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I followed Wintergatan on YT since 2016 to 2019-ish?, and yesterday I was suddenly like "How's he doing now? Maybe completed MMX and released a new album or something?"Then, I end up reading many threads here and r/MarbleMachineX and like... man... I didn't expect things went such a weird path. He started admiring some shady blockchain stuff, Elon Musk, then abandoned the MMX project, which was actually working quite good, just because it's not perfect, then now trying to make a 10-meter wide stage-integrated machine, from scratch?
I remember, I and my dad (we're from Japan, my dad's background is an IT engineer) were really into his works and enjoyed Wintergatan Wednesdays for a while. Then I left my home to get a job, and one day I visited and asked to my dad "How's Wintergatan doing? Is he touring to Japan soon?" My dad showed mixed feeling and "Well actually I'm not following him nowadays, he looks kind of stuck..."
I (still) love his and his bands' music, it's very different and gorgeous. I was actually (I admit it sounds cold but) almost amused to find Martin has changed, seemingly, from a talented musician to a wanna-be tech-bro. But I watched this video and it brought me more genuine sadness than schadenfreude. The performance, video, the smile of Martin, are all genuinely charming, and I can't see such charm from his current project.
I wonder where actually Martin will end up to be. I hope he'll get back to music making with his smaller, creative, imperfect instruments.
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