxen to the temple, where she dwells during her year of office.
“Come, do not look so downcast, little friend,” went on the former. “‘Tis my fault, I see; but you shall have another story to make amends — and the story will answer your question.”
“But by this time the base of the pyre was well alight, and, for all the soldiers could do, the flames kept mounting higher. All the water skins in the camp were emptied, and more water quickly brought from a neighboring stream, yet the sappy pine logs and dry brushwood burned even more fiercely. Then Croesus, perceiving that Cyrus had a favor towards him, no longer wished to die; bursting into tears, he cried with a loud voice: ‘Apollo! Apollo! Save thou me now, if ever my offerings at holy Delphi were acceptable in thy sight.’
Accelerating the mass of the outer ring normally requires the largest part of moment Mt. Assuming a coefficient of friction of m = 0.10 and a typical cam follower design, the following equation may be used for an estimate of the permissible angular acceleration a:
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“‘Next after Tellus,’ said Solon, ‘Cleobis and Biton, citizens of Argos, are the two happiest persons within my knowledge. You, king of Lydia, will no more have heard of them than of him; but since you desire to hear me further on this theme, I will relate their story…
Cam followerbearing
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Cylindrical roller thrust bearings have a wide contact surface with the bearing raceway which distributes load more evenly and supports higher axial loads in a ...
“‘I know the number of the sands and can reckon the drops in the sea. I understand the dumb and hear the voiceless. Lo, I smell the mingled savor of a hard-shelled tortoise and of lamb’s flesh boiling together in a cauldron — bronze is the cauldron, and bronze the cover.’
Track capacity is that load which a track subject to a uniform contact stress can withstand without excessive plastic deformation. It is directly related to track hardness. The published track capacity is based on a hardness of HRc 40. For other track hardness values the track capacity must be modified with factors from Table 1.
“Your rebuke, my worthy host, is both just and well-timed,” answered Herodotus with unruffled good humor; “I bow to it, and will say no more.”
Alternatively, contact stress can be easily calculated and compared directly to the strength of material. The equation for the Hertz contact stress between a cylindrical cam follower outer ring and a flat steel track is given by "Roark, Formulas for Stress and Strain" as:
“‘Because, in the first place,’ said Solon, ‘he was citizen of a free and well-governed commonwealth — for such was Athens during his time; also, he had good and brave sons, and lived to see their children growing up full of promise. Above all, after enjoying as much happiness as can be looked for by mere mortals, he made a glorious and happy end, for Tellus died in battle for his country, and in the hour of victory. He was buried at the public cost on the field where he fell, and the highest honors were decreed to his memory.’
“Convinced by this miracle that Croesus was a man beloved of the gods and truly virtuous, Cyrus had him taken down from the pyre, released from his fetters, and set in a seat of honor at his own right hand. Then, addressing him with the respect due to an equal: ‘Who persuaded you, King Croesus,’ he said, ‘to invade my territories, and to become my enemy, instead of my friend?’
“Now Cyrus had given strict commands, both before the battle and when he began the siege, that the king of Lydia should be taken alive. But when the Persian soldiers took the citadel and put all the garrison to death, one of them rushed into his chamber and was about to kill him, not knowing who he was. And Croesus, though he saw the sword pointed at his breast, neither spoke nor stirred, but looked at it with utter indifference — so stunned was his mind by sudden disaster. Another instant, and he would have been a dead man. But then a miracle happened…
Cam Followers are presented in five groups: Needle Roller Cam Followers; Caged Roller Followers; RBC Roller®; Long Life Cam Followers; Material Handling Rollers and Sheaves; and Airframe Track Rollers and Needle Bearings. RBC also produces a wide range of custom designed cam followers and track rollers. Designers and users with unusual application requirements should contact RBC to discuss custom designed cam followers.
“Now at that time no nation in all the East was more valiant and warlike than the Lydians: their whole army was cavalry, the finest in the world, superbly mounted and trained, and armed with long lances. Cyrus, like the great soldier he was, at first sight of their array knew that his own force, which was mainly infantry, could not stand before their charge, and swiftly he devised a stratagem. He ordered the train of camels that carried the provisions and baggage of the army to be unloaded; mounted some horse soldiers on them, and drew them up in front of his infantry, keeping his cavalry in the rear.
Cam followers and yoke rollers are pre-lubricated with an NLGI grade 2, lithium soap, mineral oil based grease with EP additives. RBC Roller type cam followers and yoke rollers are normally lubricated for life and have no provisions for relubrication. Needle roller type cam followers require relubrication depending on operating speed, duty cycle, operating environment, desired service life, etc. For relubrication in service, mineral oil, or any good roller bearing grease on mineral oil basis may be used. Inquire about compatibility of greases with different base oil and thickener. Except for the very small sizes (see tables), cam followers with screwdriver slots can be relubricated from both ends of the stud and through the housing. Table 2 lists suitable drive fit Alemite fittings. Plugs are furnished by RBC to close off unused passages.
Camandcam follower
“But,” said the little boy, when Herodotus had finished his story, “was it not very hard that Pheidippides should die, just when he was so happy? Was that the reward Pan meant?”
“The answer they brought back was in these words: ‘If he makes war on Persia, Croesus will destroy a great empire.’ Whereupon Croesus was overjoyed and, calling his lords and captains together he commanded that his host should be set in array with all speed and march across the frontier to attack the Persians; ‘For the god at Delphi,’ said he, ‘has promised me the victory.’ So Croesus went forth to battle, exulting.
L10 rev = Rating Life [106 rev] C = Dynamic capacity [lbf] Pe = Equivalent radial load
“The poor boy!” exclaimed Linnet. “I am so glad about him — I like that part of the story best. But did the Persian soldier listen to him?”
“My friend,” interposed old Cephalus, who had been placidly listening all this time, “you do but bewilder the child when you talk thus. If you must speak of truth, testimony, and the like, address yourself rather to his grandsire. I, simple as I am, can make shift to understand your distinctions between one story and another; but ’tis no task for a boy of nine summers, forward though he is.”
The limiting speed of rolling element bearings is primarily a function of size and internal design. The speed limits given in this catalog should not be exceeded on a continuous basis to prevent premature failure due to excessive temperature. Contact RBC for solutions to high speed applications.
Caged roller followers can operate directly on a hardened and ground shaft (HRc 58 min, 16 rms min surface finish) or can be used with matching inner rings. Operating without an inner ring yields the largest possible shaft diameter with greatest strength and rigidity. Axial guidance must be provided by the application. It is recommended to use hardened steel or bronze thrust washers with radial lubricating grooves as needed.
May 4, 2020 — The timing belt is the newer version of the timing chain. Timing belts operate much more quietly than timing chains. They're also stronger than timing chains.
“Then the Pythia —so the Delphic priestess is called— silently took her seat on the tripod in the inner shrine, whence she delivers her responses; presently the spirit of the god came upon her, and she answered after this manner:
202429 — If left to wear down further, a wheel bearing could seize and lock the axle, causing all sorts of additional damage to the drivetrain. Worst- ...
“‘My Athenian guest,” he said, smiling graciously, ‘your fame as a great traveler and a great observer has reached Lydia before you. I wish therefore to ask you, who is the happiest man you have ever seen?’
“Great and powerful as the king of Lydia was, a more powerful and a far wiser king presently arose in the East, and that was Cyrus, king of Persia. This warlike prince no sooner came to his throne than he set about adding new territories to the Persian realm; and soon his conquests reached almost to the river Halys, which was the eastern boundary of Lydia. Then Croesus, alarmed and jealous of his rising power, resolved to make war on Cyrus. But first, being a religious man, he wished to seek counsel of the gods. And having heard the fame of the ancient oracle at Delphi in Greece, where the god Apollo gave response to inquiries by the mouth of his priestess, he prepared to send envoys thither with magnificent offerings: a golden lion, huge bowls and vases of solid gold and silver, and the most splendid jeweled necklaces and girdles of his queen. And the envoys were to inquire of the god: ‘How will Croesus fare, if he makes war on the Persians?’
Initial misalignment should not exceed .001 in./in. Any misalignment generates thrust forces between outer ring and flange or end plate. Excessive thrusting can lead to increased operating temperature and destruction of the seal in standard cam followers and yoke rollers. Where misalignment and outer ring thrusting cannot be avoided, RBC recommends crowned outer rings or the RBC Roller design which is more capable to withstand thrust loads.
To keep deformation to a minimum, the outer ring of a cam follower must have a considerably heavier cross section than a standard bearing. This requirement conflicts with the desire for maximum dynamic bearing capacity which needs as large a roller diameter as possible. RBC cam followers and yoke rollers provide an optimum compromise between outer ring strength and theoretical bearing capacity.
Airframe track rollers and needle bearings are designed for high load carrying capability, light weight, and slow rotation or oscillatory motion. The exposed surfaces are plated to provide corrosion resistance. They are used in aircraft flap, slat and control applications, and in numerous non-aircraft applications. Series NBC needle bearings offer high capacity, thin cross section and unitized construction. They are commonly used in pivots and linkages. Series NBE and NBK needle bearings provide a spherical aligning outer ring to allow for misalignment. Applications and performance characteristics are otherwise similar to series NBC. Series NBF and NBL track rollers are designed with heavy outer ring cross section for track roller applications. They offer a corrosion resistant alternative to conventional yoke type cam followers.
“Indeed he did,” said Herodotus, “and was greatly frightened to think how nearly he had killed the Lydian king, for which Cyrus would have punished him with death. So Croesus was led a prisoner out of his city and into the Persian camp and brought before his conqueror.
“Then Croesus, who loved compliments and was expecting Solon to make him a flattering speech, imagined he was tongue-tied by the sight of such vast riches, and resolved to give him a cue.
“‘Now Cleobis and Biton were the sons of a noble Argive lady named Praxilla; these brothers were near of an age, and from their birth until they were some eighteen summers old they lacked nothing to make them completely happy. Well-born, and citizens of no mean city, they had a moderate fortune; they had not only sound health but superb bodily strength — already, indeed, they had won glory for Argos by victories in the Great Games…
Fatigue life, L10 [rev, hrs], is a statistical measure of the life which 90% of a large group apparently identical rolling element bearings will complete or exceed. For a single bearing, L10 also refers to the life associated with 90% reliability. The relationship between fatigue or rating life, capacity and load is:
“This discourse of Solon did not lessen the king’s displeasure. Croesus coldly bade him farewell and dismissed him without the mark of royal favor —a gift of gold or jewels— which he usually bestowed on distinguished strangers, for he said to himself: ‘This reputed sage, I find, is a very ignorant fellow — a mere blockhead. Otherwise, he would not shut his eyes to all my glory and grandeur, and prate to me about looking to the end.’
“But before he sent this embassy, Croesus thought it well to test the truth of the oracle, and this was the test he devised. He sent trusty messengers to Delphi with orders that on the hundredth day from their leaving his city of Sardis, they should demand of Apollo’s priestess what Croesus, king of Lydia, was doing on that day, and bring back her answer in writing. And the messengers returned, bringing this written answer:
Bearing Housing Assembly for Heavy wind sensors. This contains 2 of the 4 bearings in a TV-114. The other 2 are located inside of the generator assembly.
“To die when he was so happy,” repeated Herodotus, “happier than he could ever be again if he lived a hundred years… when his heart was throbbing with bliss so intense that it killed him… to pass away in that wonderful moment, with no pain. Yes, that was Pheidippides’s reward, for the gods themselves could give him nothing better. They could do only one thing more — they made him happy forever… Do you understand now, my child?”
202358 — Play at 6 and 12 can generally only come from a wheel bearing. ... from late fall to ... The back wheel had fallen off due to a bad bearing.
“More about Peleus and Cadmus, little one?” asked Herodotus, with a laughing eye. “Well, if you must have it — after much tribulation, they were each wedded to a divine bride: Peleus, to Thetis, the sea god’s daughter; and Cadmus, to Harmonia, child of golden Aphrodite. And the gods who live forever sat at both wedding feasts and bestowed gifts upon the happy bridegrooms; and for Peleus on Mount Pelion, and for Cadmus in seven-gated Thebes, the divine Muses sang the marriage lay. And both those heroes, as the nursery rhyme has it, lived healthy and wealthy to a green old age. Yet mark — Peleus saw his only son, Achilles, perish in his flower at the great siege of Troy; Cadmus, through his daughters’ sin against the gods, saw his heir strangely murdered and ended his days in exile. Thus fared those two acclaimed favorites of the gods. Much less, my child, can ordinary mortals expect abiding good fortune.”
RBC stud type cam followers have a new Hexlube® feature and come equipped with a grease fitting installed in the flanged end of the stud. This permits relubrication through the hex head. Standard Stud cam followers offer the mounting convenience of a threaded stud and are designed to accommodate moderate loads. They are available with and without seals. Standard stud cam followers are also available with crowned outer rings for applications where misalignment is a problem. Heavy Stud cam followers are designed to provide additional stud strength for applications with high loading or shock loads. Heavy stud cam followers are available with and without seals, and with crowned outer rings. Yoke Type cam followers are intended primarily for applications where loading conditions exceed the capabilities of stud type cam followers, or where clevis mounting is desired. Clevis mounting provides support on both sides of the cam follower and permits use of a high strength pin. Yoke type cam followers are available with and without seals, and with crowned outer rings. Cam-Centric™ adjustable cam followers are used where accurate positioning is required. They are particularly useful for reducing clearance or backlash in opposed arrangements, and for assuring load sharing in multiple cam follower installations. Seals and hex socket are standard features of Cam-Centric™ adjustable cam followers. Crowned outer rings are also available. Crowned Outer Rings are used to minimize outer ring thrusting in applications where the axis of the cam follower is not parallel to the surface of the track or is skewed relative to the direction of travel. Crowned outer rings are a good selection for use with curved or circular tracks. In well aligned applications, crowned outer rings can cause accelerated track wear.
“‘You shall hear, king,’ answered Solon. ‘The house where Praxilla lived with her sons was on a manor she owned, some leagues out of the city, and still more distant from Hera’s temple, which stood on a hill outside Argos. So, very early on the morning of the festival, she made herself ready for her journey. The car was ready also; but by some mistake or negligence of the farm thralls, the oxen that should have drawn it had been driven to work on an outlying field and were already far away. None others could be got near at hand — and no time must be lost, if the priestess was not to arrive too late for the solemn sacrifice at which she must take the leading part… Praxilla wrung her hands in despair and began to weep, but her sons lovingly bade her trust to them and be of good cheer. Then quick as thought they lifted her to her seat in the car and set their necks under the yoke; and putting forth all their youthful vigor, they drew her the whole way to the temple, in good time for the sacrifice.
Excessive acceleration causes sliding of the outer ring on the track. The effects range from minor uniform wear on cam follower and track to flat spots on the cam follower with subsequent failure.
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F = radial load [lbf] leff = length of outer ring contact [in] D = outer ring diameter [in]
Cam followers with hex holes cannot be relubricated from the flange end. Yoke rollers and sealed roller followers must be relubricated through the shaft.
99393. Periodic comprehensive preventive medicine reevaluation and management of an individual including an age and gender appropriate history, examination, ...
Caged roller followers provide large internal grease storage capacity for applications where relubrication is infrequent. Cage guided rollers and a very heavy outer ring cross section permit operation at high loads and high speeds. Caged roller followers are available with and without seals. The unsealed design provides the additional advantages of very low friction to prevent skidding in lightly loaded applications and flow-through lubrication. Caged roller followers normally mount directly on a hardened and ground pin. RBC offers a line of Precision Ground Inner Rings to simplify application of caged roller followers.
“‘Great king,’ answered Croesus, ‘what I have done has been to my own loss and to your gain. The cause of both was that god of the Greeks whom they call Apollo, by whose counsel I went to war. Of myself, I had never done so, seeing that the veriest fool knows that peace is better than war, for in peace, children bury their fathers; but in war, fathers bury their children. However, I suppose it pleased the gods that my enterprise should end in this manner.’
“Now Solon, being indeed a wise man, would not undertake this task until the Athenians had bound themselves by a solemn oath not to alter laws he gave them for ten years, except with his consent; which when they did, he forthwith took ship and sailed away to far countries, and there remained until the ten years were over. For he knew their love of change and that, if he stayed at home, they would try to force him to repeal his laws as soon as they grew tired of them. He had, moreover, a great desire to see the world and seek knowledge and wisdom from men of other countries; but nothing but the reason I have told you made him banish himself all those years from his own city.
The RBC Roller® was developed for applications where long cam follower life and maintenance-free service are essential. They are dimensionally interchangeable with needle roller cam followers. The RBC Roller® is a good selection for production machinery applications where down time is critical and must be avoided, or where cam followers are not readily accessible for relubrication or replacement. They are available in stud type and yoke type configurations. Two paths of end-guided, cylindrical rollers provide substantial increases in fatigue life and limiting speed. They can tolerate higher thrust loads than needle roller cam followers. Standard contacting lip seals offer enhanced protection against contaminants and positive grease retention. A large internal grease cavity assures maintenance-free service. Hex sockets are a standard feature. Crowned outer rings are available as an option.
“When Cyrus had besieged Sardis for a fortnight, he let proclaim a large reward in gold to the first man who made his way into the citadel — for he saw it could not be taken by storm. There was one part of the rock so sheer towards the top that it looked impossible to be scaled, and therefore no guard was posted on the rampart above it. The day before, however, a certain Persian soldier had seen a Lydian who was cleaning his armor let his helmet fall over the rampart. It stuck in a bush at the foot of the precipice — and to his surprise, the Lydian forthwith climbed down after it. Very slowly, very cautiously, he made his way down, and up again, feeling with feet and hands for certain projections and crannies of the rockface, which the Persian carefully noted. And next day, hearing of the reward, this soldier climbed up in the same way, followed by two or three comrades; they let down rope ladders, by which numbers ascended; and the citadel being thus surprised, the whole town was quickly taken and sacked.
The temperature limits of all standard cam followers and yoke rollers in this catalog, except airframe bearings, are determined by the temperature limits of the seals and the lubricant. The normal operating temperature ranges from -20° F (-29° C) to +250° F (120° C). For short periods the maximum temperature may rise to +300° F (150° C). Cam followers and yoke rollers without RBC's Glide-A-Seal® still contain a plastic glide pad between outer ring and flange or end plate which is subject to the same temperature limitations. RBC can provide special solutions for applications outside the normal operating temperature range.
Referring to Table 1, 149,800 psi is between 146,00 psi (HRc 32) and 165,000 psi (HRc 36). Interpolation yields minimum track hardness of HRc 33.
“Now while they talked thus, Croesus lifted up his eyes and saw troop after troop of the Persian soldiery returning to camp, laden with plunder from his city. He watched them awhile in silence, then said: ‘Does it befit me, King Cyrus, to tell you my present thoughts, or rather to hold my peace?’
“‘Indeed?’ said Croesus, with a look of vexation. ‘I should have thought… but no matter. May I know why you consider this Tellus, of whom I never heard, the happiest of men?’
Cam followerHS code
“Croesus no sooner read this response than he fell down and worshipped the god Apollo, for, having thought of something no human being could guess he would be doing, he had gone to the kitchens on the appointed day, chopped up a tortoise and a lamb with his own hands, and boiled them together in a bronze cauldron with a bronze lid. And being thus convinced that Apollo did verily speak through the Delphic oracle, he straightway sent off the envoys with those rich offerings and the question I have mentioned.
Cam Followerthk
6706 2RS ... Deep groove ball bearings - Single-row - Shielded/sealed type - Contact sealed ... Specifications (Boundary dimensions ...etc) ... Mounting dimensions.
RBC offers a wide range of rollers and sheaves specifically designed for material handling applications-lifting, conveying, and power transmission. All RBC rollers and sheaves use heavy duty roller bearing construction which provides maximum dynamic and shock capacity for longer service life than ball bearing designs. Lift Truck, Crane and Conveyor Rollers commonly referred to as mast guide rollers or carriage rollers, are used in lift truck masts and carriages, travelling cranes, and conveyor lines, where maximum capacity in an anti-friction roller is required. Sealed, lubricated-for-life versions are available. Chain Sheave and Sprocket Idlers for BL-leaf and ANSI "rollerless" roller hoisting chain are essential components of hoisting systems such as lift trucks and car lifts. They are also used as track rollers and as tensioners in power transmission chain drives.
“Now after traveling far and wide and seeing many wonders, Solon arrived at the court of Croesus, king of Lydia, who was said to be the richest man in the world. A most gorgeous court it was, and much visited by travelers, for Croesus was as hospitable as he was rich. He received Solon courteously and entertained him magnificently for three days; after that, he ordered some attendants to take him around the royal treasury and show him everything that was there. Vaults packed with gold ingots; huge piles of ivory, amber, silver; sacks of rubies, pearls, and emeralds; room after room full of armor, vessels, and ornaments all of pure gold and exquisitely wrought — all this and more was displayed to the Athenian stranger. He looked at it all attentively, but said nothing. And when, having seen everything, he was led back to the king’s presence, still not a word did he say about the splendors that had been shown to him.
“Why, I think I had better not,” said Herodotus, smiling pleasantly, “for one thing, a poet named Pindar has told it so well already that when you are a little older you will be glad to hear it for the first time in his great verse. For another thing, though I love storytelling, I make it a rule to relate only what I have myself seen or what I have good testimony for believing to have really happened. Understand me — I do not say the marvelous tales of poets concerning the heroes of past ages are not true. Nay, I devoutly believe them, for my own part. But I will not put them forth to the world on my authority.”
This is a chapter of Evergreen Stories by W. M. L. Hutchinson. It includes the following stories: King Midas and His Strange Adventures — Alcestis, the Noble Wife — The Real Helen — Cupid and Psyche — The Vision of Er — Circe, the Island Witch — Bellerophon, the Rider of Pegasus — How Theseus Slew the Minotaur — Odysseus in the Land of Shadows — Heracles and the Poisoned Robe | The Story of Pheidippides — The Story of Solon, Croesus, and Cyrus
“There came a time, however, when Croesus called to mind the words of the stranger from Athens and, with bitter cause, acknowledged that they were words of wisdom.
Latin from Scratch is a project by Paco Álvarez. Follow me on YouTube ?. Definitely subscribe to my newsletter ?; oh, and to my podcast ?️.
“It is said that, on hearing this reply from his messengers, Croesus acknowledged that the blame rested with himself, and gave thanks to Apollo for his mercies, for this once proud king, who had rejected and despised the lesson of Solon, learned wisdom from the stern teacher, Adversity. He grew so wise, indeed, that he became one of the most trusted counselors of the great Cyrus, at whose court he dwelt highly honored until his death.
Evaluation of the expected service life and limit loads of cam followers is more complex than with housed bearings. In addition to the static and dynamic capacity of the rolling elements, outer ring deformation, track capacity, and cam follower stud bending stress must be considered. In yoke rollers, the pin shear stress must be considered. Although RBC lists the static bearing capacity for comparative purposes, in most cases the applied loads will be limited by stud strength, pin strength, or track strength.
“Now Cyrus, it is well known, was not a cruel man, but one that loved justice and showed mercy even to his enemies. I therefore believe that he had some special reason for what he now did. He caused a huge pyre to be built of logs and faggots, and had Croesus, bound hand and foot with iron fetters, placed upon it to be burned alive. Perhaps he followed ancestral custom by sacrificing such first fruits of victory to the gods of Persia — or he may have been fulfilling a vow — or else, as I think most likely, he may have heard that Croesus was a very pious man, and wished to see whether any of his gods would deliver him. But be that as it may.
“Cyrus was struck with the wisdom of this remark. He at once ordered his officers and guards to withdraw out of earshot, then: ‘Wise Lydian,’ he said, ‘I take your meaning, and, since you give me friendly counsel, be assured I will treat you henceforth as a friend. Yonder men, as you well observe, are looting property which is now mine by fortune of war. But how am I to stop them? For by our Persian custom, which I hold sacred, my soldiers have the right to pillage a conquered town. Nay, to forbid them now were to risk mutiny.’
In cases of constant load, the equivalent radial load equals the constant load. To compute the equivalent load for all other cases, use:
“Even as he spoke, the clear sky was darkened with clouds; the next instant a heavy shower of rain extinguished the blazing pyre.
“‘Sire,’ replied Croesus, ‘since the gods have made me your servant, it is my duty to advise you as well as I can. Consider, then, that your Persians are as yet a poor nation, but haughty, fierce, and turbulent; to put wealth into the hands of such men is the surest way to breed rebellion. And there is treasure enough in Sardis to enrich your whole army, if you let them take it. So my advice is this: proclaim forthwith that you intend to dedicate a tenth of the spoils of Sardis to your god, wherefore every man must bring whatever booty he has already taken to an appointed place, that the whole may be reckoned. And as far the greater part remains yet untouched, set guards at each gate of the city with orders to prevent any more plunder being brought out until the royal scribes and overseers have made a survey and rendered you an account of all the wealth they find. When this has been done, and the tenth set apart, you can distribute as much of the spoil as you think proper among the soldiers, reserving the rest for yourself. Thus, sire, you may put a stop to their pillaging without offending them. For, being religious themselves, they will revere your piety; and being ignorant in such matters, they can have no idea what vast wealth Sardis contains.’
My soul, sit thou a patient looker-on;judge not the play before the play is done:her plot hath many changes; every dayspeaks a new scene; the last act crowns the play.
“‘Let me ask you, then,’ said Croesus, ‘what those crowds of your soldiery are so busy about, that we see coming and going yonder.’
“But in his vanity, he was thinking: ‘Though this uncourtly Athenian will not put me first, he will surely at least put me second.’
Learn Latin from Scratch following the traditional grammar-translation method: all the grammar and exercises you need, step by step!
I forget how it went on, but there was nothing about their having any troubles, I know, nor who they were. Will you please tell me that story, sir?”
Improve engine performance with quality valve stem oil seals. Choose from several types and sizes to fit your application.
“‘Such and so fortunate were these two lads, when it befell that their mother Praxilla was chosen Hera’s priestess. Then the roof and crown was set upon their happiness.’
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“Meanwhile, Croesus seemed still too dazed with misery to heed what was passing; he was placed unresisting on the pyre and stood there like one in a trance while it was being kindled. Suddenly, then, he came to himself, and that same instant the words flashed through his mind: ‘Call no man happy while he yet lives.’ And now he knew they were words of inspired truth. He uttered a deep groan and thrice called aloud the name of Solon. Cyrus, who sat to watch at a little distance, hearing Croesus, as he thought, invoke some god, bade his interpreters go near and ask who it was he called upon. Croesus would not answer for a while; at last, when they urged him, he said: ‘I named a man whose discourse it would more profit all kings to hear than to own all the riches upon earth.’ The interpreters were none the wiser and pressed him to explain; he shook his head and remained silent. Still, they plied him with questions, till at length, wearied by their importunity, he briefly told them how Solon, an Athenian, had once visited him, surveyed his treasures with quiet scorn, and uttered a discourse on the vanity of mortal things which now, too late, came home to his bosom.
In case of constant speed, the equivalent speed equals the constant bearing speed. In all other cases the quivalent speed is the weighted average of all individual speed components.
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For greatest rigidity and strength, the end plate should be drawn up snugly against a boss or other flat surface of the housing. The tables on pages 5 throughout 27 list maximum recommended clamping torque for lubricated threads, which is the normal condition. Use up to twice the listed torque for completely dry threads. The housing bore should be drilled and reamed to the recommended tolerance. If a greater tolerance is needed, it should be added to the plus side to prevent cam follower damage during assembly. If the cam follower stud fits tightly into the housing bore, use an arbor press and apply pressure against the central portion of the flange. Never press against the rim of the flange or the outer ring. Although wide blade screwdrivers may be used to hold cam followers during assembly, rounded tools conforming to the slot are preferable to avoid plastic deformation in the slot area. RBC offers a convenient socket (W suffix) for hex wrenches to provide a more substantial grip, especially for 'blind hole' applications. (Note this series can only be relubricated from the thread end or through the housing).
Cam Followermisumi
Equations for static and dynamic capacities of roller bearings are given in ANSI/ABMA Standard 11. The more recent revisions leave it up to the manufacturer to introduce factors which account for internal design features and operating conditions. For cam followers and yoke rollers RBC has chosen to apply a conservative rating system, so a direct comparison with capacity figures of competitive products may not be possible.
“There was a time, long ago, when the city of Athens was in great distress and disorder through the feuds and quarrels of her own citizens. The rich oppressed the poor, and the poor hated and envied the rich; the noble families quarreled among themselves, and some of them stirred up the commons to lawlessness, out of spite against their own kinsmen who were in authority. At last, weary of riots and bloodshed, the Athenians agreed to appoint some wise and upright man to frame a set of laws by which rich and poor might have equal justice, and their city be peaceably governed. And with one accord they chose one of their own citizens, whose name was Solon.
“‘Do you hold me so cheap, then, Athenian stranger, though you have seen my power and riches and glory — I say, am I, Croesus of Lydia, the richest and mightiest monarch alive, of such small account in your eyes that you rate obscure and private persons above me in point of felicity?’
“‘The gods themselves cannot avert the decrees of the Fates. It was ordained that Sardis should fall in the days of Croesus; Apollo therefore could not save it, yet for the king’s sake he prevailed with the Fates to delay its capture for three years. Let Croesus know that he prospered three years beyond his destined hour by grace of Apollo; let him remember who delivered him from the burning pyre. As touching the oracle he received, let him blame his own folly, and not the god, for Apollo foretold that, if he warred against Persia, he would overthrow a great empire. Had Croesus not been blinded by his own conceit, he would have sent again to inquire whether that empire was the Persian or the Lydian.’
“So Croesus sent certain Lydians to Delphi on that errand. When they entered the temple, they laid the fetters before the image of Apollo and delivered this message to the priestess: ‘Croesus presents to Apollo these first fruits of the war with the Persians and asks if he is not ashamed of persuading him to that war by a lying oracle that he should overthrow Cyrus. He asks also if it is the nature of the gods of Greece to be ungrateful.’
T = appropriate adjusting torque [lbf] C = cam followers dynamic capacity [lbf] e = eccentricity of cam follower [in]
The outer rings of regular ball and roller bearings are typically mounted in rigid housings providing support around the entire circumference. Individual roller forces are transmitted through the outer ring directly into the housing with no major deformations. By contrast, cam followers and yoke rollers are supported at a single point on their circumference. Individual roller forces produce bending moments on the outer ring around the point of contact. The effects are outer ring deformation with reversed bending stresses in dynamic applications, a reduced load zone, and a higher maximum roller load. See Figure 1.
“Cyrus was delighted with this plan and ordered it to be carried out immediately. ‘I see, Croesus,’ said he, ‘that you are resolved to keep a kingly mind in your adversity. Your giving me good counsel, instead of bearing me malice, shows you are as magnanimous as you are wise. Henceforth you are no longer my prisoner, but my honored guest. And to requite the service you have just rendered me, name what boon you will, and I will grant it, to the half of my kingdom.’ But Croesus said he desired nothing but leave to send his fetters to the god at Delphi, whom he had honored above all gods, and to upbraid him for deceiving one who had deserved so well of him. Cyrus inquired what the deceit was and, having heard the whole story of Croesus’s dealings with the oracle, he smiled and said: ‘You shall obtain not only this, but whatever else you ask of me at any time.’
It can be shown that for infinite life the ultimate tensile strength of track and roller must be at least equal to the maximum contact stress σc max .
“‘Now the assembled folk, seeing Praxilla thus brought among them and hearing what the two lads had done, were moved to great admiration. All the men loudly praised their feat of strength; all the women cried: «How blessed is the mother of such sons!» Then Praxilla, in a transport of joy and pride, hurried within the temple and, standing before Hera’s image, she lifted up her hands and prayed thus aloud: «Oh, holy and heavenly queen, vouchsafe now a boon to thy priestess! Forasmuch as my dear sons have so honored their mother this day in the sight of all Argos, grant them, I pray thee, the greatest blessing that the gods can bestow on mortal men.»
Cam followermechanism
“Croesus listened with what patience he could to the story of Cleobis and Biton; but when Solon made an end of speaking, he burst forth angrily:
“‘Ah, Croesus,’ answered Solon, ‘remember that you have sought my opinion concerning human happiness. And who am I? One who knows the divine power to be ever jealous, ever working change and confusion. One who knows that time in his course brings to every man many things he would fain neither see happen to others nor endure himself — yet must he both see and endure them. And consider this: a man’s life is threescore years and ten; that is, twenty-six thousand two hundred and fifty days, according to our Greek reckoning of months and years. Yet out of so vast a number, not one day is exactly like another. Neither when any day dawns can we tell what it may bring forth. Thus you see, Croesus, we men are but playthings of Fortune.’
“‘Be not offended, my royal host, though I cannot speak as you wish, for, though I see you are lord of vast treasures and a great kingdom, I cannot call you a happy man until I hear that you have made a happy end. Nay, I must tell you this — the richest of men is no happier than he who has enough to live in modest comfort, and many a rich man is miserable. My countryman Tellus, and the two Argive lads, of whom I have told you, had but little wealth, though sufficient for their needs. Their blessings were such as I have said —liberty, health, personal strength and beauty, family honor and affection— and in the case of Tellus, good children. But note, Croesus, that even a man who has all these good gifts I call not happy but fortunate — unless they abide with him till his life’s end. For to many a man the divine power shows as it were a glimpse of happiness for a season, and afterward casts him down into wretchedness. We ought, therefore, to call no man happy until he is dead; and before we pass judgment on a life or on anything else, we must look to the end.’
“There was with him his favorite son, a lad fair in mind and body, but dumb from his birth. For years Croesus had offered untold gold to any that would heal him, and, when all physicians failed, had consulted the Delphic oracle with no better success, for the response was: ‘Oh, foolish king, desire not to hear thy son’s voice in thy palace halls; better for thee that should never betide, for he will first speak in an unhappy house.’ And Croesus in his disappointment had harbored doubts as to the truth of Apollo’s oracle, until he proved it in the way I have told you. But now he was to have a proof yet more wondrous… In the anguish of seeing the sword raised to slay his father, the dumb boy’s tongue was loosed, and he cried out: ‘Man, kill not Croesus!’
“On came the Lydians at the charge, but their foremost horses no sooner saw and smelled the camels than they wheeled around, terrified beyond all control, and dashing on the squadrons behind them, threw the whole body into wild confusion. Soon a stampede began, as their riders tried to force rearward squadrons to the charge, and more and more horses winded or caught sight of the camels. Those beasts, you see, were new to the Lydians, so they did not know, as Cyrus did, that the horse is horribly afraid of the camel and cannot endure the very smell of one. But when this now dawned upon them, they leaped from their saddles, letting the maddened horses rush away; and gallantly they fought on foot, shoulder to shoulder, against the advancing Persians. But not for long could they make a stand against such odds. Hundreds fell; the rest, Croesus among them, fled back, a broken army, to his city of Sardis…
RBC yoke rollers correspond in many respects to the same size cam follower, except they are mounted on a pin for use in yoke type applications for greater shock resistance. Yoke rollers should be clamped axially or mounted within closely fitting side rails to prevent displacement of the end plates. For applications with heavy loads, it is recommended to heat treat the pin and use a press fit for the inner ring. A soft pin and light press or push fit are sufficient for lightly loaded applications. When press fitting a yoke roller, pressure should be applied centrally and uniformly against the end plate, never against the outer ring. The pin should have a suitable lead-in chamfer or radius to prevent scoring and to hold the mounting force to a minimum.
Eccentric cam followers are used when there is a need to make height adjustments between the cam follower and the track. By simply turning the entire cam follower inside the housing it is possible to adjust the distance between the cam follower and the track by twice the eccentricity. However, due to the mechanical advantage that the eccentricity provides, it is inadvisable that the cam follower be adjusted over this entire range. A very large force can be exerted on the track for a small applied adjusting torque as the eccentricity of the cam follower approaches ±90 degrees from a starting position parallel to the track, in the housing. Adjustments should be limited to ±45 degrees and the resulting preload should not exceed 10% of the cam followers capacity. The following equation can be used to find an appropriate adjusting torque.
“And that would have made him happy, you think,” said Herodotus with a sigh. “Ah, child, may you never feel in coming years how truly said some ancient sage: ‘No sharper pain than to remember happier things in hours of misery.’ And those hours come, soon or late, to every man upon this earth. Why, even the heroes of old —men of a mightier race than ours and sprung from the gods— suffered griefs and troubles manifold; even Peleus and Cadmus, renowned above them all for their good fortune. You have heard of those two, I am sure, my Linnet — for nurses sing rhymes about them over children’s cradles.”
Cam followerroller
“‘In them was made manifest the truth of the ancient saying: «Those whom the gods love die young.» Yes, in the prime of their youth, the height of their happiness, with such fair prospects opening before them, those two were snatched in a moment out of life. Whereby, oh, Croesus, the divine power that rules over all things signified plainly that death is better than life, for man that is born of woman.’
“‘Your idea of happiness,’ said Croesus, after a pause, ‘is quite new to me, and very perplexing. Perhaps I might understand it better if you were to tell me whom you reckon the next happiest man to Tellus.’
“I think I do,” said Linnet thoughtfully. “Athens was saved — and he had helped… and then, to run so splendidly and tell all the people the good news… No, all that could never happen again. But, if Pheidippides had lived, he would always have remembered it, wouldn’t he?”
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“Fourteen days later, the Persian king was master of the city, and Croesus, a captive in his hands. Now the citadel of Sardis was strongly fortified and built on a precipitous rock; Croesus had shut himself up there with great store of treasure and provisions, believing that it could hold out many months against a siege; meanwhile, he had sent prayers and lavish bribes to various allies to come and rescue him. And indeed, all might have fallen out as he hoped, but for an accident.
Cam followertypes
Example 5. Cam-centric cam follower S48LWX has a dynamic capacity of 4,600 lb, and an eccentricity of 0.03 in. Determine the appropriate adjusting torque. Solution:
May you be lucky, my baby dear,as ever King Peleus and Cadmus were,for the gods gave each a lovely wife,health and wealth and a long, long life——
Experiment with air pressure and atmosphere, vacuum filtering and checks for leaks. This pump features a gauge in inches, Hg. Displaces 725 ml of air. Pump rate ...
“‘Thus she prayed; and the gods, who see with other and clearer eyes than ours, straightway granted her prayer, for when they had joined in the holy rites of the day and shared the joyous banqueting that followed, Cleobis and Biton laid them down to rest that night in a chamber of the temple, and fell peacefully asleep — to wake no more.
“All this the interpreters repeated to Cyrus. And the great king was much moved, reflecting that he, too, was but a man, and subject to like reverses of fortune with the fellow mortal, so lately his equal in power and glory, whom he was destroying. Croesus had wantonly provoked him — yet who could tell whether the high gods, to whom vengeance belonged, might not be wroth with him for presuming to exact it beyond due measure? So thinking, Cyrus commanded his guards to put out the fire instantly and take Croesus down.
The force Ft produces a moment Mt, which must accelerate the masses of outer ring and rollers around the bearing axis, plus the rollers in the load zone around their own axes. The movement Mt can be calculated using:
Fear no more the heat o’ the sun,nor the furious winter’s rages;thou thine earthly task hast done,home art gone and ta”en thy wages.
Example 1. Determine the required minimum track hardness for an RBC cam follower S 56 L operating under a 3000 lbf radial load. Solution: